Yesterday’s boss artwork reveal didn’t stop SEGA from continuing their weekly Concept Art Friday series, as they have revealed another couple of all new badniks to those that bother to check their official blog or Facebook page.
First up is Scarabesque, which like the name suggests is a scarab-badnik. This one pushes a ball around and seemingly rolls it at Sonic as his attack. Second is a new, more menacing looking version of the Sandworm from Sonic & Knuckles, it having prolegs suggests it can crawl around instead of just jump out of the sand. Considering these badniks are both desert themed, it’s easy to conclude that the game will have a level themed after the desert as well. For more concept art goodness, check back next week as SEGA has shown no sign of stopping with these yet.
[Via SEGA Blog]
Am I the only one who thinks the Scarabesque looks like one of the Sonic Rush bosses?
Scarabesque is not original it is just a minimized boss from sonic rush
thats exactly what it is
I… actually like this. Kind of.
Though I find it funny how they’re now “remaking” NEWER bosses as both badniks and bosses for a game that apparently predates the original games. I just want to see some gameplay footage before I finally think this game isn’t that bad.
*Sigh* I wish they had more original ideas for this game.
These badniks seem a bit recycled in a way, don’t get me wrong I liked episode 1, but still… the only thing that seemed remotely original was the “Lost Labyrinth Zone” boss. In a way I don’t personally consider this a sequel. 🙁
But that’s just my opinion on episode 1, I’m still looking forward the episode 2.
@Chimera: Hopefully some decent footage will be uploaded soon. While I am starting to appreciate these concepts a little more with each passing week, I can’t really feel comfortable about these without knowing how of most of these (if not all) will actually function in-game.
I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt with this dung beetle boss looking like a sonic rush boss, maybe robotnik just likes making his drones shovel shit around
The enemies look a lot more interesting in Episode 2 than in the first episode.
Sega’s on a hot streak with Colors and Generations right now. Sonic 4 – Episode 2 has got to be good. Although with all this complaints and crap about recycled stuff, I’m almost losing hope.
Eggman should invent a pod covered in spikes, thatd surely defeat sonic lol
on topic : sandworm looks cool, maybe a desert like zone in episode 2??
Scarabesque reminds me of Mirage Road Boss Battle from Sonic Rush!
You guys are so annoying, no matter what SEGA does you guys have to complain. If they make something more modern or with updated visuals, it is bad because its different and don’t look like the original games. If they make something that is inspired by the past games then its bad because they are just rehashing or riding on nostalgia. If they put another character, its bad because you want Sonic (but the praised fangames just put every fuc*** furry friend in all old games). If they add homming-attack, its bad because Sonic doesn’t need it (but the praised fangames add it to every game that didn’t have it).
Look at Mario, Zelda, Megaman, Metroid, Castlevania every release is loved and praised even if they rehash everything, from enemies to locations to plot.
It wouldn’t surprise me if most of you aren’t looking at enemies concept art and spritesheets from past games just looking for something loosely similar to scream REHASH!!!!!
Instead of being a little annoying kid, why don’t you all just try to appreciate that they are attempting to bring the character back to the old standard and wait before judging, SEGA isn’t the powerhouse it once was and may very well be going out of business in a near future.
If I was a developer employed to create a new entry in the series, I would be frustrated because nothing is good enough and the opinions of what the game should be or have is extremely contradictory if you compare what the ask for and what they do or seems to want when you look at the hacks or fangames.
Real Talk.
Absolutely true man.Sad enough there are so many “Fans” which always find something to complain about…i mean,Sega hasnt shown ONE second of gameplay so far,and all they do is complain about this,complain about that…why you guys go and play Call of Duty instead!?
If one person hung their head in shame after reading this, you’ve done a good thing.
You only have SEGA to blame for this, Episode 1 was a rehash festival that copied everything but the actual momentum based gameplay of the original games. After Generations came out fans hopes were very high that EP2 would have even more reason to be completely original, that’s why their brain immediately leaps to seeing a badnik as a Sonic Rush boss or that flower boss as the Egg Viper, not to mention how many immediately pointed out the boar and sealion look like badniks bosses form Sonic 2 GG/MS.
SEGA has done a very poor job at marketing EP2 as not being the rehash fest that the first episode was, so everyone expects it to be more of the same. This could have been easily fixed by coming out of the gate with gameplay footage, but nope let’s play Ken’s little games again.
Plenty of fans and reviewers alike have been critical of Zelda reusing the Ocarina formula over and over and the uninspired art and world design of New Super Mario Bros.
I hung my head in shame for him because I find his kneejerk “blame the fans they hate everything” response very typical and predictable. Saying things like “nobody enjoys anything anymore” is the easy way out when the reality is much more complicated. Look at how many loathe Sonic 4 but love Colors and Generations.
