Recently an IGN staffer tweeted that today they’d put up more Sonic Lost World stuff, and they certainly delivered. Above you can see 12 minutes of gameplay showcasing one Windy Hill act and two Desert Ruins acts with commentary from IGN guy and Aaron Webber. You can also see Sonic’s new moves, the return of the Wisp abilities and Aaron Webber failing to get to an alternate path. IGN also put up a new preview with some new details.
Besides the Wii U gameplay above, there are also three gameplay clips of the 3DS version (made by DIMPS) for you to watch on your computer monitor after the jump.
I’m so damn glad DIMPs didn’t fuck up with the 3DS version, that Windy Hill is soo sexy it’s crazy.
Out of all the acts we’ve seen so far, Windy Hill Act 1 is the only one that gives me any Mario Galaxy vibes, everything else is pure Sonic Team.
And I’m so glad they stayed true to their word that all acts will be different. Desert Ruins Act 1,2, and 3 look so damn different it’s rediculous. We go from a pyramid tomb to candy psychedelia to runnin through honey combs. And all levels have 3 acts? Sweet Jesus
I get the same feelings as with the X1 presentation. Huge dissapointment.
I’m a huge sonic fan since the beginning. I really love all their games, including ’06, Unleashed and Generations.
But this game… Well, how to put it nicely…. … it sucks….
It’s terribly slow. Graphics look terrible, even it was on a genesis. And the gameplay looks everything but interesting…
With the next three sonic titles to be WiiU only. And this pointless gameplay it really saddens my day that Sonic won’t be their for me like the next 6 to 9 years….
I dunno about the graphics. I see at least 17 different shaders in the Wii U video, as well as High Definition 1080p video processing and subsurface scattering, plus little to no chroma subsampling.
Also, I heard that Sega is releasing a Sonic & E.T. spinoff exclusively for the Xbox One. The goal in this game is Sonic has to help E.T. phone home.
Desert Ruins needs more light-scared ghosts.
The 3ds version isn’t super watered down?! the game looks awesome!? HYPE IS EXPLODING IN MAH PANTS!
I find it similar to mario galaxy in the first level they showed, and in the candy land level, very similar to New super mario bros.
Its kind of weird to see sonic in a mario like game, but i think its gonna a be a pretty good game !
Some of these chucklenuts won’t be satisfied until they can continue wasting their lives away raising idiotic hackeysack bags.
Clearly these people know what it takes to market a Sonic the Hedgehog game. I can’t help but marvel at their deductive reasoning for what makes a Sonic game.
Nngh, I can’t. I just…I can’t. Ugh. I can’t.
Man, the 3DS one looks fun, even though it’s a bit rough around the edges still. (The desert level looks like a nightmare to go through, though.) It’s a bit strange how some of the SFX and the Invincibilty music come from Sonic Heroes.
I love how it’s like no one’s heard of placeholders for music. They did it for Sonic Generations 3DS with mushroom hill, and everyone complained like crazy. Final version comes out, entirely different music.
Complain if it doesn’t change in the final product.
Yeah!!! So many of my questions have been answered!!!!!! I can’t wait till fall!
Hey the guy actually called them badniks!
And they brought back that one CD badnik.
And they mapped sprinting to its own button.
And they brought back spindash.
And they brought back animal canisters.
These guys are getting really good at this.
Windy Hill seriously blew my mind, but both of the Desert Ruins levels were kinda… eh.
Wow. I’m actually really happy with this. Looking really good.
I was afraid the 3DS version was going to look like crap. I was wrong. It looks really great.
And the U version is looking quite nice as well. I think I will be buying this one. 😛
The music is also sounding very nice. Is that Sonic Heroes playing for the invincible theme in the 3DS gameplay? 😀
I think “slowing down” Sonic is actually a good idea in this game because this game seems to need it a bit slower. Games like Sonic Unleashed were built to let the ridiculously high speed work. I enjoyed that speed. It made me satisfied. In this situation, I think it would be frustrating if it was that fast, so slowing him down and give the player the freedom to control his speed actually is a really nice idea.
Also, Sonic is bouncy when he jumps. 😛
Both versions look awesome. And where’s the desert for te desert ruins?
Seems to be playing the same pun NSMBU did with its second world. Desert stage with ice cream cone mountains and cakes everywhere.
I was expecting loads of comments having to do with the fact that we already had a sweet themed level in a 3D sonic game for a nintendo system.
I seriously hope people whining about this game aren’t just upset that it’s exclusive to Nintendo platforms. It’s a HUGE red flag when the end of people’s comments have something along the lines “I hate that Sonic is exclusive”
The game look great. I’m loving the different settings and abstract art-styles being used. That desert level for the Wii U looked absolutely gorgeous. The 3DS version also looks pretty good for a 3DS handheld title.
Keep in mind the Wii U version is running at 60FPS. Other games in the series ran at 30FPS and with dips. 60FPS should look sexy as hell here. The resolution might actually be true HD this time around too and not upscaled.
The confirmation of online/local 4 player modes sounds exciting. That is sure to extend the longevity of the game. The many different branching paths and unlockables also sounds exciting. I personally can’t wait to pick up this game when it comes out. It’s turning out to be one of Sonic’s finest adventure since the classics.
