Game News, Game Secrets

Morning Hacking Round-Up: Level List, First Music Rips

We’ve been taking a look at the Japanese PSN demo since it dropped early this morning and been tearing it to bits. We’ve found quite a bit inside (c’mon, Sonic Team, it’s not exactly a secret that we do this) and have goods to share. A warning that there are massive spoilers under this cut. Don’t read if you care about preserving such things.

Level List and Boss List

We’ve recovered the title cards for the game inside the demo, confirming our earlier level list: Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, Speed Highway, City Escape, Seaside Hill, Crisis City, Rooftop Run, and Planet Wisp are noted to be in the game, with Casino Night Zone being available for DLC download.



We’ve found quite a bit of music scattered throughout the demo; most exciting to me personally is a remix of the Sonic Heroes menu theme, because let’s be honest–that song is amazing. To give you a taste of what’s been found so far, we have ten tracks available for download:

Title Screen
a new mix of the menu from Sonic Heroes (probably the actual real game’s menu theme)
Green Hill Classic
Invincible Classic
Green Hill Modern
Green Hill Modern/Boosting
Invincible Modern
Level Clear

The music is ripped at 320kbps, CBR. You can download copies either off MediaFire, or failing that, our server.


In the internal code, modern sonic is refered to as GenericSonic and classic is ClassicSonic. This really says a lot.


And since you’ve been good little readers and gone through all this, a parting present: some official Sonic Generations wallpaper. Enjoy!


[Edit: I spoke with representatives from Sega after this article was published–it’s not surprising it caught their attention. While in conversation, it was revealed that some of the things we showed were in fact works in progress and not final products. As a result, we’re pulling these things as we feel they are basically rumor. Since we had prior confirmation from another source on the level list, we’re keeping it as accurate.]

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  • Reply

    On top of all this, the demo is called “Demo #1” which practically confirms that more demos are coming. It’s likely that a new stage will be unveiled every 20 days through these time-controlled demos. I say they at least have 4 demos, for Classic/Modern Green Hill and City Escape.

    • Reply

      I think there should be Starlight Zone.

      • Reply

        i think there should be a Flying Battery Zone :[

  • Reply

    Made my day 😀

  • Reply

    I quite like that list.
    Sky Sanctuary, Death egg and Perfect Chaos, fuck yeah.

  • Reply

    Well, the level list could have some improvements, but it’s still nice.

    Also, get those other music tracks up for download soon <3

  • Reply

    You think they’d have hid this better you challenge you guys.

    You’re all just swell. <3

    • Reply

      They did lol, They gave them a time limit (which I bet they broke that as well.) For some reason I’m surprised yet not, all at the same time…

  • Reply

    Great job ripping the demo. This might be the closest I can get to experiencing it unless GameStop hosts playable demos at their stores.

    Still hoping for that PC release. Game looks solid.

  • Reply

    Thanks for the rip guys! Sonic Retro is the best!

  • Reply

    WHY ARE THEY USING WISPS? That’s a nintendo stage! PS3 and Xbox360 users are now gonna be able to play on WII stages and powerups. WHY?!

    • Reply

      Why are you so mad bro?
      at least they served the fans wish that wanted a port for XBOX AND PS3, right?

    • Reply

      Planet Wisp.

      In fucking glorious HD visuals that it could never have hoped to achieve on its original version.

      God that’s going to be glorious.

      Also, *jumps up for victory* SPIKES! *the jingle plays*

      • Reply

        May I say, and this is never going to happen now that I said it, that if we wanted it, could we have a version on the Wii U?
        Would be interesting to add features based on the new controller, perhaps…hold your entire HUD maybe?

  • Reply

    I saw the two words “Chemical Plant” and jizzed in my pants…

    • Reply

      Now that song is playing in my head. :O

    • Reply

      You and me both…I can’t wait to hear their remix! 😀

  • Reply

    No sonic 3 level? :/
    Apart from that, good job to sonic retro guys and sega, too.

    • Reply

      There’s 2 levels from sonic 3..

      • Reply

        I only see one level from Sonic & Knuckles, unless you count Sonic 3 & Knuckles as one game. Sky Santuary. I don’t see and Sonic 3 stand alone levels on that list myself either.

        • Reply

          Death Egg is also a Sonic & Knuckles level, it’s listed with the bosses, but common sense would say it’s a level. That’s still two S&K levels, and no Sonic 3 levels.

        • Reply

          Death Egg is also in Sonic 2.

        • Reply

          This is true, not much of a stage tho, and according to the data they have mined so far, Death Egg is in fact flagged as a boss. So that should be interesting. Will it be Sonic 2’s Silver Sonic/Eggman Robo fight again, or will it be the boss from Death Egg in Sonic & Knuckles. The questions continue to grow!

