The following is a documentary created by UnknownArchive, providing an opinionated analysis of Sonic’s 20 years on Earth so far. Lots of swearing and toilets around, so viewer discretion is advised.
The following is a documentary created by UnknownArchive, providing an opinionated analysis of Sonic’s 20 years on Earth so far. Lots of swearing and toilets around, so viewer discretion is advised.
This is, by far, the greatest documentary about Sonic ever. I had to see it 3 more times after this. It’s that good.
A random detail that I want to point out for some reason, Sonic Adventure doesn’t actually have lip syncing per say, the characters just have facial expressions used in game that they just flip between in cut scenes to simulate mouse movement. I’ve always found this funny.
Ohhh mouse movements I see!!!! Lol!!!
Good video, shame about the “HAHA FUCK YOU, IM ON DRUGS, DEAL” attitude.
pretty well made but i’m kinda tired of the whole snarky, patronizing “fuck you all” attitude that most online video game reviewers have (i blame AVGN…) and his overbearing hatred for Chaotix just because it didn’t have sonic in it. In fact he has a lot of overbearing hatred for certain titles that he doesn’t really bother explaining and i don’t really see the point for him covering pirated titles, i figured these pirated games would be funnier if they were covered in there own video someday cause he just skims though them all. He also had a really shallow reason to bash the dreamcast just cause it’s…. *GASP* 200mhz!! i will admit there are games he talks about that deserve a good rant for how overrated they are but then gives praises for stuff like Sonic R? …seriously?
pff… maybe he really was on drugs when he made this
I think he said most of that to be funny 🙂
Ah…would watch this but too bad it was made by a con
I contributed. ;P
why doesnt he like tails?
Funny but I can’t get why he just glanced over Sonic Adventure 3 (Heroes). I could spend 2 hours ranting about that game alone :/
I disagree with his comments on the Dreamcast- as it’s possibly the best console I ever owned (and I’ve owned almost all of them). But just about everything else was spot on. From the fact Sonic is now a furry icon to Shadow being a rubbish, lazy ass character to how unplayable the majority of the 3D games are to how Sonic’s fanbase is made up of people who don’t realise what good games are! Genius!
I have to assume that phugolz is trolling us (unbelievable, I know) with the Sonic GBA port…I mean…it’s God awful…GOD AWFUL. And then he turns around and badmouths Sonic Pinball Party, which is a GREAT pinball sim…even though the addition of Sonic themed crap isn’t necessary. And Sonic Battle…well, it’s not great but it is a pretty impressive GBA game from a technical point of view. Also, just to put it out there: the 8bit Sonic games are ALL awful, some just slightly less awful than others. Ironically, Tails Adventure is the least terrible of all, even though Tails could be completely interchangeable with any flying animal mascot character, really. And why ignore the abortion that is Bioware’s Sonic Chronicles? Plenty of material in there.
Anyways, I laughed quite a bit for the hour I wasted watching this so: mission accomplished, phugolz. Hope you revive the cult so I can continue to waste my time there.
He never gives credit to where credit diserves. He OBVIOUSLY hates the Sonic series, so why does he have to care about it? He makes some things seem fact, when its his own OPINION. Example…the music in Sonic Adventure series. His opinion. And he never explaines about the Sonic Megamix pyrated game. Sonic Rush got a 9.5/10. Does he explain that? No. He degrades all the major sonic titles. Sonic Colors was a huge leap for Sonic. “saving the yo gabba gabba characters”…really? I hate it when people dont give BOTH sides to an argument. Although some of the stuff he says is true, not everything.
Just another sonic fan (more or less) bitching. Except he knows how to make a video
That’s a GREAT troll-documentary xDD
I love it!
This could have been a REALLY LONG video if he wanted to get into detail with every game. In some ways I wish he had…
Anyways c’mon people its a guy high off his ass giving a review about a controversal video game character whos definently had his ups and downs. If this video really bothers you take a deep breath and go for a nice walk. Its all opinion, and as much as I love sonic I think he’s pretty much right (With a few given acceptions). Bottom line, funny review I enjoyed watching it!
I just think this is a load of shit. Sure sonic games are not as good as they used to be. In my opinion The Dreamcast era was the best. And sure sonic unleashed Werewolf levels where shit and too fucking long but if it wasn’t for the sonic levels in that game there wouldn’t be the recreated 2D style parts which make the game a bit less repetitive. All together I think sonic has had its ups and downs but ever so often they surprise us, for example the sonic levels in unleashed got me through the game and generations I thought was amazing it brought back so many childhood memories… I loved it! Anyway lets hope saga takes the feedback we all give them (for once) and create a masterpiece. Also Sonic unleashed should have had load more fucking levels and bosses… just saying XD
1:03:30 on Sonic 2006 “I want to know WHY…WHY DID THIS HAPPEN…kind of hungry right now”
Every community needs some good trolls because they unite us in an ironic hatred. It makes sense since I thought every Sonic fan hated every other Sonic fan for having a slightly different opinion on some random title.
For those complaining about this video, you lost the game. You fed the troll real good.
Those who know it better, I thought it was funny. I believe some of his points are true, but most are articulated for the lulz. I bet he likes Sonic just as much as the average Sonic fan does; but a Sonic Retro regular tends to be “smarter” than the average fan though, and therefore dismisses anything not retro.
Flame me if I am wrong, but that’s how I feel. In fact, prove me wrong; I want to be wrong.
P.S.: When he first skipped ’06 like it was nothing, I thought it was hilarious, but then he brought it back.
but thats the thing, he just seems to be a trollish smartass then someone who wants to be funny or clever and the stuff he was trying to bash on for the lulz seemed rather… dare i say, predicable given the subject matter. It’s just that i’ve seen the whole snobby “fuck you all” soapbox act before and i liked it better when Yahtzee did it and it was called Zero Punctuation
Just another nostalgia fan who’s trapped in the genesis days like most people on this site.
I agree 100% on what he has to say about Yuji Naka. When did the fans lose their way? Prior to his leaving Sega, the fans seemed to lampoon him, but after he left the general census was “Oh, I guess he wasn’t so bad after all.” I, for one, am glad that there’s still someone out there calling him out.
On another note, anyone remember that bizarre interview where he suddenly said “I am the father of Sonic. I am the force that guides the franchise and he would not be where he is today without me,” [paraphrase] right in the middle of nowhere? He wasn’t even being introduced, it just happened and the interviewer must’ve overlooked his ego-trip to get to the actual interview. I saw it in text online, and I can’t find this interview today for the life of me.