Classic, Speedy, Cartoony, free-roaming, fun, and not so fast that it lacks challenge. The Sonic everyone wanted is back, guys.
A-And… is that the SPIN-DASH?! OH MY GOD!
I’m mixed on where they’re actually going with this because I dunno what to think of LW in comparison to other Sonic games.
But at the very least, it looks like a solid platformer I’d enjoy, and if it turns out well then that’ll be my third Wii U game hopefully.
The game seems somewhat lacking in the flow department… gameplay seems kinda choppy and unsatisfying. I love the fact that they are diversifying level tropes and gameplay/level design styles, and lots of Sonic’s moves look like they have good game feel… but I feel like the pacing looks WAAAY off. The cannons fire in an extremely slow and choppy manner, especially when chained together (load in Sonic, turn, wait, fire, rinse, wash, repeat).
I’m not saying that they need to keep the high-speed boost-to-win approach, because it wasn’t perfect, but I feel like playing a level of that or one of the adventure games would be more satisfying.
I can live with the graphics, but the gameplay looks very dumbed-down. It doesn’t look like there’s any skill involved.
With generations or unleashed, kids could have fun just getting through the level, and adults could enjoy speed running, finding shortcuts, and pulling off flash stuff. Looks like this game is solely aimed at 6 year olds.
The rotation on the first level also made me feel a bit queasy.
Ugh, the Wisps are back. But *why* are they back, why didn’t they stay on Planet Wisp is the question no Sonic Colors fan seems to be asking.
Item boxes are back <3
Well the biggest thing is they slowed Sonic down made the gameplay focus more on platforming. But it doesn’t look like its good platforming. Look at all the bottomless pits. But strange enough I think I will enjoy this more than Generations. They just need to cut down on the bottomless pits and I mean a lot. And they brought back mach speed sections. Why?
Looking really awesome. You know, the funny thing about the saturn wisp is that it acts like the void wisp but saturn is the least dense planet.
Nope. I refuse to be impressed. I was impressed with Unleashed, I was impressed by Colors, and I was impressed by Generations. I hate all of those games. I simply will not allow myself to enjoy anything about it until I see the credits roll.
Ugh, you nitpicky fanbase. I bet that even if Sega was still producing Genesis Sonic games you all wouldn’t be happy.
Still, I can see how fans would be half-and-half about this one. It is a bit of a departure from past games. I personally think it’s a good departure, but obviously its one that isn’t going to float everybody’s boat.
I also think slowing Sonic down is a good idea, too. Can’t tell you how many times I’d get frustrated with a Sonic game when I can’t do something I need to in the game because I just can’t get the stupid hedgehog to go slow enough! So I’m liking the idea, and it’s not like the super-speed is ALL gone. Sega’s worked to please everybody by letting the player choose the speed to move at.
So it’s not boost-to-win gameplay. I thought that was a good thing?
Right behind you, man.
Sonic’s main goal is still to be unique and different, but still be popular. (AHEM YOU CAN BUDGE ANY DAY NOW POKEMON) I REALLY like this approach.
The thing is, a lot of people who claim to be “retro fans” don’t understand something. Speed is a REWARD, not a given. For keeping momentum, pulling off tricks, and taking the best routes. Remember how satisfying it was to gather up so much speed by rolling down a hill, or soar so high and land back on your feet, momentum and all?
I want this game. so bad.
Well, this looks interesting. I’m kind of baffled by the decision to bring back the Sonic Battle shockwave though. Of all the moves Sonic has had at his disposal over the years that was not one I really expected to become an important gameplay element in a main series title.
It seems like that move is only in the 3DS version though.
I play Sonic Battle on my Gameboy to this day (trying to get all the Emerl super moves), and I don’t make that connection. I am ashamed of myself. Anyways, congrats to you for being observant.
Well according to videos we also see one Wisp as connetion between Hover and Frenzy in Wii U Version and Hover and Void in 3DS Version .
I think the 3DS version looks great, but can anyone else see those barriers on the sides?
You can’t jump over those, I bet, and that means that it’s not technically spherewalking at all! However, this means it’s straight 3D sonic platforming on a mobile device!! OMGYESIWANDISSOBADOEINFSKJN
That honeycomb level has some pretty serious Knuckles Chaotix Special Stage vibes; nice to see that again.
This game looks fun, but I’m gonna reserve judgement until I’ve actually played. After all, looks can be deceiving. I am very much a fan of the run crazy fast style gameplay of Unleashed and Generations. However, too many games with just that would get stale after awhile. I think one of Sega’s biggest problems is not that they’re trying to please all the fans, but that they try to please everyone in a single game and wind up pleasing no one. Nintendo handles this problem quite well with Mario. Each title or series focuses on something different. Each game is one idea aimed at pleasing gamers of a particular playing style such as racing or platforming. Everyone is pleased with Mario games not because Mario is better, but because Nintendo focuses its energy in one direction at a time. Sega needs to learn that.
not sure about this candy world business. If this was Tiny Toons the video game then sure thing.