Game News

New Generations 3DS Special Stage Shots

So, I heard you kids were really into these Sonic Generations shenanigans, even on the 3DS. Though we’ve seen bits and pieces of Green Hill for the title, things have been pretty hush-hush otherwise. Today, we received a nice collection of screenshots for the never-before-seen Generations 3DS Special Stage. So far, it looks to be quite similar to its home console counterpart: a take on the Sonic Heroes Special Stage, with players dashing down a track and avoiding obstacles. The dash panel from Heroes also seems to be making a return this time around. These shots look pretty nice for a portable system, but who knows how the thing will look running. Full gallery is below the jump.







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  • Reply

    mmm it looks pretty but i want something like sonic 3

  • Reply

    if these on rails running sections had been turned into full levels in secret rings style on rails speed, they would theoretically be awesome. In fact i don’t know why they cut the 3ds version down to all 2d when they can make 3d sections like this perfectly well. It might be on rails secret rings was a good game, despite what people say.

  • Reply

    Insert collective yawn here.
    And chances are, being the only person on staff with a 3DS, I’m going to have to review this. Crud. Please don’t make me fall asleep while playing like Colors DS did.

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    I hope the physics are better than Sonic Heroes’ crap. I have a hunch I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but a man can dream…

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    I like the Sonic Heroes special stage style. It is the best in the modern era IMO. Maybe because the modern era games hardly ever used special stages lol. But these screens only show Modern era Sonic which probably means the Heroes stylye special stages are only for him. Classic Sonic will probably use a special stage from his own era (e.g. Sonic 1, 2, or 3&K).

  • Reply

    Correction: I saw Classic Sonic too. But I’m satisfied with the Sonic Heroes special stage style. No problems with it at all.

  • Reply

    Huh. A few things:
    1: The special stages were revealed before now, just a little under-the-radar though. So, not all these are exactly “never-before seen.”
    2: We have Rush for Modern Sonic… and Unleashed for Special Stages. Why is this SEGA. I’m sure we would have preferred Unleashed Daytime gameplay over the worse side of Sonic’s 2D gameplay. Hopefully this plays better than Heroes…
    Also hopefully there’ll be the Colors DS special stage music remixed. That song is awesome.

    • Reply

      Dude what are you trying to say? The Unleashed Daytime gameplay evolved from Sonic Rush’s gameplay. They are similar anyway. What’s the difference?

    • Reply

      Im new here, and there is a question that has bugged me for many years: why is there so much hate for the Dimps created Sonic games cuz i have no problem with them, and I thoroughly enjoy them.

      • Reply

        Dimps is not bad. I liked Sonic Advance and it played very much like the classics. After that not so much. After that their games were always good or decent but never up to par with the classics or the first Donic Advance

        • Reply

          I have no problems with Dimps. There is also still the fact that the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed got better reviews than the 360/PS3 version: it wasn’t as pretty but the controls were tighter. And I have played both versions. There are times where I enjoy the Dimps games more than the Classic Games.

      • Reply

        I don’t hate Dimps either, they have their ups and downs, I liked Sonic Advance 1 and 3, and I liked Sonic Poket Adventure and the Rush games, but I didn’t like Sonic Advance 2 and I agree that the physics in Sonic 4 are bad, it wasn’t not unplayable but lazy!

        • Reply

          I will agree on the problem with physics in Sonic 4, but as for the handheld games, I have yet to see a big problem, though a delay for Sonic Generations 3DS doesn’t sound too bad, just so long as it is released.

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    “So far, it looks to be quite similar to its home console counterpart: a take on the Sonic Heroes Special Stage”

    When did they say home console versions of Generations had special stages?

    • Reply

      You misinterpreted it. The phrase IS talking about Sonic Heroes, which is for consoles. Its special stage is the console equivalent of the special stages seen here in Generations 3DS. I can see how that was misinterpreted though, since it was phrased oddly.

  • Reply

    I would like to note that this is just 1 chaos emerald. With what we know about this game, we may need to go through other styles of special stage from other games. (Like a Colo[u]rs platformer or something else)

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    Did anyone notice that each of these screenshots are taken in the same special stage? I’m starting to think that while your running through the SS, the background/scenery will change

  • Reply

    are those images real size images, or is 3DS screen a little smaller?

    I cant wait for the game though. ^_^

  • Reply

    Special Stages, WOO! I don’t really care what Special Stages are used, as long getting the 7 Emeralds is fun and you actually get to utilize them in game. Final Boss battle where you control both classic and modern Super Sonic? Yes please. Being able to transform in game whenever I want? Take my money, Sega.

  • Reply

    I know the game of the name is nostalgia pandering, but there’s only so many times you can do the half-pipe special stage.

    But then I suppose the Sonic 3 style special stage wouldn’t do, and Sonic 1 style was already wrecked by Sonic 4.

    …You know what? I want more Sonic CD style special stages. Those rock.

  • Reply

    These shots look good to me. As long as this version doesn’t make the Super Sonic’s only useable in the final boss battle like Sonic Colors did than it’s all good. 

  • Reply

    the same sonic heroes special stage the 3ds version its bad i am not a nintendo hater but i think sonic generations for 3ds should be canceled because sonic generation its about quality and the 3ds version doesnt have quality

  • Reply

    It’s only modern Sonic shots. Is there going to be an older special stage for classic? (not that Heroes didn’t rip this from Sonic 2)

  • Reply

    While the Generations special stage seems to look alright, I wonder if it’ll be as easy as it was in Sonic Heroes. Hopefully not, they really didn’t give me much of a challenge as much as Sonic 3’s special stages would. I dunno, this version of the game has just really not been doing that much for me at all really. The Nintendo 3DS has already shown that it is completely capable of creating 3d environments for something to match the Modern levels with the mix of 2.5D. If Modern Sonic’s levels stick to what they seem to be now, I don’t really see them changing afterwards. Personally, SEGA should look for another team to partner up with when it comes to handling their handheld games. . . and Sonic 4 Episode 2.

    That’s my opinion on it really.

  • Reply

    Aww, I hate the half-pipe stages D:

  • Reply

    cool, this looks fun, but why do I have a feeling Dimps will ruin this special stage concept somehow like they did with Sonic 1’s in Sonic 4?

  • Reply

    There’s nothing said about collecting a certain amount of rings and/or making a suitable ‘blue spere-esque’ feelin to it, I wonder how these stages will work?

    Problem is, Sonic Team repeats their ideas, but this seems legit enough for me to buy, I only wish from Sonic Team to give us Free-roam Sonic ala Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. A special stage like Blue-sphere or even the Sonic Advance 2 special stages will do.

    I hope they fixed the physics for that New-era Sonic SS. That’s one thing I wish!

  • Reply

    What I really hope they do to the games is have the Modern special stages AND the Classic Special stages and hopefully if we collect all the 14 Chaos Emeralds we will allowed to be Hyper Sonic once again !

    • Reply

      That’ll be hyper cool 😀

  • Reply

    Could use more AA but the lighting’s great!

  • Reply

    …wait i just realised. does this mean they’re remixing the Sonic Heroes special stage music? YEEEESSSSS. 8D
    I honestly really enjoyed the special stages in Heroes. It’ll be interesting to see how they work out on the 3DS. It looks really pretty so far.

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