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January 2013

Game News, Sega Retro

The Cave Finally Has a Release Date: Next Week

SEGA seemingly finally remembered that they hadn’t announced a specific release for The Cave yet even though they said that it’d be out this month, so now they have: it’ll be out January 22nd on Playstation Network and the Wii U eShop, January 23rd for Xbox Live Arcade and PC and Mac through Steam. It’ll cost $14.99 in the US, £9.99 in the UK and €12.99 in the rest of Europe.

What SEGA hasn’t mentioned in their PR is that it will also be available on Linux through Steamplay, making this the first game published by SEGA to be released on the OS.

[Via Ron Gilbert’s Twitter and SEGA Blog]

Animation, Community, Fan Works, Game News, Miscellaneous, Sega Retro, Site News

Monday Links: Suddenly Fingers Edition

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, and by that I mean not go to Sonic-related websites in the past few days, you know that Eddie Lebron released his Sonic fan film last week. And if you’ve seen you’ll probably think that it’s impressive for a low-budget fan project or that it’s crap. Or you actually have a different opinion than the majority of the internet, but that’d just be silly. Anyway monday links.

Sonic Retro News

  • Missed the community stream we did last Friday? It’s fully archived on Youtube along with a first look stream we did a while back. [Youtube]
  • Dario released a new version of SonicGMI for Sonic Generations. [SonicGMI]
  • Something that I missed last week, Mercury is working on a Sonic engine for in Game Maker called AeStHete (An excellent Sonic the Hedgehog engine that’s editable). [AeStHete Engine Thread]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • The first details on the PC version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed got revealed and the game is up for pre-purchased on services like Steam. [ASRT PC]
  • Planning on getting Aliens: Colonial Marines for PC? You’ll probably want to know the system requirements. Also like All-Stars Racing Transformed, it can now be pre-purchased from Steam. [AVPGalaxy]
  • SEGA also released a TV Commercial for Aliens: CM. [Youtube]
  • The Conduit is coming to Android and will be optimized for Nvidia’s Project Shield.  [Polygon]

Other Stuff

  • Want another Jurassic Park movie? No? Well you’re probably going to watch this new sequel that’s in production anyway. [Coming Soon]
  • CD Projekt, makers of the The Witcher games showed the first teaser trailer for their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077. [Youtube]
  • Joe Biden talked to some video game industry people because apparently people still blame school shootings on games, because I’m certain that other things like the media have no affect on things like that. [Youtube]

Video of the Week

  • The best dubstep singer yet


Mobius: 25 Years Later: The Review, Part 9 – The Myth of the Mobius Sleepover

A lot can be said for having a character study in a strip that is otherwise full of action and adventure. While it’s fun to watch the hero punch the bad guy and save the day, you can only do so much. Without engaging characters at the center of the story, there’s no reason to keep on watching. Having one-dimensional hijinks from two-dimensional characters can only keep people intrigued for so long. Video games don’t have to be as great in the characterization department as a major motion picture, yes, but a person playing a game is expecting different things than the person sitting down and, say, reading an issue of Sonic the Hedgehog. I don’t need to know every detail of Eggman‘s motives as I run through the Green Hill Zone. In a comic, I need texture. Having 22 pages of Sonic running and jumping and saying nothing is not how you keep a comic book going for two decades.

At the same time, you can’t have a comic book about Sonic be just a bunch of talking heads. You need a careful balance of exposition and explosions. Having the occasional issue where the characters are able to sit back and talk is important. Being able to examine everyone’s motives, explore their hopes and fears, and even having them grow in some fashion can keep people interested. Then you can go back to Sonic popping badniks and throwing out one-liners.

Ken was acutely aware of this as he tried to shift the comic towards the Saturday morning mindset, having extended plotlines showcasing the heroes with both victories and failures, not to mention the occasional introspective moment. But whatever balance he had in those early days seemed to disappear long before he got to writing Mobius: 25 Years Later. Having a hundred pages of flimsy character study with nothing else does not inspire your audience to read on.

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Game News

Release Date and Price for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on PC


Finally some good news for those who were waiting for the PC release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The product page of the game has gone up on Steam, revealing that the release date is January 31st. Like Sonic Generations it also has a cheaper price than the console version: $29.99 in the US, €24.99 in Europe and £19.99 in the UK. However, if you pre-order the game 10% will be taken off the price and it can be bought in a 4-pack.

GreenManGaming also has it up for pre-order for the same price, but you can get it for another 25% off with this coupon code: GMG25-XTYYZ-POSL1. The product page also reveals the minimum requirements that you need to know if your PC can actually run this game:

  • CPU: 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent
  • Ram: 1GB Ram (Windows XP), 2GB Ram (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8)
  • Video Card: 256MB with Shader Model 3.0 support
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
  • HDD: 6.7GB free hard drive space

[Thanks to Trunks for the GreenManGaming coupon code]

Fan Works, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Speed Demos Archive Hosts Charity Event Featuring Colors, 06, Shadow and More


While this is a week-long event, the folks behind the Speed Demos Archive are hosting a charity event and hours of video games “Done-quick” live….right now! Even if you’re waiting for Lebron’s film, you’ll recognize some participants such as Da1andonlysonic.