  • Reply

    Okay, with the confirmed levels and bosses, I am freaking satisfied. Though I’m curious to see how the Egg Dragoon [played against with Sonic the Werehog] and Perfect Chaos [played against Super Sonic] will play out.

    The Time Eater, I’m guessing that’s the antagonist, but I’m not too certain if that’s the final name.

    As miffed as many people are with Sonic 2006, I’m glad that Crisis City was picked out. I mean, come on, the most memorable part has got to be the apocalyptic city reduced to fire, ash and monsters! And it gives us a bit more info on this “Time Eater’s” capabilities, seeing that he/she/it can access erased timelines…

    I’m actually tingled to see that two Wisp power-ups return in some form.

    My only complaint: no Ice Cap Zone…

    …that better be in the 3DS version, Sega.

  • Reply

    No Lava reef or Grand metropolis and no levels from the sonic 3 half of 3K…a few nice looking things here but I’m still slightly disappointed

    • Reply

      Ohyeah. no CD stages either. Where’s my stardust speedway?

      • Reply

        That too!
        Possibly the Metal Sonic boss battle would be based off of it somehow…

  • Reply

    On another note…

    Okay, I know I might received some flames for this, but you don’t think the Time Eater and Mephiles are related somehow, besides similar powers?

    • Reply

      this has been troubling me for some time every since they annouce the story of the game. it could be a way to fix whatever that may have(opinions) on next gen and just get to the point time is messing up. hmm but is it possible for two time enitites to exist, atleast in sonic world?

      • Reply

        Well…Mephiles is the god of time…this thing just seems to makes holes in time while Mephiles can erase everything.

      • Reply

        But you forget that Mephiles *technically* doesn’t exist. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006) never happened.

        If only that statement were also literal.

        • Reply

          You know what? I thank it for existing – for without it, you know what would happen? ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE.
          Because if it were to not exist, Sega wouldn’t have been as much involved in shaping the next main Sonic game on consoles (Unleashed) to appease to the players, at least for a while! Then they refined this formula to make Colours, one of the best Sonic games in a while!
          It’s NOT ALL NEGATIVE with Sonic 06 after all!
          …think outside the square you people if you don’t get what I mean.

        • Reply

          Lol, nice one.

          But since anything related to Sonic 2006 is erased in canon, the fact that Crisis City is revealed shows that the Time Eater can access already dead and erased timelines. A destroyed city set 200 years in the future where the demonic lava half of Solaris went crazy and the time manipulator half was busy going back and forth through time trying to become one again. Sure, they’re gone, but what if Mephiles was brought back somehow because Crisis City, which was erased from time, is playable?

        • Reply

          That actually makes perfect sense, Jeffhog. The Time Eater can access alternate timelines, including ones that no longer exist and have Bootstrap Theory Chaos Emeralds. I’m looking at you, blue Chaos Emerald.

  • Reply

    I’m more gutted that there are no Sonic CD stages, and only one stage each from each game. And no Lava Reef, that was my favourite Sonic 3K level 🙁

    • Reply

      You need to re-learn your levels
      2 levels are from Sonic 2 (Chemical Plant and Casino Zone)

      • Reply

        Not really, you need to re-learn your info hunting skills, they have said Casino Night is a DLC stage, and it sounds like it’s a mini-game’ish stage not a full blown level. Considering it’s pre-order/DLC content, it isn’t part of the main game or story so to speak. Altho it does give me hope they may do some more DLC for this game.

        • Reply

          I knew they said CNZ is a DLC, but I thought, you thought you were talking about the list of levels,saying there was one level for each game. @_@”

  • Reply

    Mkay, so, Seeing Perfect Chaos and Metal Sonic as bosses just made my life. And I absolutely CANNOT wait for Chemical Plant. Looks like I’m not getting my Windy Valley xD AH WELL. THIS IS STILL AMAZING. Thanks to all you guys uncovering all this! 🙂

    • Reply

      I agree. Seeing Perfect Chaos and Metal Sonic is amazing. I just hope they do some sort of Super Sonic Boss Rush mode or something, with a compilation of the best SS bosses, EG Doomsday, Perfect Chaos, Final Hazard, etc. Ok, all the Super Sonic bosses.

  • Reply

    Cool!…..Not many stages, but still cool! Thanks SonicRetro! Since I saw that Sticker with the 7 Chaos Emeralds, this means we can play as Super Classic, and Super Modern Sonic!! 😀 looking foward to this game.

