Unless you’re like my family, you’re probably going to be off celebrating the holidays with your loved ones or at the very least unwrapping presents and doing your best Nintendo 64 kid impression of sorts over that Wii U where you’ll spend countless hours playing System Update. No matter who you are or what religion you may be, we’ve got a handful of things that might interest you this fine Monday.
Sonic/SEGA News
- Sonic Jump finally lands on Android [Google Play]
- Unlike the last Steam sale, Sonic Adventure 2 is now on sale for half off. [Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam]
- Also on Steam there’s this Sonic franchise sale on Steam as well that compiles all the Sonic games together. [Steam Sonic Franchise Sale]
- Pix N Love’s History of Sonic can be found in comic book stores right now. [Udon Entertainment]
- You should also look into this Sega Arcade Classics Vol. 1 from the fine folks at Hardcore Gaming 101. [HG101]
Sonic Retro News
- Don’t forget about Overlord’s review of the Fleetway comics. [How Fleetway Played the Games Part 5]
- Same goes for David the Lurker’s overview on the Archie comics and KEN PENDERS. [Mobius 25 Years Later Part 6]
- Another Christmas With Sonic is still on it’s way, hopefully by Friday. [Christmas with Sonic]
- I’m kind of lazy when it comes to converting the material to Youtube, but we’ve got most of our streams archived on TwitchTV in the meantime. [TwitchTV]
- A long time ago when I made this article, the person who made those videos also went a did a Youtube series comparing several games and letting the people decide which is the best. They also provide insight on the culture behind each game along with some very useful gameplay tips. [Versus Battlecast]
Other Stuff
I must say this game is very fun, I actually had more fun playing it than Sonic Unleashed (which I been replaying on PS3 recently and I’m already at Eggmanland now) this game is pretty addicting I almost beat it!
That was a fun stream last time around.