Also if you donate, not only will you be eligible for prizes, you’ll also be able to sway certain campaigns, such as which character you’d like to see played in Sonic 2006. Check out the prizes and schedule here.

They’re currently going through Sonic Colors and can watch the stream on their website or through their Twitch page.

Also, hey! It’s for charity! Show some love and fight for a cure for cancer.

Community, Site News

Transformed Online Community Day this Friday at 5PM Central

Learn to drift. You're able to drift in all vehicle modes which reward boost.

It’s the new year, all the gifts have been unwrapped and skills have improved. We’re re-inviting all of you to the Retro Community Day for Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed this Friday, 5PM Cental. We’ve got a number of invites from across all systems, but it’s not too late to join in. Send your friend request to VidyaRetro on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U. Further details to follow that day, which as usual we will stream on TwitchTV live for all to watch.

Community, Fan Works, Game News, Hardware, Sega Retro, Site News

Monday Links: Powered by Nvidia Tegra Edition

2013 has still only just started, meaning there’s still not a whole lot going on when it comes to news. Still, some of what’s going on is pretty cool, like Nvidia announced their very own gaming handheld. And it uses Nvidia Tegra technology! Meaning that Bartman3010 should be writing this Monday Links because praising Nvidia Tegra is his thing, but he’s busy so I’ll do it for him: Nvidia Tegra is amazing and cool and probably cooler than you are and can run Sonic 4 Episode 2. And that’s what Bartman3010 maybe would have written for today’s Monday Links.

Sonic Retro News

  • Remember Sonic XG? Apparently Joseph Waters (Nitemare) is still working on it and had put a new video of the game online last week. [Youtube]
  • Strife has uploaded an updated demo of his upcoming game Freedom Planet, he’s also looking into starting a Kickstarter page of the game soon. [Freedom Planet]
  • David the Lurker’s weekly reviews of Mobius: 25 Years Later are still going, so go read those or something. [Mobius: 25 Years Later Part 8]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Anarchy Reigns releases tomorrow you guys, or on Friday if you live in Europe. [Anarchy Reigns]
  • Even though SEGA has put a lot more focus on releasing games digitally lately, they were still the sixth best retail games publisher in the UK. [MCVUK]
  • Here’s a new trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines that we forgot to link last week. [Youtube]
  • Nvidia announced their own brand new Android gaming handheld using the latest of the amazing Nvidia Tegra technology. Meaning you can probably run Sonic 4 Episode 2 on it, so there’s your Sonic news for the week. [The Verge]

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Mobius: 25 Years Later: The Review, Part 8 – A Dinner Party At The End of the World

When Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog first started, it worked on an extremely simple premise. Freedom Fighters, striking from a hidden base, have victory after victory against the evil Dr. Robotnik, although the status quo never changes. With no concern to follow continuity, the light-hearted, pun-centric stories could do whatever they wanted. But looking at the ambitious scope of the Saturday morning cartoon‘s second season, Ken Penders was inspired to transform the comic into something that could be even greater than what was seen on the airwaves.

This was when Ken’s obsession with world building began. In a fictional universe, sometimes even the smallest details can help flesh it out. One look at the original Star Wars films, for example, proves just that. When Luke and Obi-Wan walk into the Mos Eisley Cantina in the first film, all these strange creatures from across the universe are sitting together, each with their own story, adventures that go far beyond what Luke Skywalker was doing. The audience didn’t need to know the name of every species or their occupations, simply the fact they existed gave it credence. This was a living, breathing universe that had existed long before the rebels stole the plans to the Death Star.

Introducing concepts and characters that could be revisited by other authors down the line was what Ken wanted to do. Build a living, breathing world where untold adventures and civilizations lay just beyond the horizon. He did this before Endgame, it was the expressed purpose of Brave New World, and the Knuckles series had new idea after new idea in almost every arc. Just coming up with a slew of ideas doesn’t automatically make them good, however. Sometimes, it can even bury the story you are trying to tell.

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Game News, Sega Retro

PSA: Anarchy Reigns Comes Out Next Week

While Japanese have been able to play Platinum’s latest game, Max Anarchy, since July 2012, everyone in the US and Europe hasn’t been able to play the game without spending extra money on importing it. Now it’s finally coming here as Anarchy Reigns with a budget price of $30. SEGA doesn’t seem to be doing a good job letting people know about this, so if you’ve never heard of the game before, watch the Japanese Launch Trailer:

Basicly, it’s a competitive multiplayer brawler with an awesome soundtrack and all the ridiculousness you can expect from Platinum Games. Those who are unfamiliar with the studio, their previous works include MadWorld, Bayonetta and Vanquish. They are also currently making Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceThe Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2. Characters from MadWorld are playable in this new game and you can also play as Bayonetta if you pre-order it. It’s coming out on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on January 8th in the US and January 11th in Europe and it has the low price of $29.99/€29.99/£19.99. Now please pre-order it so that there are people I can play this game online against. (Yes that is pretty much the entire point of this PSA)