  • Reply

    It’s unusal for sonic games to have a big amount of levels :O

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    I wonder what the coloured Icons with the japanese writing in them are maybe they are characters

  • Reply

    Here’s what I’d like to know, obviously we can match a lot of levels with the bosses, but do you think there’s a slight chance we will see them in their own stages? Like Shadow for instance, do you think we will see him in the City Escape area (where he never was before) or somewhere like…say Space Colony ARK? Or Metal Sonic. Is he just replacing Mecha Sonic in Sanctuary, or will we be racing him in Stardust?

    The list is great, I love it, but like many others, the lack of classic levels is really annoying. We’ve already seen a lot of these new stages rendered in 3D. Who is really all that excited to replay levels that were really not that good to begin with? Sure itll be great to see them done well, but I know I’m not alone in thinking that I wasn’t really excited about those ones. We want revisions of the classic levels. We want remixed tunes from those games. I don’t even remember Seaside or Crisis City’s music. Probably because I was yelling at the television everytime Sonic magically fell through the ground.

    I will buy this game and I will enjoy it immensely, and speculation still leaves me curious. I would love to see the boss battles in their own zones, I know it won’t happen, but how great would it be to see Mecha Sonic in full 3D? Or having Mecha and Metal fight against Classic and Modern Sonic? Again, I know better, but a guy can dream.

    Regardless, the wisp powers in item boxes and the other little details are fantastic. I loved the demo and I love what they are putting in, even if I personally would have made some different choices, both for selfish reasons, and for business ones. 

    Thanks for the info, Retro!

    • Reply

      I could not agree more with what you said.

    • Reply

      i agree with your statement. i thought i was the only one who actually want to see mecha sonic( i think he is better then metal in some cases) after see some fan art for him when they was hyping sonic 4 up i was like he would look bad ass in 3d. i do find it quite wierd there is not many classic stages but i didnt over hype myslef for them, 20 years is a long time thats alot of stages to represent. this list probably isnt final,but if it is hopefully more will be added with dlc, it feels kinda short, but i will enjoy it never the less

      • Reply

        well with Gamestop already showing that they are indeed working on things outside of what is on the disc, I expect downloadable levels for sure.

        and not all classic levels really need representing anyway. We just got Sonic 4, which has blatant rip offs of Casino Night and Metropolis. Still, while there are games to represent, who is really excited to see classic Sonic in..Spagonia? Really. While there are a lot more than the holy trilogy(Sonic and Knuckles is just part 2 for the third game in my opinion) The Genesis games are, to many of us, the core Sonic experience. I mean that’s the whole point of Classic Sonic in this game, isn’t it? To sell us on that nostalgia? So why not better represent classic Sonic with a little more levels? I’m not asking for much. Just one or two. Everyone wanted Ice Cap…I personally wanted Carnival Night. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the level but when I think of Sonic 3, I think of Carnival Night for some reason.

        • Reply

          agreed, i do feel yes there need to be more classic cause thats what there selling us on, is that also the
          reason they originally made sonic 4 in the first place for that nostalgia. and back to 4 i still think it should
          be presented cause im sure there not gonna pick labrinth zone from sonic 1, or metropolis ( i wish they did) form sonic 2, they could then just pick, mad gear and lost
          labrithy, cause to me regardless how everybody feels about 4 whether it was little effort or no effort on sega/sonicteam part to make the game, they still made it and
          gave it to us so the least they can do it stick by there product, if they can represent 06 and we already know how people feel about that they can do sonic 4. but back on topic lol. i agree more classic stages
          icecap would of been great and it would be been easier for both classic and moder sonic, classic gets ice cap from sonic3 , modern sonic gets icecap from sonic adventure.the formula is ready there for them and they dont know it lol. i dont have an answer for spagonia, as that wouldnt been my choice personally i like adabat.

        • Reply

          i hope this doesnt sound like i am ranting at you iam not lol

    • Reply

      I have to agree too…..I’m now noticing that of the levels mentioned, only 1/3 are actually classic levels. -_- And Metal Sonic is the only classic boss!

      • Reply

        Well, okay honestly how many bosses are there outside of Robotnik in the classic games?

        and something I just noticed, again, this is pure speculation…we have Death Egg (could very well be a boss fight too, guys) if that is a level, and so is Sky Sanctuary, we could potentially fight Silver, Mecha, and Metal Sonic all in the same game.

        • Reply

          I forgot about Death Egg. And I’m not upset that Metal Sonic is the only non-Robotnik classic boss.

  • Reply

    This probably won’t be all the levels though. They will most likely have downloadable level packs like Unleashed had. There are too many classic levels spanning 20 years for Sega not to facelift more if them.

    • Reply

      This is what I thought as well and I would be willing to plop down money for it. I see DLC was already being considered since the pre-order bonus of Generations popped up.

      Also, is anyone else psyched about its price as I am? It would’ve been prime at $40 but still..!

