Sega Channel exclusive no more! Sega and Capcom are teaming up to bring you not only Sonic the Hedgehog 1, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Super Street Fighter II, you also receive a copy of Mega Man – The Wily Wars which featured Mega Man 1, 2, 3 and an exclusive mini-game under one package.
Given the history of portable Genesis/Mega Drive units produced by At Games and Blaze who have also released other ___ Sega games in one Mega Drive units such as the Firecore, also known as the Blaze Sega Mega Drive, it’s highly likely all the games in the package will also suffer a number of sound and graphical emulation errors. You won’t be getting the perfect experience playing the game, but at least it’s on the go and has 37 games from Sega, 3 games from Capcom and 40 other unannounced titles. The unit is scheduled for release on November 13th.
Happy 25th Anniversary Mega Man?
UPDATE: As pointed out by Mathuser on the forums, AtGames’ website lists the user manual which also includes the complete list of games included.
HACK DETECTED: The manual also shows that they’re still using an older Sonic 2 HD logo. I–should somebody tell them?
Sega Games
- Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
- Alien Storm
- Altered Beast
- Arrow Flash
- Bonanza Bros.
- Chakan: The Forever Man
- Columns
- Columns III
- Comix Zone
- Crack Down
- Decap Attack
- Ecco the Dolphin
- Ecco Jr.
- Ecco II: The Tides of Time
- ESWAT: City Under Siege
- Eternal Champions
- Fatal Labyrinth
- Flicky
- Gain Ground
- Golden Axe
- Golden Axe II
- Golden Axe III
- Jewel Master
- Kid Chameleon
- Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine
- Shadow Dancer
- Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Sonic and Knuckles
- Sonic Spinball
- Streets of Rage
- Streets of Rage 2
- Streets of Rage 3
- The Ooze
- Vectorman
- Vectorman 2
Capcom Games
- Mega Man – The Wily Wars
- Street Fighter II’: Special Champion Edition
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
The Other 40 Games
- Air Hockey
- Black Sheep
- Bomber
- Bottle Taps Race
- Brain Switch
- Bulls and Cows
- Cannon
- Checker
- Chess
- Color Puzzle
- Cross the Road
- Curling 2010
- Dominant Color
- Fight or Lose
- Firefly Glow
- Fish Story
- Flash Memory
- Formula Challenge
- Hexagonos
- Jack’s Pea
- Jewel Magic
- Logic Dial
- Mahjong Solitaire
- Match Eleven
- Mega Brain Switch
- Memory
- Memory Match
- Mirror Mirror
- Mr. Balls
- Naval Power
- Panic Lift
- Reaction Match
- Snake
- Space Hunter
- Spider
- Sudoku Quiz
- Table Magic
- Treasure Hunt
- Warehouse Keeper
- Whack A Wolf
Wow. That’s quite a disappointment. Here I thought it’d be rereleased on the 3ds.
In the words of all Capcom or Megaman fans that still might exist today I say: Fuck you Capcom….
ooh its a megaman
Virtua Fighter 2 was never released for the genesis. A shame really, it probably would have been good.
I hope you’re being sarcastic.
i wonder if they fixed the infamous save bug in Wily Wars that plagued people playing it on emulators, that is if this version is being played on an decently accurate system-on-chip rather then emulation
That only ever affected a specific (though widely distributed) European dump of the game. The Japanese version works fine and can be played without any issues by non-Japanese speakers. You just won’t catch the “amazing” story of Wily Tower announcing that he made new robots to destroy Mega Man now that he’s thrice been foiled and looks forward to your arrival at Wily Tower so he can kill you.
If you think this system-on-a-chip is accurate, hurricane128, you have a large shock coming.
Why does Sega hate Sonic 3 & Knuckles so much?
I think they are going to make a megaman sonic crossover game the way they have been acting. With the comic and now this. Who knows it could be interesting.
So… it’s a blue Sega Mega Drive Gopher?
Look, not even the fans care about Mega Man anymore. (Uh, it’s actually Mega Man’s 25th Anniversary.)
But true, f- you Capcom, ever since the creator of Mega Man left, you’ve shown no love to the fans.
It’s best to think that the game never existed, don’t you agree?
I hate living in denial.
Don’t you mean happy 25th birthday to megaman?(1987)
Whoops, went ahead and fixed that.
Capcom is doing horrible with Megaman lately. I wonder what are the other 40 games are.
Sonic 1 and 2.
Never 3.
Why the fuck is it never 3. 🙁
I wish they’d quit doing that with the button layout. What a horrible angle.
Sega just seems to hate Sonic 3 and Knuckles for some reason…..
OH WOW look at the manual. They stole Sonic 2 HD art for the Sonic 2 pic.
”Press A key and the “down” key of the D-pad for
speeding up the running.” dat engrish man
What’s funny about the Sonic 2 HD logo is that Tails’ mouth still looks as awkwardly placed as the original.
It mentions that it can play games off of SD cards. Does that mean ROMs or whatever?
What a surprise, the other 40 are a bunch of crappy “original” games.
So, basically, if I wanted to play 3&K, I could put on an sd card as a rom and play it? Cool! Castlevania Bloodlines and Contra Hard Corps FTW!… You know, when I get the unit, an sd card, and some roms…
Or you could just play it on a PSP. Better emulation, savestates, better compatibility.
“HACK DETECTED” I see what you did there.
I recommend everyone to check out their local Dollar General they have it for $40.