The badniks are looking great. But I’m fed up with concept art. I want footage already, or a screenshot at least.
I swear I’ll never understand how a marketing campaign that moves at snail’s pace can be considered successful enough to do it again. No other game does this!
Oh well.. What do I know anyway.
It keeps people talking (think of The Simpsons and “GABBO!”. But at the same time, there comes a time where you keep the same event going and risk diminishing interest or decide to pull the trigger and show something more substantial. There are also several other factors that play into how a marketing campaign is formed including budget, project deadline (including the product’s release) and other fun stuff.
I agree with you. I don’t really care about eye color, sprites, animations, physics or whatever. If something is different from the past games, I don’t mind. It’s obvious that at least one thing will be different, naturally. One just has to adapt to the new style not complain. It is not that hard…
From the most recent releases, I enjoyed them all. However, I have to admit that they took the nostalgia thing in Sonic 4 too serious as they didn’t come up with new bosses but instead, copies of previous ones. That’s the major weakness in the game, in my opinion, because it lacks creativity/originality. The rest was perfect. Although episode 1 was like that, I hope that in episode 2 they actually take a new approach and according to the latest news (first boss in episode 2 seems to be original), episode 2 may be promising and full of surprises!
I personally find this very interesting… Can’t wait to see more.
I completely agree with shihe, I love the franchise, old and new. But I’m not sure what Sega can do right nowadays, no one seems to be happy anymore no matter what.
Is it a rehash in some areas? yes. Is that necessarily bad? No.
In fact (not to go on a tangent…too late) but in this game, even though the level’s overall designs and gimics are rehashes, each one brought something new to the level. they seem to do this with every game (even 06 had some original things in it)
So overall, I’m looking forward to this game. 🙂
Ditto. Instead of feeling slightly more and more let down after each new reveal like it was with Episode 1, Episode 2 is actually starting to build interest for me. Though the real verdict will come when some gameplay footage is revealed, as we can all pretty much already agree upon.
Speaking of fan opinions, my two bits on all of this: I’m more half and half, in that I wholeheartedly agree that episode 1 was all rehash and that hurt it (among other things). However, Episode 2 is, for me, already showing it’s got some more variety going for it. It may not all be totally and completely new, but it’s new enough, and with long lasting game franchises like Sonic, it never is going to be more than that, because then you risk breaking the game’s feel. You make it too new all the time, and it’s not going to feel like the games are all interconnected. People (save Sonic fans it seems, more on that in a sec) generally prefer it if things stay at least somewhat the same and familiar. More comfortable about that.
As for “blaming fans because they hate everything,” that’s closer to the truth than I’d care to admit, but it is very truthful. Of course, exaggerated somewhat, but you’re always going to be hard-pressed to find a Sonic fan these days that doesn’t spend more time trashing the very games they’re fans of than supporting them. It is, at times and quite frankly, ridiculous. I mean sure, there ARE flaws, and I’m not saying they should be ignored. But every Sonic game (and I MEAN every Sonic game) has something it did right, big or small, something that deserves pointing out, and yet it feels like more often or not, Sonic fans ignore the good things to trash the bad things.
I believe not so long ago someone at Sega remarked that the fans are extremely picky and hard to please. They weren’t joking, because, put bluntly, y’all are. Each of you seem to have a different view of what PRECISELY should be a Sonic game, and refuse to deal with anything that doesn’t match it perfectly and give a game the benefit of the doubt, and find what things there ARE in it and focus more on that, which is what I generally strive to do (though I have to be honest and admit there are times when I’m no better than everyone else).
Give Sonic 4 some mercy, guys. After all, the classic series has exhausted robotic-versions of nearly every easily-identifiable animal/insect in existence. Don’t get all pissy if SEGA/Dimps has to revisit some themes.
Besides, no one got mad at Sonic Fan Remix’s rehashed (oh, pardon me “RETRO”) badniks and level design (although all of that stuff going on in the background was amazing). In fact they claimed it as “THE REAL SONIC 4”. So what the heck marks the difference between “throwbacks” and “covered-up copy-pastes”? Because no matter what SEGA/Dimps does, they seem to be stuck in a perpetual field of “U’RE DOIN IT RONG!!!! D:<"
But hey, I like what they're doing so far.
I really do not remember any of these badniks they have been showing us. But to me, that is a good thing. It shows that they are not trying to turn people onto this game by saying “look! we have badniks from Sonic 1 and Sonic 2. It will be just like the classics.” To be honest, them re-using and recycling sooo many features from the classics is one of things that turned me off of Episode 1. Most people just wanted classic styled gameplay and not all of the other stuff. I hope they do not get caught up with that in Episode 2.