  • Reply


    IT’S NOOOO USE!!!!!

    • Reply

      “HOW ‘BOUT THIS?”

      • Reply


  • Reply

    Is Knuckles modern or classic?

  • Reply

    only 10 levels? wtf?
    I dunno… I feel underwhelmed… I feel like there’s no reason this game shouldn’t have a minimum of 32 levels…

    • Reply

      Disc space and more so, time and resources. Those stages we rush through in minutes take thousands of manhours to make.

      • Reply

        ^This along with the fact that they have 3 eras being represented, and they have to balance it all out. This may not be the best level list, but oh well.

    • Reply

      32 levels?! the hell? Have you ever played a Sonic Game before?

    • Reply

      Ever play Sonic 06? Yeah, that’s LONG because of variations of levels.
      You see, if you felt underwhelmed now then you’re REAL disappointed with Sonic Colours (only 6* zones, after all…)

  • Reply

    Shoot! Just spoiled it for myself 😛

  • Reply

    awesome elemental shields are back, i hope they’re here to stay, also whisps are a nice addition!

  • Reply

    PChaos: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shadow: I’m teh coolest

    Silver: Its NOS USe

    • Reply

      metal: i will crush you to pieces

  • Reply

    so no sonic 4 stages, i am a little sadden yet not surprise by this either. something told me they was gonna to ignore sonic 4

    • Reply

      Sonic 4 Stages played (or was suppose to play as) like the previous sonic games elements mixed into “one brand new” level

      • Reply

        doesnt mean they couldnt represent it. even though its levels are sorta rehash sonic1/2, not every from said games are gonna be pick, so they could used one the rehash to represent sonic 4.

    • Reply

      Problem with this: They would have wanted something more original if they wanted Sonic 4’s stages to make the cut. Besides, it’s like a time paradox as well – Sonic 4 released SEVERAL YEARS AFTER THE SEQUEL and that would BREAK the flow of original gameplay style for the stages – from Classic, to Adventure, to Modern. It HAS to maintain stage formatting in this way.

  • Reply

    1.  Drowning sounds like the one in Colors…it doesn’t seem scary :/
    2.  The theme and classic invincibility…excuse me while I go change my pants.

    • Reply

      drowning sounds more like the one in sonic adventure to me

      • Reply

        Now that I listen to it, it kinda does :/
        I never played Adventure, I only watched playthroughs of it, so that’s probably why it sparked the Colors feeling, since they’re both instrumentals.  My baad.

  • Reply

    I’m curious how you got the Japanese PSN demo. Isn’t PSN still down in Japan?

    • Reply

      It’s probably the Hong Kong demo. It was up for a bit.

  • Reply

    How long should the process take to extract Knuckles?? I’ve been waiting all day!! 😀 Is it a Knuckles Pose, or is it his ACTUAL Story Mode Character Model?

  • Reply

    You guys are awesome. My insomnia kicks in around 1am for writing, and I have these wonderfully interesting threads to read through instead. The music rips are terrific too! 🙂 All said, I’m surprised that the level choices were so spot on from the “leaked” level list, and it’s a pity there’s four city scapes, but what the hey, it looks good from here!

  • Reply

    What is the ??? for? Secret final stage after getting all the chaos emeralds? what if it was Doomsday Zone 😛

    • Reply

      ???-Dreamcast Sonic =). i can dream can’t i

    • Reply

      Even though the boss wouldn’t be the same (I think), bricks will be shat if that’s the case.

    • Reply

      Even though the boss wouldn’t be the same (I think), bricks will be shat if that’s the case.

    • Reply



  • Reply

    So do you think those are all the levels in the game, or do you think there are more that dont have titles coded in the demo that will show up later?

  • Reply

    ooh i just found a vid of someone riping the demo files.
    i know its difficult not to look but there are some minor spoilers so please try your best not to look lol

  • Reply

    Fuck Sega, How can they keep fucking this up, its so blatantly simple and obvious. Just include levels from the Genesis games. There, done, is it really that hard? Why oh why would they pass over Flying Battery, Ice Cap and Starlight for this shit:

    [Sonic Heroes] Seaside Hill
    [Sonic 2006] Crisis City
    [Sonic Unleashed] Rooftop Run
    [Sonic Colors] Planet Wisp

    Are they out of their minds. And seriously Sky sanctuary, seriously? A 3 minute transition level, over Ice Cap, Hydrocity and Flying Battery.

    The Sonic Cycle strikes again.

