Eighteen years ago, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released to the masses. No one bothered to ask Sonic if he saw his shadow (and if he did, if it was just a generic circle or in his actual silhouette), but because of how important that release was all those many years ago, Sega has been using the date to psyche up whatever hedgehog-related items they’ve been working on. Last year, they teased the 20th Anniversary. The year before was right around the time Sonic 4: Episode 1 was announced. This year, we have not one but three Sonic-related prizes on the ol’ Sega blog. Yes, it wasn’t too hard to guess something Sonic 4 related was going to be there, but the other two may come as a bit of a surprise, as some people questioned if they were ever going to happen again. Yes, Sega has confirmed that the fan-favorite-fan-gatherings Sonic Boom and Summer of Sonic are indeed returning for 2012.
For us Americans, Sonic Boom 2012 is happening on July 13th at the House of Blues in beautiful San Diego, California. Timed smack-dab in the middle of the San Diego Comic-Con, they’ve also made it very clear that you don’t need to go to the comic convention to attend Sonic Boom. If you’re frightened of comic books, have no fear.
In a reversal of last year, the Brits will be the first to get together and discuss their best times in Sonic Drift 2, as Summer of Sonic will be taking place on July 7th. Where? Some venue in the London area. Where specifically in London? I have no clue. Hopefully Sega will say the exact location before the 7th, or else you’ll be wandering the streets of London, entering pub after pub searching for people dressed in hedgehog attire.
Finally, since it is only a day before their usual concept art extravaganza, we get another round of Episode 2 based images. So what do we get? Some scenery? A random badnik? Oh no, my friends. We get our first glimpse at one of the bosses in the game: Egg Serpentleaf.
That is certainly something. And a bit frightening. Though I’m sure it won’t be long before people compare it to some other boss that has existed in the Sonic franchise.
So yes, that’s your Hedgehog Day update of 2012. Now you should go outside…wait, no. You should stay inside, put on that Sonic 3 & Knuckles cart hiding out in your closet, and play through Hydrocity Zone. Like any respectable human being would on a day like today!
[Source: Sega.com Blog]
I’m still wondering whatever happened to all those Sonic dedication videos they were recording with fans at booths in last year’s Boom. Those never materialized.
I bet they were great source of laughter in the offices. =P
I’m glad they let us know ahead of time.
Is that… Classic Eggman? I swear, thats classic Eggman. Maybe this is more proof of a “Classic” mode where we get Classic Sonic, Classic Tails, Classic Eggman!
Or it could just be a simplistic doodle of Eggman for the purpose of drawing up concept art. All I’m saying is, don’t get your hopes up just from this image. Remember, we still haven’t seen one screenshot of the game.
Wait…. it’s happening on my 30th Birthday?! Now I have a good damn reason to go to San Diego!
This looks like the kind of thing that sits in the middle of a circular arena, like most Sonic Rush bosses. Maybe Sonic 4.2’s graphics will be entirely 3D and not rendered models like 4.1
Ahem… classic ‘Dr Robotnik’, please š
The tentacle looking tail device on the robot resembles pretty much exactly the Oil Ocean boss from Sonic 2. And the design of the boss seem’s like a combination of gimicks thrown together based on Sonic Adventure, Sonic Black Knight, and Sonic Colors.
“We All Know Eggman Is a Beautiful Flower On The Inside”
Oh guys you kill me XD
@Mr. Badger, nah maybe it moves automatically like the mad gear boss, although hate to break the trend, but it reminds me of a megaman boss, yah raandom, but ehhhĀ
Shit, San Diego? Hmm…
Happy birthday to me & Sonic 3! I can’t wait for Sonic Boom, if I can actually go there…
As for the Concept Art, it seems pretty rad. The attempt at a “Classic” boss is great, and some of the elements in the first pic manage a Sonic 2 vibe, but are never too obvious. If this Colors-esque approach continues, then this is a title I’m going to watch out for.
Can somebody tell me how to get tickets to Summer of Sonic? And also what specific venue it is getting held at?
And also GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!
egg viper all in written in ours face
Well, I’m just glad they’re being more original with epi. 2 than with epi. 1. My first and biggest gripe about the first episode is that it all felt very recycled, and because it was all seen before, not really interesting and really kind of boring.
Speaking of gripes, I also hope they have a better soundtrack for epi. 2 than they did for epi. 1, which really didn’t impress me that much.
I liked it better when it was in LA at the Nokia theater. Ah who cares, THIS TIME IM STAYING THE WHOLE TIME!
Too cool to party with the Retro Contingent and our little corner of grumpy misery.
I hope this boss is as challenging (in the fun way) as it looks. Last thing I want is a retarded DIMPS boss.
Was there ever any doubt that there wouldn’t be a Summer of Sonic?
Glad to here Boom is back though. I wonder when they will start giving out tickets…
Yes! finally i can go to sonic boom
To me it looks like a mixture of Sonic 06 Eggman and Classic Robotnik. Some how the head has Egg Vipor all over it.