Game News

Sonic Lost World to be Revealed on May 29th, Six New Characters Teased

Last week there were a couple of comments on a Sonic Stadium article that claimed the Sonic Facebook page accidentally revealed that Sonic Lost World will be unveiled on May 29th and that the game would feature six guardians of the Lost World who may or may not be evil. There was no proof that this Facebook post was actually made so we automatically assumed it was fake…

soniclw alien teaser

Turns out that rumors that can’t be backed up can actually be true sometimes. SEGA made a Facebook post confirming that the rumor along with this teaser image showing the silhouettes of the six cartoony alien guardians who may be evil. Of course, because Takashi Iizuka is working on this game and he worked on Sonic games that featured evil aliens, these aliens can definitely be nothing else but very evil.


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  • Reply

    The big one looks like an Electabuzz

  • Reply

    This can actually turn out pretty cool, if they play their cards right. The designs look pretty stylized in a good way, and they seem to be more of “the six guardians” or what have you of this planet. My only concern is that means this game might only have 6 levels, then? If they add a few acts that might not be a problem but eh.

    Still, looking forward to this. Looks pretty…till, looking forward to this. Looks pretty…



  • Reply

    Huh. You know.

    I actually kind of like these character designs. They give me a Ristar vibe once I find the other inspiration aside from Rayman.

    But this also makes me wonder if Uekawa is finally branching his style out again to be as cool as he used to be in the 90s.

    Now to see if the game itself will be worth me giving a shit. Which with Nintendo helping develop this game? This better be really damn good. Hint, hint, Nintendo you know how to do rolling ball physics in 3D games. Show Sega how the fuck it’s done.

    • Reply

      No rolling ball physics = bad game.

      I always loved your logic Greg. It’s helped me to make a definition for “tunnel-visioned one-track-minded whiner that can’t accept styles beyond his own ‘ideal’ style.”

      I call it a “Greg.”

  • Reply

    Well Sonic Lost World reminds me Rayman 2 , Sonic CD , Sonic the Hedgehog 4 : Episode II and Little Big Planet and also that game reminds a bit Skylanders .

    • Reply

      “…game reminds a bit Skylanders”

      Yep, that’s exactly what I was thinking :(…

  • Reply

    The most caught my attention was the appearance of character from the lower left corner .

    • Reply

      That probably caught your attention because she seems to be the only girl guardian in that picture. It reminds me of how Wendy O’ Koopa is the only girl koopa of the koopalings and how the rest of them… are all… cartoony……. OH SHIT!

    • Reply

      Oh no…
      Kabam I think you have something here. Left to right, Wendy, Iggy, Lemmy, Ludwig, Morton. (No I can’t figure out what the sixth would be)

  • Reply

    I’m getting a heavy Chinese mythology vibe from these guys.
    Bottom left looks like a femme fatale type, and bottom right seems to be “old martial arts master leaning over a cane”.

  • Reply

    I saw that earlier today, for some odd reason I get Rayman Origin’s vibe from this, I kinda hope we get a Sonic game like that XD

    Has it ever occurred to you that some people may actually like Takashi Iizuka’s games? Really stop stating opinions as facts people, classic =/= always mean good (think Sonic Labyrinth and Knuckles Chaotix) and modern =/= always mean bad (think Sonic Colors) :p

  • Reply

    If they give the guardians a likable personality, this might work! i’m actually excited!

  • Reply

    So long as they’re not rebooting the franchise, I guess it’ll be ok. Still expecting Robots and the “Giant Talking Egg” in it 😛

  • Reply

    Well… Not bad. A little to cartoony, but I still like it.

    • Reply

      >A little too cartoony

      You’re playing a game about a super-speedy blue hedgehog with proportions that aren’t even that of a real hedgehog OR a human who rides a biplane piloted by his best friend, a yellow-orange fox with two tails with a pun for a name, while you save the world from an overly-round individual.

      Can you honestly read that sentence and deny there isn’t a heavy amount of “cartoon”-ness to it? You’re playing a cartoon game. Therefore, there’s going to be cartoon characters. :I

  • Reply

    Well knuckles was a guardian and look how that turned out. Besides Colors’ aliens were good and my god I’m confused. It’s different I’ll give them that… but too different. WTH AM I LOOKING AT!!!??? 29 come quickly!!

  • Reply

    You can bet each one of them is a boss. Meaning we have 6 levels to run through.

  • Reply

    what if for some weird reason they did a play off of the chaos emeralds , such as sprites of each emerald , with the 7th one being a guide for sonic or for Robotnic,with each zone being for the respective emerald, even though this sounds like a crazy fanfic idea @__@

  • Reply

    I think it’s interesting to see that these are characters in a Sonic game. You normally would not expect anything like this

  • Reply

    The leftmost character silhouette looks like a female chameleon judging by its wide hips, curled tail and horn(?) found at the top of its head; I can imagine the character being pretty flirty due to her(?) pose. 🙂

    I thought the next character was some sort of primate but upon closer inspection, it’s most likely a dragon of sorts.

    I’m not sure what to make out of the next character.

    The fourth character reminds me of Bowser (that could have something to do with Nintendo and SEGA being in a partnership for Sonic: Lost World).

    The fifth character looks like a weird mix of the Pokémon Primeape and Magmortar and the Sonic 3 final boss, Big Arm due to its pretty large arms and spiky dome-shaped head.

    The final character appears to be a rodent that’s slightly influenced by NiGHTS due to its striped and slightly curled horn.

    These characters look interesting and I look forward to seeing them in full. 🙂

  • Reply

    Knuckles is a guardian too! We need some new, stylized Knuckles love to round out to seven!

    Although as much as I like the style (from what I can see of it), I can’t help but get an AoStH vibe. Crazy-but-lazy, if you know what I mean.

  • Reply

    This reminds me of Patapon 3 in a way. (The Seven Archfiends)

    • Reply

      Someone hasn’t gotten all the Chaos Emeralds yet…

      (You need to beat the game with all the emeralds sir)

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    Featuring Melloeta, Haunter, Unown, Emboar, Electrive & Heatmor.

    And I swear if the map is just like Unleashed only with hexagons I’m going to lol.

  • Reply

    Am I the only one who noticed the Bowser-Like Spiked Bracelets that the seemingly Male characters wear?

    First thing I noticed that is they all have horns or ‘Spikes’ of some form on their heads. Each of the male characters (From what I could make out) have only two toes, while the alleged Female Character appears to be wearing shoes.

    The round one with his hands up resembles Bam-Bam in a sense, even taking on his Trademark pose. It’s also interesting how that tiny one, next to the Female and midair purple characters, it appears to be standing on something.

    That guy in the middle, though, is indeed Bowser like. First off, he has Bowser-like horns, and Bowser Jr-like hair. Then there’s thise Spiky-Bracelet-Cuff things. It also has those Bowser Hands, that right hand it holds out, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Bowser do that somewhere before.

    But yeah, a cartoony, Skylanders style is what I’m seeing in these guys. It might actually turn out nice, especially if they work with these characters right. Something about this teaser image brings me back to Spyro and Crash games in 2003, no idea why.

  • Reply

    Is this a Skylanders crossover? o.O

  • Reply

    You can bet dollars to donuts those guardians are bosses too.

  • Reply

    I reckon that female one has a pipe in her mouth which may be an illusion that has a mustache in her silhouette .

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    I’ve noticed most, if not all, of these characters have spiked bracelets.
    That, the chameleon appearance of the first and last of these, and the fact that Espio also has a similar set of bracelets, makes me think Espio might be somehow involved in this new set of characters.

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