    • Reply

      They never said this was only going to be classic Sonic only, so you throwing out the Sonic Cycle already is pretty laughable. So they didn’t pick the stages you wanted. Big whoop. I’m not happy that Hydrocity wasn’t picked and I couldn’t care less for any entry from SA2 or Heroes.
      But whatever. City Escape has already surprised us once with how it looks for Classic Sonic. Crisis City could swerve us by taking elements from Flame Core or, gasp, being an actually playable level this time.
      If you still don’t like it, whatever, don’t buy it. You just look silly right now complaining that this isn’t “Fakename87’s Remake Every Genesis Level Generations.” Besides, who’s to say that if this does well they won’t splinter Classic Sonic off into his own little subsect of the franchise, like the Mario and Sonic games or the Storybook Series?

      • Reply

        Here’s the one thing that makes Crisis City playable in Generations: The use of a finely-tuned engine for the playable characters, something that Unleashed started, Colours revamped and Generations set to revamp once more.

    • Reply

      I agree with GeneHF. Sonic Cycle? Please! I think it is too early to say that. Just because they aren’t the levels you want doesn’t mean this game won’t be fun. Plus, this probably isn’t the full list.

  • Reply

    Sky sanctuary?, what a waste of space.
    Theres a lot of green eyes stages, around 6, and only 3 classic stages, this didnt deserve to be called Sonic generations.
    3 and Knuckles are 2 different games, Sega must to put one from each one, and one from CD.
    Anyway. I love Chemical plant, but the rest is much city stages.
    From heroes, i think better is Casico park and / or Haunted castle. The seaside hill is a ripoff of green hill.
    Crisis City, is fine, i mean at least, have fire and tornados..
    SkySanctuary is kind of Lame. Sega must put Ice cap (sonic 3) and lava reef or Sandopolis from &K.
    Sonic adventure 1: Speed highway, is totally unesesary, theres much city stages, maybe twinkle park, or lost word should be better.
    Im really dissapointed with SEGA’S “criterium”.

    • Reply

      “doesn’t deserve to be called generations”

      And equal showing from each console generation of Sonic games. 3 Genesis, 3 DC, 3 Modern.

      What does “generations” mean to you, because it’s certainly not what it actually means.

      • Reply

        There’s only 2 DC games on that list, Heroes isn’t really a Modern era game, but it isn’t a DC one either. I feel more classic stages wouldn’t have been a bad thing personally, they don’t have a stage representing Sonic 3 as a solo game. Also to be honest the Modern games like Colours and Unleashed and even 06 didn’t come out that long ago. Sure seeing what they can do with Classic Sonic in them will be interesting, but do we really need these levels reused again so soon?
        To be fair, you have to admit, most people that were hyped up for this game were excited for the HD reimagined version of the Classic levels. You didn’t hear anyone saying “Oh awesome! Ill get to see Unleashed in HD with this generation graphics!!!!!”

        • Reply

          I think the interest of the Modern Levels having Classic Sonic in them is what they are going for in that case, plus they might make some changes like they did with City Escape.

    • Reply

      how can seaside hill be a ripoff of green hill if sega made both levels

  • Reply

    4 city themed levels. 2 tropical island levels. No Sonic CD or Sonic 3 levels. It’s no doubt I’ll get this game and probably enjoy it, but this may be one of the worst “Best Of”s I’ve ever seen. 4 CITY LEVELS

    • Reply

      5 if you count chemical plant

  • Reply

    meh I feel like they could’ve done better with the level selection process (most of the stages fill the same trope) but it’ll most likely be fun.

    I was going out on a limb hoping for Sky Deck, Hydrocity, and Oil Ocean with a possible nod to the beta Hidden Palace Zone. 😛

  • Reply

    That old official art dump from WAAAAY back when I think drx was involved in also had “Generic Sonic” as the modern name for it, mind you — that’s not news. Unless that was what he’d given as the name, in which case I dunno if they didn’t do that as a joke instead; honestly I dunno either way.

  • Reply

    No Ice Cap, Lava Reef, and/or Flying Battery? I am dissapoint. Hopefully they are DLC stages. And it looks like no Sonic 4 stages are in the game. :P……or Sonic CD stages, either……..then what’s up with the Metal Sonic boss, then?

    Which Death Egg level is it? The Sonic 2 or Sonic & Knuckles version?….most likely the S&K version.
    So Sonic Team IS mentioning 06
    by brining up Crisis City, Blaze, AND Silver……does this mean Sonic 06’s story will SOMEHOW be unretconned? Or did the “Time Eater” destroy the future?…..Hopefully Crisis City and Silver’s boss fight will be improved from the 06 versions……

    Elemental shields are coming back? AW-SUM! 😀

    NO Sonic CD stages?…..

    • Reply

      To respond to the Crisis City comment, I’ll just repeat what I wrote earlier and then some.
      I’m pretty sure the Sonic 2006 storyline remains non-existent in the official timeline, but it did exist before Solaris’ flames were put out. I believe that the Time Eater is capable of accessing erased timelines, and not to mention Sonic was a part of it.

