I’m not sure why Sonic would be shopping for insurance with Progressive, or at all… it’s not like he drives the Tornado!
I’m not sure why Sonic would be shopping for insurance with Progressive, or at all… it’s not like he drives the Tornado!
There’s a Shazam icon at the bottom left of the ad. Obviously it wants us to use Shazam on the ad…
If anyone needs the insurance, it’s Robotnik for all the shit Sonic breaks. =P Maybe he’s just helping him out?
Am I the only one who thinks Mute Modern Sonic is a horrible crime against nature?
… damn, Flo looks ACTUALLY HOT in that style.
I dunno about Progressive, but Sonic made this amazing.
Needs more classic Sonic. :V Afterall, the music is from Sonic 3… Anyway it’s pretty interesting that they put Sonic in a Progressive commercial. I guess Flo is getting old. :V
Is sega THIS Desperate for money?
I love your comment.
I’d also like to add that Sonic does pilot the Tornado, and that he owns several go-karts.
I’m almost completely certain they sell hedgehog insurance. There is very little chance that I am wrong.
Well,Tails is Under Age,so Sonic is obviously helping him out,and he owns the tornado
deliver me from 1993
Is he trying find life insurance for bad days in reserve?
Well and look at the scenery he’s destroyed over the years! 🙂 I just like seeing that pop culture hasn’t forgotten him.
Best Progressive commercial ever!! Flo and Sonic are my new dream team lol.
Lets see, so it was a commercial on fox news. So the audience is probably middle age to senior citizen conservatives, who don’t have clue who Sonic is and probably wouldn’t care if they did.
brilliant marketing guys.
Actually, it’s not that he drives the Tornado…it’s that his car from Allstars racing was picked up in the Tornado…er…A Tornado…a certain car-carrying Tornado…
When I drive I’m getting progressive. What Chanel was this on?
Also would’ve been funny if the name Jason G or Roger K S was the name before sonic
Sega’s always pushing for Modern Sonic to get the real screen time. Clearly the Classic touches are there because…the Sonic fans who prefer Classic are the ones who are old enough to buy insurance.
That’s a little frightening.
“wouldn’t you like to see the world through his eyes?”
Don’t you mean “eye”?
That just puts a smile on my face every time. Why can’t TV be commercials be like this all the time?
What is this? I don’t even.
Clearly, Sonic needs progressive for the massive amounts of property damage he causes every single game. He’s still paying back all those wrecked cars in City Escape. THAT WASN’T ACHIEVEMENT WORTHY, SEGA. >:|
What’s the exchange rate from USD to Rings?
“Do you sell life insurance?… You do? Excellent. I would like to take out policies for my acquaintances Miles Prower, Amy Rose, Big ‘The Cat’ Stevens…”
Is sega THIS Desperate for money? [2]
So… did everyone in unleashed look like real people, but they look like this through his eyes?
I get a mute MODERN Sonic, which CLASSIC music no less. But what’s the point SEGA? My guess is publicitity for adults to buy Generations and maybe Episode 2.
what the hell i was watching tv this whole week and i never saw this commercial 0_o. but yea strange marketing i guess sonic still relevant to pop culture
i think you just blew my mind with that question. maybe they all look like next gen
“Is sega THIS Desperate for money?”
A big successful company doing things to get them money? Who would have thought
To those questioning Sonic’s relevance to Pop Culture, Sonic is still well KNOWN, even if he’s not exactly liked. Some people would probably go “wait thay guy’s still alive?” and play his latest game(s) which are thankfully Unleashed(eh), Colors, and Generations. Plus, a shitton of people in my high school know about Sonic and actually enjoyed his games. And those guys are teenagers. And teenagers are getting into driving and have a high chance of getting into accidents, which is where insurance comes in. Hence, pop culture put into an ad. I wouldn’t be suprised if someone from COD or Coltrain starts buying insurance.
nice to see he’s relevent in the world of commercials again~ but the only people old enough for insurance would either not like sonic at all or like the classic guy better
I saw this on YouTube earlier today and decided to check out the comments. One of the comments made perfect sense, saying he was searching for the fourth chaos emerald. XD
Maybe he’s looking for the chaos emeralds. XD
The new 10s is really turning into 90s 2.0
Sonic needs insurance in case he runs into something! DUH.
how could he pay for his car that was destroed in the future!!!! but he could be looking to pay for all the damege in city escape unless you didnt hit any cars in the game
Sonic? In commercial advertising….?!!!!
*(Stabs insurance company)* Stay away from our hedgehog…..
Everyone’s complaining about the commercial being a sellout, or Sonic not needing insurence… heck, I’m just glad my favorite videogame character is getting screentime! Go Sonic! 😀
Augh!!! don’t lump that stupid cat in with the last name! its a travesty, I tell you!
I don’t know if I should be happy Sonic’s getting his face out there again and doing something a video character hasn’t done in a while, or cry because Sega sold him out again to get a quick buck.
Well, if Sonic’s screentime makes the next game somewhat more successful, then SEGA puts a higher value Sonic’s property, and will hopefully put more money and resources into the next game! When it comes to ficticious characters, nothing is more healthy than screentime and exposure.
that is the video from the official progressive account. it has better quality 😀
Dont think its rally selling out, i mean, remember the cherrios and mc donalds commercials? i think its great sega is pushing sonic again. about time. i personally thik they forgot he was there mascot for a bit.
Im surprised the actors didn’t become dolmio puppets when looking through Sonics eyes.
all this makes me want is a progressive commercial with mike pollock voicing eggman.
The last Progressive commercial that aired had a robot version of Flo, so I guess Sonic is going after her?
I believe its 1:1 Usd to rings.
He needs more rings to pay for his all star racing car.. xD
In any case, I’ll always Sonic 3’s music. :3
Sonic can run you now? 🙁
sonic got tired of losing all those 1-ups, so he decided to get some life insurance.