Earlier today, gaming website IGN posted online the latest trailer for Sonic Generations, and game that is now only a little more than a month away. Styled in a similar manner to the “Classic Era” trailer uploaded earlier this month, the hallmark Dreamcast titles Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and the multi-platform like-it-or-hate-it Sonic Heroes are showcased for those who first fell in love with the hedgehog in the land of three dimensions. And what music accompanies this trailer?
Oh man, now they’re going to make me wait for them to say “up and down and all around.” Curse you Sega and your clever marketing campaigns to make me buy the game!
While the City Escape footage is extremely familiar, the Seaside Hill recreation is the first time we really get to see it in more than two second bursts, further showing that it is more than just a Green Hill knock-off. But the main show here is, of course, the Speed Highway footage. The first level even hinted at when Sonic Adventure was being developed, it soon became the defining moment to many. Sonic jumping onto helicopters? Awesome. Sonic running down a building like a crazy person?! Even awesomer.
We might not see any helicopter jumping action in this trailer, but there is certainly building running. And hey, look at that! Instead of just running by random helicopters floating in air, Sonic is being chased by a bevel of E-10 Cop Speeders! Makes a bit more sense since…well, in Adventure, all Sonic was doing was wandering around looking for Amy, and he didn’t even do that.
That man who owns the Cyber-Netic building must be extremely happy right now. The people living in the apartments Classic Sonic is breaking into? Not so much. Hey, could be worse. Could be Shadow smashing through their windows. Not because it’s Shadow, mine you, but because that would mean their apartment was in space. Sounds cool until a hedgehog crashes through it.
So this game is going to be pretty good then.
I say pretty good; I mean a lot more than that.
My favorite era of Sonic, too bad the gameplay isn’t the same, and before everyone starts yelling at me yes I like Sonic Adventure 1&2 and Sonic 2006!
I can agree with the first to. The third? No.
Sonic ’06 is a good game, but it cannot compare to any of the others. The best thing about the game is the music. 😀
…That’s the ONLY thing good about it!
I dare say the graphics are fairly adequate.
Anyone else notice Sonic running all by himself in the Sonic Heroes footage at the beginning?
You can clearly see the icons for Tails and Knuckles in the corner, but there they aren’t. XD
Well, at least with me, sometimes it happens of Sonic “losing” the friends behind when going too fast in a Speed Formation-Only area. Dunno if that’s the case. Would be funny if SEGA let the Tails and Knuckles icons at the Generations stage while Sonic is running alone.
It only happens when sonic goes through a scripted loop, same if knuckles goes through one.
Uhhhhh… I have nothing to say other than….. UP AND DOWN AND ALL AROUND!
Could be Final Rush, could be Radical Highway, could even be part of Speed Highway if you look at it. But what the fuck are they thinking, using such a low quality cutscene at the end?
Edit: I missed a giant earth-like planet in the background, it’s Final Rush. But.. still, quality, please.
Maybe they didn’t finished rendering the cutscene… really, I see no other reason for Shadow looking like his plastic-self from SA2, Heroes and “His own game”.
Oh god. This game just looks more and more epic. So much tastier every time I see it. It will be mine… Oh, it will be mine.
Hello childhood. How have you been? Looks like you’re being well taken care of this year.
“Dreamcast era” my eggs. No one consider Sonic Colors as from the “Wii Era” or Sonic CD as from the “Sega CD Era”. There are simply 2 eras: Classic(Sonic 1 to Chaotix) and Modern (Adventure 1 to Generations). They’re doing this just to hide the fact they have more Modern Stages recreated than Classic Stages.
The Sega Saturn loves you too.
I never had a Saturn, nor played its games. ;-; Should I?
Saturn’s got some goodness on it outside of Sonic. Definitely give it a browse and look at our list of released titles at Sega Retro.
or maybe they’ve noticed the line of quality between the Sonic Adventure games and the likes of 06 and Unleashed
Wow, Riddle, butthurt much?
Three eras makes perfect sense to me. The Dreamcast era is of noticeably different quality than both the classic and modern titles (and remember that the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox were a part of the same console generation as the Dreamcast, so calling it the “Dreamcast era” is perfectly viable). It sits in the middle of the two, both in terms of chronology and quality, hence the split into three eras. Sonic Adventure plays next to nothing like Sonic Unleashed, for example, so I think the era split makes sense.
I mean, think of it this way: the game is called “Sonic Generations,” right? Well, all of the classic stages are from the same _generation_ of hardware: the Genesis generation (which would include the Sega CD and 32X, but they’re trying to use only three stages from each era). All the modern stages are from the current (or “modern”) generation of consoles (360, Wii, and PS3). So where else would the Dreamcast (and GameCube, PS2, and Xbox) be able to fit other than in their own “era”?
In short, the Dreamcast stages are given their own era because, well… they ARE from their own era. It’s fact: The Dreamcast came out in 1998, and the GameCube in 2001, and I fail to see how either of those would classify as “modern.”
I thought we were talking about SONIC Generations, not SONIC CONSOLES Generations. But whatever…..