      And I sorta figured Crisis City would make it in. 😀 I’m pretty sure it’ll be greatly improved. The only thing that can ruin it is NOW LOADING.

    • Reply

      I think you will find if you read the game script they data mined out of the demo, Death Egg is flagged as a “boss”, so it won’t be either games level. It does make you wonder how it could be a boss tho, does that mean one of the Death Egg bosses, or does it mean attacking it head on with the Tornado, since the Tornado was also one of the things mentioned in some of the code. The mystery deepens.

      • Reply

        One of the cutscenes is called “After New Eggrobo” yet there’s no boss called New Eggrobo. Maybe by Death Egg it means the grand eggrobo from Sonic 3K? Hope so. Sonic 4 already butchered the Sonic 2 endboss

  • Reply

    You know what would make my day? I mean, as a pleasant, trivial little surprise? Retro Chaotix. 3D model of a skinny Vector. Ya dig?

    • Reply

      Also, I presume that the little Motobug emblem means that it converts crushed badniks into rings.

  • Reply

    WHAT THE HELL! No Egg Viper?!! MY LIFE IS OV… hmm I see they have Chemical Plant. Seems Sega made this to easy for the crack jack team over here at Retro to find, maybe they are trying to pull a Sonic 4 type stunt where the fans get the notice, and tell Sega what they want. I mean don’t get me wrong, all of these levels sound nice, but I know for a fact Sega can’t have just these levels, they have to have more. The fact that some of these levels don’t completely cover the vast history of Sonic, or somehow establish some of the history of certain Characters..*cough* Metal Sonic *cough*, it is a sign of what is to come, not a finalizing agent. Also, I was serious. I really wanted to see Egg Viper.

    • Reply

      Egg Viper…wtf?
      I’ve never heard of that zone…tell me what game it came from, it’s certainly a more obscure one to me anyway.

      • Reply

        Ever play a little game called Sonic Adventure?

      • Reply

        Egg Viper is a boss from Sonic Adventure. To be more exact, it is the final boss for Sonic.
        Here is a link for more info.

        • Reply

          Ah, it was a boss. Heck, the boss list was removed and that’s why I was more confused than usual.

  • Reply

    Tell me I’m not the only one disappointed that 6 of those zones are the first levels in their respective games. 😛 Sonic Heroes’ Seaside Hill seems especially stupid, since they already have Green Hill. ANY other zone, save maybe Frog Forest or Egg Fleet, would have been a better representation of Sonic Heroes.

    That aside, I find some of their choices intriguing.

    • Reply

      Or Final Fortress? 0w0

  • Reply

    I hate this list of stages.
    The worst of all, exist people who actually like the lis. In what kind of world we are living, what kind of person likes 5 city stages in one sonic, what kind of “fan”, preffers sky sanctuary over the other stages of Sonic 3&K.
    I hope this is only a bad dream.

    • Reply

      Well I’m with you on the city stages, but I disagree with you on Sky Sanctuary. Don’t take this as trolling or trying to piss you off, that’s not the case at all, I just like talking and debating with people on here.

      That said, do you remember the very first time you saw Sky Sanctuary? I do. It, to me, was more than just another level. Sky Sanctuary sets a tone entirely different from the rest of the game prior to it. While all the other zones felt like your basic Sonic feel, Sky Sanctuary made it feel just…grand. Like this is what ALL the games built to, the first time the series felt truly epic. Like there was a lot more at stake than animals trapped in robots. Robotnik just stole the Master Emerald, You just kicked Knuckles ass, and all hell starts breaking loose, in a level structure unlike any we had seen thus far.

      Maybe its just me, I don’t know. but the level opens up with you high above the earth, watching the Death Egg launch off, then you go through this insane looking world fighting Robotnik clones, the damn robots Knuckles fought as bosses are the enemies in one level for Sonic….and then you fight a beefed up Sonic robot in classic badnik fights and ….god… jumping to the death egg from a collapsing sanctuary?  man… ah. I love it. So much. Not as intricate as the other levels. But the visual style, what it represented, the memorable epic theme, and the sheer potential of what they can do with it now has me stoked.

      • Reply

        Sky sanctuary for me, was a short stage, something like Sky chase or similars. a “transision” stage.
        Inever see something Wow in that stage, clouds, teleporters….
        I preffer OMHO Sandopolis (sand and spooky) stage, there you got “two ducks in one shot”, or Lava reef, a lava level mixed with mines.

        What happens with the other 11 or something zones from 3&K.
        the game needs fire, needs ice, needs water, sand, and other elements, that is the amalgama from a plataform game.
        SEGA needs choose ONE from 3 and ONE from &K.

