Game News

Sonic the Hedgehog 1&2 Soundtrack Still Coming – Now With Release Date!

With every new piece of information about Sonic Generations coming out, and the announcement and subsequent releases of the “Best Of” soundtracks to Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes, there has been one announcement that has gone silent since it’s initial reveal. I am talking, of course, about the first official release of the soundtracks to Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Entirely composed by DREAMS COME TRUE frontman Masato Nakamura, the tracks have never been part of an official release through any record label, even though they were from one of the biggest musical acts in Japan. This injustice will finally cease on October 19th, 2011 when the Sonic the Hedgehog 1&2 Soundtrack is finally coming out. And with the style it always deserved.

Contained in not one, not two, but three jam-packed discs, just about every single song found in the game will be represented, along with the demos to both games. I know the original article on this site went into just how awesome that is, but it is indeed awesome. These are tracks that haven’t been heard by the public in any capacity, sitting in the vaults of DREAMS COME TRUE waiting to come out. And for those completionists, the vocal version of the Sonic 2 ending theme SWEET SWEET SWEET will be there. Not just both the English and Japanese versions, but the remixed version done by Akon for the less-than-stellar Sonic the Hedgehog 2006.

All in all, there are expected to be 88 tracks, full of the classic musical stylings from the first two games in the series. Sure, it may be ¥ 3,150, or just about $41, but it will be worth every penny. This is not just some afterthought of a soundtrack release, this is the real deal. The release we all have been waiting for. Something that has been 20 years in the making, even though it should have been there from the start. Perhaps waiting makes it sweeter. Though it would be nice if we received a domestic release…and not just on iTunes.


[Source: and DCT garden]

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  • Reply

    This is great! Hopefully a Sonic 3 & Knuckles soundtrack will be released some day (that one CD released in 1994 was good, but it left much to be desired). Perhaps with the tracks MJ composed? Hey, a guy can dream.

  • Reply

    Damn itunes… i want it on disk in the uk.

    And I hate the Akon mix of sweet sweet sweet, its pure torture. That and some other song i have not given the privilege of assigning the name of to my mind, were the worst songs in sonic 06’s generally good to amazing soundtrack.

  • Reply

    oh my fuckin god YES!

  • Reply

    When I read that neither game had official releases, I was so terribly disappointed. It’s redeeming to hear it’s getting justice.

  • Reply

    Would be nice if they chucked in Kusuriyubi No Kesshin. I mean, I’ve already got the album it was on, but yeah, completionist. 😛 Can’t wait for this, either way.

  • Reply

    Well then, I’ll be ordering through Amazon JP.

  • Reply

    I’ll be looking forward to this.

  • Reply

    Meh I’m not really expecting anything interesting, sure the tracks may have better instruments and maybe some may have vocals, but it’s just Sonic 1&2 + Dreams Come True shit, I rather have Senoue’s Sonic Adventure 1&2 albums myself, since I’m a fan of Crush 40!

    Also I happen to like Sonic 2006 and it kinda bothers me how many people call it a bad game as if it was a fact, hate it as you want but don’t force others who actually enjoyed and loved it into hating it, it was far better than Unleashed IMO!

    • Reply

      Nah dude, what i think they are saying is that Sonic 06 left a lot to be desired. after adventure 2 sega kind of fell below the mark. personally i liked the story line, but i certainly wasn’t a fan of the game play. some people just have different ways of saying it i guess.

      • Reply

        well if that’s the case then I understand this logic, while I did love the game and the story “mostly Shadow’s” I too wished if the game done certain things better, this doesn’t however mean the game was bad!

    • Reply

      Sounds like you haven’t played Sonic ’06

      • Reply

        well if completing each story and all missions, collecting all gold/silver medals, and getting all levels S rank, is not considered “playing the game” then you are right I haven’t :V

  • Reply

  • Reply

    Well, looks like it’s off to ebay soon enough. Looking forward to grabbing this one.

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  • Reply

    Really waiting for this one.

  • Reply

    88 tracks and 3 disks… Wow! DO WANT! :3~

  • Reply

    I just heard the ‘Sonic the Sketchhog IOS App was released in the US last Wednesday!

  • Reply

    is this available on Itunes for preorder right now? also is the title going to be “Sonic The Hedgehog 1&2 Soundtrack” or is it going to be called something else?

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