Daily Archives

June 5, 2013

Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Humor

Fan-Game Frenzy: Sonic Doom II – Bots on Mobius

Watch live video from vidyaretro on TwitchTV

Have you subscribed to our Twitch channel? We’ve been doing some streams to mess about while we prepare for the next Retro Community Day (Which is likely to happen soon!) When you subscribe, you’ll learn about when we do some unannounced streams. (That is, what we don’t announce on the front page.)

Last Friday, me and the Retro crew sat through the precursor of Sonic Robo Blast 2; Sonic Doom 2 – Bots on Mobius, a total conversion of Doom II: Hell on Earth that attempts to bring the aesthetics of the Sonic universe with guns. Well, sort of. We play through the mod to it’s completion, for better or worse as I jog my memory of this mod from over 10 years ago. Sonic fan games during the 90’s were certainly something else and somehow, I spent some time of my youth playing this. Probably more than I should have.

If you want to play the mod for yourself, SSNTails recently updated the mod to be compatible with zDoom and you can find it here.

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