The PC version of Sonic Generations has already gotten a couple of mods in the past. First there was Classic Sonic Adventures which allowed you to play as Classic Sonic in Modern Sonic’s levels. Then we discovered we could import levels from Sonic Unleashed into the game. And now the Russian Sonic fan MrHelias94 has found out how to swap Sonic’s model in the game:
This basicly means that other characters in the game can be made playable, so if you ever wanted to play as Tails it’s possible now. How this can be done is shown in the video tutorial above. The results this delivers depends on if the character is about Sonic’s size, so if you’d try to play as a character like Eggman the outcome may not be what you expect, though this is not necessarily a bad thing. Videos of various characters being played like this can be found after the jump.
First up are a few examples of this working right:
Now a couple of examples of this going horribly wrong, yet so right at the same time:
And this one is just perfect:
I love the last one, it´s awesome xDD
Haha, love this. Just got the PS3 CE for my birthday.
15 years ago I got my Mega Drive with Sonic and Sonic 2.
If someone could replace the homing attack with flying for Tails and tweak certain oddities like him turning blue when he jumps, that would be beyond epic.
i want to see this with silver and metal sonic
Has anybody tried swapping in Metal Sonic? I think that one would probably work the best.
Alas, I had high hopes for Shadow,you’d think it’d work better. The Egg Fighter was just hilarious!
All of these are great. The Shadow one was good because he didn’t look like he was tweaking out when he was running, unlike previous attempts. I also got a kick out of the edited onscreen prompts to make it look like it was on a Gamecube. Egg Fighter is the best Sonic character ever.
Shadow model fits good, as expected, but Espio was very good too.
What would happen if you turned super with the models? O_O would it crash or would you have a interesting result?
OMFG now I can play as silver
How come Shadow has his own unique pose during the result screen? Where did that come from?
So much about this is great. Now of course, we need fixes for the blueness, but otherwise this is great. Also, Gamecube controller for the Shadow gameplay video whaaaaaat
@Sacooper95: The character becomes Super Sonic. Super forms are a separate model. You can see this in the Eggman video.
What? No Knuckles?
Awesome choice of music for the Eggman example. 😛
Question: For the characters that do work, did the modders have to add in any new character animations for them (because I noticed that, especially when motionless, they were behaving true to their character would behave were they actually supposed to be playable) or did Generations have those animations available by default?
@Scyphi: Some animations were borrowed from their world hub and mission models. Shadow has a LOT of animations from his boss fight.
@Spite If you notice, Shadow, (and Espio too) have their own move set which suggests that they probably were going to be playable characters as well as Sonic.
That Shadow one was epic. I want it. I bet he was looking for that damn fourth Chaos Emerald. Real Talk.
Tails in sky sanctuary doing boost = feckin lovely, i miss Sonic Adventure 1 actually being able to PLAY levels as tails. excited to see all these other ones now.
Would the last one be able to destroy “Egg Pawns” in Rooftop Run, or would some morality chip kick in and fry it’s system?
@Star and Moon: See, that’s what I was thinking, which makes me wonder that, if this is indeed the case, what it was Sega had in mind, and why it didn’t pan out.
#2: a vision of a robot running down a building is forever in my mind.
Is there a written tutorial for model swapping anywhere? You have to watch real closely on the video and it’s really annoying.
Shadow mod+sonic generations=awesome!are you megamaniscrazy on youtube?
i have the PC version of Generations (althouhg its REALLY laggy!). How the hell do i swap the models? also is there any news on the unleashed levels? It would be good if they could release it as Steam DLC, then it would be easier for us who arent good with modding to play them xD
Try watching the first video. 😉