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We’re throwing out another Stream today! We’re going to be playing a random assortment of games, however starting at 5PM Central we will be inviting everyone to play Sonic Free Riders and Guardian Heroes for the Xbox 360. If you haven’t already, send your friend requests to VidyaRetro and we’ll try to add your name to the friends list.
Sonic Free Riders?
Oh boy… I feel SO sorry for these guys…
The number of people who own the game is small already, but to get a lot of people to play as well is just pushing it.
Verse me in other games not sonic free riders please.. Play the retro sonic games not modern sonic with green eyes. :V
Gamertag: Dragzilla66 forgot to add this into my other comment.
Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Free Riders…? I mean, the controls aren’t the best, obviously because it’s on the Kinect… But the game wasn’t that bad. A MILLION times better than 06, but like the other Riders games, it’s a learning experince. Gotta learn how to play or you will have trouble.
Its not terrible, it suffers the same thing that most other Kinect games do in that there is a delay between your actions and what the game considers input. Its inevitable, and at the fault of Microsoft. Glad some of you people out there enjoyed the presentation. Though I don’t think we’ll play it for any online matches for awhile.
I also wish Guardian Heroes was on PC or at least Playstation 3. Heck most of what Treasure puts out these days usually end up only on the Xbox 360. Not entirely sure why, but even playing the game offline the game is something else to behold. They even restored some of the content that was “Missing” from the English releases. It also performs way better. That’s always a plus, right?
Also, no love for Aladdin? I still say the Super NES version is better. =P
I love Sonic Free Riders and I still play it! 😀
Guardian Heroes looks really interesting, why is it not on PC?
The controls for Free Riders is tiring. I have the game and i love it but try doing one whole story in one day…I almost died doing that. I missed the chance of playing free riders with you guys but its sure was funny looking at you guys play!
@Benjamin Andrade: Black eyes didn’t save Sonic Labyrinth from being the mess it was.
sonic retro 2012