Although GameStop’s tablets include a copy of the game already on them, new video on YouTube of the Xbox Live Arcade build of the game gives us a crisper look at the game running, as well as laying any fears to rest of the Spencer Nilsen soundtrack being excluded for those preferring the more rock and synth U.S. soundtrack.
The video gives us glimpses at the main menus, Tails as an unlockable character, and a new instrumental remix of the original International opening theme, “Sonic – You Can Do Anything”. Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead’s Retro Engine can be seen in full force as the game animates at a smooth 60FPS on a 16:9 aspect ratio, allowing more of the action to be seen by the player.
The big stunner of the video comes at the end when the player goes through the Special Stage, now significantly smoother to any other experience of Sonic CD to date. It’s almost disorienting after playing it at its chugging Mode 7-esque pace.
Sonic CD is due out by year’s end on every platform under the sun except for the Wii and 3DS. Sorry, Nintenation.
I think this just sold me a copy. At first I thought it would just be a port like the other sonic games but they did work on it and smoothed it out.
3:14 OMG 88 miles per hour! I love all of these references!
Is it on PSP?
Nope. It’s coming to on XBLA, PSN, Steam, iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7.
US: Soundtrack is in?
With the inclusion of the US soundtrack, this version has just became perfect. What was just a pipe dream a few weeks ago is now very real. Sega really outdid themselves with this one. Absolutely a day one purchase!!
So Sonic still does what Nintendon’t.
Actually this is a port. They didn’t remake the game, but they did work it to be more suitable for the platform and add some new features. What they’ve done previously is to wrap the original game with a Genesis emulator and make it look pretty
Nope. The game has been re-created with Taxman’s Retro Engine, so it’s not a port.
Holy HELL, those Special Stages look smooth~!
That’s cool that they give you the option to pick the US or JP soundtrack. Personally, I will be listening to only the Japanese soundtrack.
Will this be released for Mac via Steam? Or is it just PC?
This version is almost perfect. The “almost” is due the fact the japanese intro and ending themes don’t have vocal. Curse you, Sega, and curse you, “legal issues”.
Note: The YouTube video is done. Curse you again, Sega!! lol
The video doesn’t work anymore. It says SoA took it down.
“This video is no longer available due to copyright claims from Sega of America.”
YES! The US soundtrack rocks! (In my opinion)
Well, seems like Sega sprang to the banhammer on this video.
I really hope someone re-uploads that video, because I’m dying to see how it looks now. I love Sonic CD and I have wanted it on XBLA for SO many years now. And now, with the news of the US soundtrack being in there… it’s like a dream come true. I just hope the achievements will be decent.
US soundtrack? YES!!!!
You know, I honestly wasn’t going to get this without the US soundtrack…. I’m happy now.
I would have tried to find another PC version before getting a PSN version.
“This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by SEGA of America.” Now that’s a first.
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The USA music is freakin epic fuckin win. To hell with the gay japanese music
Dag nabbit good stuff you whppiersnaepprs!
Video’s back up
“The USA music is freakin epic fuckin win. To hell with the gay japanese music”
LOL the jap musics are way better than US, but the US is still very good
After all it’s good to have both