
SDCC 2011: A Fuzzy Sonic Figure You Can’t Have… Or Can You?

For those of you going to this year’s San Diego ComicCon, you’ll have the opportunity to pick up that blue statue on the right if you manage to stop by Toys R Us’ booth and pick up the SDCC exclusive figure.

So what the heck is so special about this figure from any other molded piece of plastic Sonic? Figure creator Jazwares is touting this as the world’s first ever “flocked deluxe” action figure, which means that parts of Sonic are covered in fiber materials to make it feel like plush fur on the blue spiky one.

Not all is lost for those that can’t make it to San Diego between July 21 and July 24. On the last day of the event, Toys R Us will be selling these figures via their website for action figure fans to swarm in and gobble up.

The figure stands at a height of 10 inches/254mm and can be posed as you see fit.

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  • Reply

    Furry… Sonic… action figure… O_O

    • Reply

      it looks cool but i dont think it will work. (all my others broke)

  • Reply

    Dear Jazwares,

    Would it kill you to make figures that aren’t hideously jointed? Just something cute?

    Love, SS

    • Reply

      Don’t you love how they spent their money on fancy fuzzy stuff instead of bendy arms that wouldn’t look stupid?

    • Reply

      So true.

    • Reply

      Soooooo…. just figurines then?

  • Reply

    GEE JAZWARES, you could like, I don’t know, make an action figure without those god awful looking joints, just saying. I don’t really care if he’s fuzzy or not, I just want him to look, ya know, GOOD.

    The only thing I want from Jazwares is this sonic plush 

    • Reply

      Hey Amanda! Writer of that linked article here. Odd that clicking on it won;t work for me, but copy and pasting it does. 😛

      Anyway, yeah, those classic plushes are great looking! 

      • Reply

        I know right? I want one so bad, then sonics 20th will be perfect for me. 

        The thing is, I have no idea when it’s coming out or where to get it from. 

        BTW, sorry it doesn’t work by clicking, I actually have no idea what wet wrong with that.  

        • Reply

          It’s because you put a space in at the end of the URL and Sonic Retro’s comments system appended “%C2%A0″ to the end of it when you did that…that sends us to a page that doesn’t exist.
          Apart from that, I really hope that they release a classic Sonic figure with as nice quality as this one. I’ll probably get this one to go with my 10” Metal Sonic figure either way.

  • Reply

    I don’t usually buy toys but I still feel like buying this.

  • Reply

    Basically the figure itself is the same as the skin n bones Sonic that’s bundled with DS Colors? Is it that hard to make the arms as thick as the joints? T_T

  • Reply

    Prices? Because I need to buy a card to use on teh interwebs to buy this little cute furry.
    That last part sounds wrong.

    • Reply

      Haven’t heard a peep about pricing, but I’d say get $20-$30 ready.

      • Reply

        The non-fuzz figure is only $17, so I’m hoping this one doesn’t go any higher than $25.

        • Reply

          i only paid 4.99 for the non fuzz figure in stores

  • Reply

    It’s a quality figure, I have the non-fur one. But I don’t really see the need to own a second version of the same thing that has been in stores since late 2010. They should have released the large Classic Sonic figure instead.

  • Reply

    I think I’m in love, this is the best action figure ever, now I need money to waste on more Sonic merchandise 🙂

  • Reply

    Everyone’s complaining about the joints.
    I’m complaining about the fact my sister BROKE the leg off of my Sonic Colours figure (presumably from the same guys due to the joints). Not the joint’s fault either.
    Aaaanyway, I can see why you guys don’t like the joints – but how else are you going to get yourself bendy arms which look semi-human?
    Having that bendy stuff (don’t know what they use for that) which is flexible?
    The reason I wouldn’t have that is because frankly enough, it’s freaky, at least in my opinion, to see perfectly curved arms where there should be a sharp bend in the middle instead.
    Also, if you tried to have a toy that had hidden joints inside bendy plastic, either the plastic would tear off after a while at the back or be horribly wrinkly on the other side when bent.
    So it’s a kinda win/lose situation – functionality for posing over durability of actual joints.
    Someone reply if what I said just then is not the case because I have not looked at my figure for AGES.

  • Reply

    (PLEASE reply to the first comment that I made instead of this one if you want to reply to me!)
    Oh, and just to add onto the curved arms bit, sure we can put it in the perfect position to make it look more realistic but it’s just going to go back to its original shape once more, or you’ll do it so much that you’ll end up making the figure have severely disjointed arms/legs for the rest of its life.

  • Reply

    Damn. The figure costs $30 at

    Too expensive if you ask me.

  • Reply

    I have this sonic figure. Really nice

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