Sega Retro

SEGA Alliance Reveals Jack Lumber for iOS

Remember how SEGA listed an all new IP that wasn’t revealed yet on the list of stuff they’ll show at PAX Prime? Well big shock: it’s not Sonic Adventure 3 or Shenmue HD! In fact, those two would be part of existing IPs so it wouldn’t have been either one of those anyway. Instead, it’s a new iOS game called Jack Lumber developed by Owlchemy Labs, the makers of Snuggle Truck. As you can see in the trailer, while the game is similar to Halfbrick’s Fruit Ninja, it expands on it enough to be more than just another clone. This is the first game from SEGA’s new publishing initiative, SEGA Alliance. Which focuses on publishing indie games for mobile devices.

The game is available right now on the App Store, and if you buy it within in the next couple of days it will only cost $0.99 instead of the normal price of $1.99. So if you are looking for another game to play while you’re sitting in the bus or just have a hatred for trees than it would be best to buy it now. Or just wait until it gets priced off again, that happens kind of often with iOS games. Speaking of which, SEGA is also having a sale on a bunch of their iOS and Android games including Sonic CD and Sonic 4: Episode 2, so there’s that as well.

[Source: SEGA Blog]

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  • Reply

    Well I am a big hater of trees and nature… Buut I’ll probably grab Sonic CD instead!

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  • Reply

    seems more fun than fruit Ninja…well by slowing time down. Shut up Billy XD.

  • Reply

    In the last picture on app store, one of the animals is a blue hedgehog.. Could it possibly a refrence? 😛

  • Reply


    Priceless! XD

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