Daily Archives

January 1, 2013

Game News, Sega Retro

PSA: Anarchy Reigns Comes Out Next Week

While Japanese have been able to play Platinum’s latest game, Max Anarchy, since July 2012, everyone in the US and Europe hasn’t been able to play the game without spending extra money on importing it. Now it’s finally coming here as Anarchy Reigns with a budget price of $30. SEGA doesn’t seem to be doing a good job letting people know about this, so if you’ve never heard of the game before, watch the Japanese Launch Trailer:

Basicly, it’s a competitive multiplayer brawler with an awesome soundtrack and all the ridiculousness you can expect from Platinum Games. Those who are unfamiliar with the studio, their previous works include MadWorld, Bayonetta and Vanquish. They are also currently making Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceThe Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2. Characters from MadWorld are playable in this new game and you can also play as Bayonetta if you pre-order it. It’s coming out on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on January 8th in the US and January 11th in Europe and it has the low price of $29.99/€29.99/£19.99. Now please pre-order it so that there are people I can play this game online against. (Yes that is pretty much the entire point of this PSA)