Look, I’m not going to lie. There are about 12 million different versions of the Green Hill Zone theme on the Internet. Some are nice, some are terrible, some should never have seen the light of day. YouTube user EnergyLabsBR decided to throw their hat into the ring a couple weeks ago, but instead of using instruments or making up words to sing, they decided to go the extra mile. All they need? A tesla coil.
Fair warning: the video is loud.
According to their video description, the video was done for the 100 year anniversary of “ETEC Getulio Vargas,” whatever that is. But hey, it’s Sonic related. So there you go!
Last year EnergyLabsBR also dabbled in playing the song to Hydrocity Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 3. They made two videos for whatever reason, so if your earbuds can handle it, click here to watch the louder one. Otherwise, just enjoy this slightly quieter one.
Tesla would be proud. I think.
I bet the only time you’ll ever see in a Sonic game is when Robotnik performs shock therapy. *tomato is thrown*
Uh, sorry about the multiple comments. My laptop is screwing with me right now…. -__-;
S’alright. It happens.
Nice effort, don’t get me wrong I admire the work put into this, but it’s just noise, I prefer if they went the “traditional” way and made normal remixes, still good work!
Whoa, a fellow countryman using some weird technologic apparatus noises to reproduce the best game musics ever made. LOL Though I don’t have an idea what that place is. XD Reading the portuguese one, it appears to be a mechanical and eletronic engineering school (which makes sense /derp).
I wonder where does that “melodies” fit: the nice ones, the terrible ones, the ones that-never-should-see-the-sunlight or any other not mentioned?
I have no words.
In other news:
– Brazil is getting a Collector’s Edition of Sonic Generations, for the PC!!!!! Look into a bootleg kiosk near you.
Brazil FTW!SEGA please look at your country, see how great Sonic fans here are!
GHZ is the more impressive one.
I got a word… SCIENCE!
“ETEC Getulio Vargas” is a Technical School with the name of an old Brazillian president called Getulio Vargas.
Not that he done any good thing to have his name there… he was a militar dictator.
What is this!?
A while back, someone did this but with the MLP;FiM theme song!
Fascinating stuff (mostly visually)! Listening to Hydro city = Mind Blown!
Next time Sega decides to make a “Game Land” or something they shall put Teslas in some points of the area. It would even allow music based-gameplay elements to not be annoying for deaf people.
He should try the sonic spinball options screen.