Game News

Sonic 4: Episode 2 Gets a Launch Trailer

It’s the release day of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, and to remind everyone of that SEGA has released a launch trailer for the game. The trailer shows just about everything not shown yet in other officially released media except for the final zone, so those wary of spoilers may want to avoid it:

The most interesting thing about the trailer is that it says “To be concluded…” near the end, hinting at what may be a third episode in the Sonic 4 saga®.

It also shows the release dates for most of the platforms the second episode releases on. It’s already been released on Steam and it will be released later today on Playstation Network. Xbox Live Arcade and Nvidia Tegra 3-powered devices will get the game tomorrow and iOS devices will get it the day after. It seems like the game won’t be available on Android devices without Nvidia Tegra until June. Windows Phone users will be able to buy it in July.

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  • Reply

    Wow, I was not expecting it to come out on PC the first day of release like this…but since I planned to get it for PC anyway, this works out for me.

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    well, there has been a stereotype on multiplatform games with a PC release that the PC version gets kicked to the back of the release parties by 3 months, like PROTOTYPE 2, Milked Fighter X Tekken, Resident Milked 6, (yes, i have a sheer despise for anything CA$HCON besides Megaman) Batman Arkham City, Sonic Generations, think about it

  • Reply

    The trailer has non-exciting music.

  • Reply

    Of all the Classic Sonic levels, they just HAD to bring back one of the most boring.

    Wing Fortress = zzzzzzzzz

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    All I see is wasted potential.

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    I wrote a review for it on Amazon. It is definitely the Sonic 4 we’ve been waiting for! 😀

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    Sonic Rush in Wing Fortress? WTF?

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    No sign of Amy great billing a game as a sequel to a game and not including a Character that is not dead and still holds relevance to the series that was a big part of the game. It be like having Luigi’s Mansion two but not having E.Gadd in the game.

  • Reply

    Definitely a step above Episode 1, but still some problems Sega should fix if they hope to get Episode 3 right. The momentum is a lot better, but it lacks a proper dose of speed to go with it. It takes too long for Sonic to completely run and I find that Sonic will move along walls and ceilings too slowly which is somewhat disorienting. Along with that it seems like Sonic gains too much speed after a jump from a stationary position which makes the jump feel jerky. (Since it’s still being done by Dimps, why can’t they use the Advance gameplay for it…they just re-released Advance 1 for some Japanese cellphone, so they still have it somewhere and were just working on it in some form). The boss fights and Tornado sections (why bring that back at all?) take way too long to finish without any real method of making them quick. Older games generally allowed you to finish a boss in less than a minute provided you were decent at platforming, but here the boss will take forever to expose their weak spot and most bosses have more than one phase. Another thing is that despite being a sequel to CD it doesn’t utilize that screen scrolling technique which lets you see more ahead and as a result reduce the complaint of cheapness. Instead we get this lovely twisting effect in the Death Egg rip-off that makes me feel sick looking at it. Finally…there isn’t a whole lot in the way of music, nothing really catches me except the remix of Stardust Speedway and I’m not going to listen to it since Generations is far better.

    It still has some positives to go with it. Despite the still somewhat off physics the level design is a lot better with more platforming, the special stages are a lot better (then again anything will beat Sonic 1 for me), Tails and his special moves work pretty well and won’t screw you over (the flying does somewhat hide the off physics), the themes, while derivative, are a bit more thought out this time and as a whole it has a fair amount of challenge which should make it last a while longer than Episode 1. It is better than Episode 1 overall, but they need to sit down and fix the problems above if they hope to keep this going.

  • Reply

    trust me kingsman III that level is not boring, wing fortress yah pretty boring

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    It says “To be concluded…” because it doesn’t show the final zone and boss, it’s a teaser meant to encourage people to buy the game to and see how the game concludes that’s why it appears right after Sonic and Tails complete Sky Fortress Zone.
    Episode 2 doesn’t even hint at a further episode, in fact Sega actually removed the post credits sequence that would hint at Episode 3

  • Reply

    It looks a zillion times better than the god awful episode 1- I really like the colourful environments- they make me think it would suit classic Sonic more. It’d be awesome if you could unlock him and not have to play as his lanky imposter. 🙂

    I’ll be waiting for this when it’s on sale though- 1200 points? Nah.

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    Wake me up when there’s 14 stages, at least, in the game…. Until then, I’m going back to Sonic 3.

    Yet again, unimpressed by the demo. Only slightly better than the 1st episode…. Barely noticeable.

    I’m ready for something new, but, it needs to play correctly… Good thing I own a couple genesis consoles

  • Reply

    Dammit. The one sonic game I look forward to, and I still have to wait. Oh well, at least its only a month rather than a year.

  • Reply

    Just finished co-op with my brother and we had a blast! It’s about time they made a true sharing lives/rings between Sonic and Tails co-op game. The graphics are stunning, and they did a great job with the old gimmicks they brought back while adding a something new to them. One player controls Sonic while the other controls the tornado, sick! Head to head Sonic 2 special stages, where have these been? The music could have been better and maybe this game could have been longer but other then that I don’t see why there’s so much hate fore this game.

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    us EU players still dont have it, a very sad day to live in EU :<

    • Reply

      Unless you use steam in which case you got it on release day.

      But otherwise, the game itself was vastly improved. The new physics were brilliant compared to ep1, but Sonic doesn’t really get much speed from spindashing and the homing attack is still a little temperamental. The level design was brilliant, and at least 2 of the bosses were awesome(the big ones from zone 1 and 3), but the metal sonic battles were either a bad cline of the Generations one or an annoying flying thing that drags on too long.

      The music was mixed, the zone 4 music was all pretty catchy, and some other level tracks were decent, but the boss music was grating and annoying. Especially the metal sonic boss theme. Really annoying.

  • Reply

    I’d very much like a third episode, here’s hoping it will have Sonic 3 special stages too <3

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    I have to say that the game is really impressive and the music is brilliant especially white park boss

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    Might be worth noting its out only for Nvidia Tegra 3 devices, not all. My galaxy tab is old already ;(

  • Reply

    why couldent they just make sonic generations 2 or colours 2 or why not adventure 3. Am i the only one who whants Adevnture 3?

    • Reply

      You want Adventure 3? Go play Sonic Heroes. That’s as close as it will get.

  • Reply

    Gah, I want to get it for Android, but I have an Xperia Play, which definitely isn’t a Tegra 3 device.
    Ah well. If it comes out for the rest of us Android owners, I’ll check it out.

    Deleted Ep. 1 off my Wii within a few days of getting it, but Ep. 2 looks like it’s actually good.

    • Reply

      Normal Android users should be getting it next month, if I recall.

  • Reply

    Has no one got anything bad to say about this game? I’ve never really complained about a sonic game before, I even enjoyed 06, but this is awful. The level design is a cluster fuck and way to busy, you get thrown into enemies and bottomless pits. You don’t even have to press the D-pad, your sprung about so often the game practically plays itself at times. The physics, while dramatically improved from Ep1 are still terrible, rolling hasn’t been improved at all from what I can tell. Why they couldn’t of used Taxman’s engine is beyond me, they already have the rights to it, and I’m sure they could have slapped Tails’ awful momentum breaking combo moves onto it if they wanted to.

  • Reply

    I think the “To be Concluded” most likely means that if you want to know what happens you play the game to find out, although it is very possible it could be hinting at a potential Episode 3.

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