        This game is disapointme already.
        I hipe that list is just a HOAX.

    • Reply

      The list probably isn’t even complete.

    • Reply

      Clearly, Sky Sanctuary’s being made into something more!
      That, and DLC will help!
      With the level designs that have been put into modern Sonic games these days, there’s much more possibility for the old zone (even for the Classic revamp!)

  • Reply

    HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER TAKEN THE FACT THAT THIS MAY NOT BE THE COMPLETE LIST?? This game looks WAY too short to be a Sonic Game…ehh, idc really. But do any of you get the strangest feeling that SEGA might have wanted us to find out this stuff in the first place? :/ hmmmmm…

    • Reply

      Considering the size of things, if its not a final list, its probably really really close. There’s only so much game they can develop. It does get expensive, and its about the length of the other current Sonics.

    • Reply

      >way too short< Actually most Sonic games have about 6 or 7 zones. like Colours

      • Reply

        sonic 2 had 9 zones and sonic 3 and knuckles had 14 and the 3d games have around 10 per charactor

        • Reply

          @tepig – Yes, Every Character would get like 8 stages(if your talking about adventure) but they ARE ALL THE SAME LEVELS THAT YOU JUST REPEAT WITH A DIFFERENT CHARACTER!! Maybe if SEGA wasn’t working on S4EP2, we would get more levels :/……..SEGA should be smart like Nintendo(because Mario’s games are REALLY LONG)

        • Reply

          I know, I know. But I’m talking more about the recent Sonic games. And since Generations is recent…eh. That and there are 9 zones here.

    • Reply

      (in your reply to Tepig)
      Smart like Nintendo? Well, lemme tell you the difference: Nintendo have SEVERAL more divisions/staff members within those divisions that are working on games so it’s obvious they’re able to get a lot of stuff worked on (such as the Wii U, Kid Icarus: Uprising, the new Super Mario 3D and Mario Kart 3D, a better 3DS battery (hopefully) and of course their friends/affiliates helping them with other games featuring the Mario franchise such as Square Enix handling Mario’s two latest sporting adventures, Mario Hoops and Mario Sports Mix as well as Fortune Street!)

  • Reply

    Still looking forward to this game, just played the demo a few minutes ago.  Just a little sad there’s no Hydrocity Zone.  Lol I would’ve been happy if that was the only remade stage.  But the game is still looking good to me and this probably isn’t the final list.

  • Reply

    Man classic sonic’s Invincible music is jamm’n, the drum beat renews the sweet tune, also modern sonic’s opening to greenhill with the trumpits was a nice touch. I have a good feeling that the music in the game is going to kick some seriuos ass.

  • Reply

    I doubt that this list is final, so wait till something is announced, in fact that list could just be a idea list

    • Reply

      Nope, if you check out that one kids youtube video about how that man hacked, It showed a pic of GHZ, City Escape, 2 pics of Rooftop Run, and a pic of Seaside Hill. This is all real.

      • Reply

        What’s the videos name, if I may ask. Sounds intruiguing.

        • Reply

          Yes thats true. But remember that this is just a single demo. I cant belive they skipped tidal tempest from sonic cd. Besides,im more intriged about the knuckles model, is it classic or modern?

        • Reply

          @Nickyy –

          READ THE DESCRIPTION ON THE VIDEO, FOR MORE LEAKED STUFF!! It tells you about missions, as well as going against people like Tails, Kuckles, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Amy, Cream 2times, Rouge, etc!! This video goes by REALLY FAST, so make sure you are using your computer while watching this, so you can use the space bar to pause and resume really quickly, to see the leaked images. 😛 @Gamester454 –

 This video kinda says the same thing this site does….you might wanna look at the video i just posted for Nickyy, its shows way more than this site did. Btw, skip to 2:49 to see the Knuckles Model :
          ) I wonder why he has 2 mouths though…

  • Reply

    I wish there is Angel Island Zone, Hydrocity (Which would look cool, abit trippy since Hydrocity Zone is mainly indoors), Some Sonic CD levels in Classic Sonic style (drools) and maybe modern sonic style!

  • Reply

    This is a fairly well planned out list, to be honest. 🙂
    Though, I see people complaining about flaws in the “Missing Levels” category. 🙁

    Personally, I would prefer Sega to do what the team that had created L.A. Noire had already done….

    …. That is to put the game on multiple disks. 🙂
    Now I know that some of you will say that I am being a little noobish for saying this, but if Sonic Team had wanted to input 050+ zones into Sonic Generations, then this would be the primary requirement to do so.