Sigh. Even if we talk purely in terms of gameplay, the “Dreamcast era” games play almost nothing like the “modern era” games. Just as the “classic era” games play almost nothing like the Dreamcast ones. The split makes sense, and you’re just being a killjoy.
These stages looks the best of the pack so far, next to Chemical Plant 🙂
That Speed Highway classic remix, absolutely amazing. Everything looks great.
I feel bad for liking this :/ idk why I guess its just not the same, SEGA’s been using the same crappy gameplay and modles since Sonic Unleashed and it just feels so raped
Don’t worry. According to Iizuka, after Sonic Generations, SEGA will give Modern Sonic a brand new gameplay style. Again. After all, that’s what we all want, right? …right?
NO. He meant new sonic games will get more to explore inside levels. like red star rings.
Since when are the Unleashed models crappy? Unleashed was a great looking game, and the models were very detailed and much improved ANY of the previous models. Not as shiny as in Heroes and Shadow, and not as uncanny valley as 06. And not as low-polygonal as SA1/SADX and SA2/SA2:B. And before anyone says that it’s subjective, something can objectively have more detail and polygons. You can argue that doesn’t make it objectively better, but if you think more refined models look worse than aged models made in previous generations, on worse hardware, you have really weird standards for quality. Or what, are you expecting CoD-rivaling, realistic graphics for a game starring a cast of cartoony, talking animals?
“Uncanny Valley”.
You do realize, sir, that Kingdom Valley was, despite being in a freakng awful game, a beautiful and desgustingly hinderd stage.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley You didn’t realize that I was referring to the CHARACTER models as having crossed into the uncanny valley, which is a term to essentially say that “it’s so near realistic, yet unrealistic enough that it looks disturbing/weird/awkward/repulsive/etc”? I like the stage Kingdom Valley, but if you paid attention to my comment, I was only arguing about the Unleashed models not being shitty at all when you compare them to previous Sonic games’ character models.
Technically, game consoles are broken down into generations. Sonic Generations divides its Eras by console generation. The 4th generation includes Genesis, the 6th includes DC, GC, and those other Heroes ports, and the 7th is the current (or “modern”) set of consoles.
Shadow!!!! Any Sonic game with Shadow automatically makes a Sonic game perfect 4 me! I want 2 see Shadow’s boosting in action!
God, I love the Generations thread. It is the greatest thing to read on the internet.
I saw Heroes in the Dreamcast era from a mile away. think of it this way, if the Dreamcast survived the 6 gen consoles, Heroes would of likley been on it.
They had been better off calling it the Adventure Era. Still not correct, but Heroes may as well be an Adventure game.
Like how Shadow is a glorified SA2.5
God I can’t wait to play as Modern Sonic in Speed highway. I don’t kno why ppl dislike his gameplay, it’s fucking awesome to me
Too much City stage.
No sonic 3 stage.
JPN Stardust speedway music.
Apart for that…this game looks awesome.
I can understand not wanting a million cities.
I can understand wanting to have the first half of Sonic 3 & Knuckles represented.
But…I don’t understand the hate for the Japanese soundtrack. I mean, I feel like the only reason people are against it is because it’s not what they grew up with, and nothing else. For years, all I saw were complaints about how people wanted the Japanese soundtrack, and now when it seems we’re finally getting it in the United States, all of these defenders are coming out of the woodwork. It’s not that the American soundtrack is bad…it just wasn’t the soundtrack designed for the game. Ohshima, the director for Sonic CD, wanted a certain sound to the game that Sega of America just decided to ignore.
Sega could’ve done the scary thing and I dont know.. FUSED THE STARDUST SPEEDWAY TRACKS TOGEHTER SOMEHOW? If Jun Senoue is capable of making the punk style of Escape From The City into dance then Stardust Speedway’s twist could’ve been the American version but techno-ed up with a bit of the Japanese mixed in. I listened to the remix in the German video of the Stardust Speedway fight and it sounds.. blech… ¬_¬
Sorry, but i dont like the JPN Soundtrack.
I like the Nielsen band.
I grew up mostly with the US soundtrack yet overall prefer the JP/UK soundtrack…all except for stardust speedway. Funny that
No Sonic 3 stage? Sky Sanctuary, perhaps? Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were never intended to be seperate games, and are therefore considered to be one when combined. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles. That’s the full game.
If Sonic 3 and Knuckles is an entire game…
Why SEGA sells for separetly in Virtual console, PS network and Xbox live?
Because they were *released* as seperate games. Even if they weren’t meant as a single game, they had to choose between one of them, as they pick 3 stages per era. 4 stages per era would become too much. (for them, not for us.)
If the Shadow battle plays “Live and Learn” I’ll be so Happy! =)
new photos of speed highway
Damn these look pretty good. I am really loving Seaside Hill.
Just giving my 2 cents here, I like the “the multi-platform like-it-or-hate-it Sonic Heroes”. I feel like hating Sonic Heroes is like hating a 7 year old because they don’t understand Quantum Physics.
I love the little dance the robot in Ocean Palace does just before Sonic destroys it. Also, UPANDDOWNANDALLAROUND.
I hope a remix to “For True Story” plays during the Sonic/Shadow Battle. Perfect BGM for the setting/backdrop