    If this idea is used, then we might have our hopes for zones such as Sonic 02’s Hidden Palace and Genocide City to the Master System’s Aqua Lake and Silver Castle after all. 🙂
    However, I can’t guarantee that they would do this, as the title is being released between November 010 and December of 2011 (?), which meams that they have little time to put this all in within the next 05 months. :/

    • Reply

      That’s actually not a bad idea. If it was, though, it would take much more time and money, and the game would need to be higher-priced.

      If they do the multi-disc strategy, it might be best to be like large PC games, where there’s a disc you need in the system to play, and the rest have extra data that is only needed for installation. Once installed, the rest of the discs are pretty much dead weight, and switching discs mid-game is not needed.

      But you’re right, it looks like they’re gunning for a Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Festivus release; they can’t seem to learn from their mistakes, can they?

    • Reply

      they said the levels will have new challenges which will probaly set them apart such as seaside hill may be the next labyrinth crisis city may be like lava reef and planet wisp might be like scrap brain

  • Reply

    I was hoping for Stardust Speedway but this is great 😀

  • Reply

    After playing the Demo just now, and seeing all this information all at once, listening to the Classic Sonic Green Hill Zone Remake?….I honestly just can’t contain myself anymore….It’s finally on it’s way to being released!!

  • Reply

    Call me what you want, but I don’t know the source of the 1UP Sound. Is it completely original, or is it based off of a game in the franchise?

    • Reply

      It’s literally straight from Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. It was used in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle whenever you unlocked a new secret.

    • Reply

      it is from sonic adventure 1 and 2. you probably never heard it as in sa1 it was never played(from what i remember) but it was in there when you go to the soundtrack. in 2 if you unlock somthing like a secret character for 2p battle, it would play

  • Reply

    Oh god, the drowning sounds oddly familiar of the Sonic Adventure drowning DX; Evil nostalgia.

  • Reply

    Really unstatisfied with that list, mainly because there’s way too many city-themed levels and nothing from Sonic CD.

  • Reply

    The developers may take this game serious, but ask the Sega employeers to select the stages is not the same thing as ask the fans what stages they want, since all this change in actual sonic games is due to fans, nothing more just than let the fans select the stages.
    In my opnion, this list can be reasonable, but is not definitely good, the game will be awesome in either way, but the level list is umbalanced. For example:
    -No Sonic CD or Chaotix levels: those levels are incredible impressive and detailed. It doens’t count if they put stardust speedway as a boss level;
    -Not too much classic levels: but the list may be imcomplete.
    -Rooftop Run: For me, it’s useless put this level, 1º because is a level of a very recent game, and in the same console! If I want to play it I would simple replace the disk with Unleashed. I think put this level is only means the developers are lazy.
    -Seaside Hill: too repetitive, since already have Green Hill, that is very similar, why they not just placed Emerald Hill, Angel Island and Mushmoon Hill if they want easy work???
    -Crisis City is definitely a good choice, now will be a true “mach area” experience, I dare to tell that Mephiles should be a boss in this game.
    -No ARK or Black Comet in? What!?!!? They waste resources with levels like seaside hill and rooftop run and ignore the most epic levels of Shadow Saga? Those guys may not be so creative to recreate levels of this kind, or maybe they fear what would be said if they put levels from SHTH?
    -No other characters to play: I very desappointed with this. Can’t they program other characters to we just run thru levels?  Since there is no need for they, why keep placing they in stories, I already full of this stupidity of just play with Sonic and another Sonic(?!) in this kind of predefined routes and camera angles.

    Well, details apart, this game will be epic in anyway or another!

    OBS.: And I hated that stupid pop themed logo with the extruded stars and raimbows… why they did not done a logo with the classic ribbon???

    • Reply

      1.chaotix is a spin-off 2.

      3 genesis 3 dreamcast 3 modern can play sonic 1 sonic 2 sonic adventure sonic 06 and sonic unleshed on a ps3 4.the screenshots look more like ocean palace which would be a great water level 5. so why are you complaning about spagonia 6. agreed 7.playing as classic and modern sonic with 2 types of gameplay isn’t enogh?

      • Reply

        Even Chaotic been a spin-off, why not consider it? It still a great game. Even those games been released for Xbox 360, they are not originated from it. And from a point of view, right, a Sonic Unleashed level must be on the game since is from the main series. In the case of the characters, since they created all have been created, why not consider  using they again, at least in the next games (it would be great to play again with Shadow, Silver, Omega Knuckles and Blaze, aside others, if they were well designed, pushing they powers to the limit, like the running and demolishing abilities Sonic have in Unleashed(demolishing like break running faster, not Werehog), the Sonic stories, in my opnion, since Sonic Adventure, became very complex and interesting, and these elements are been ignored little by little in those new games, if Yuji Naka still in command, he would allow these kinds of elements runnning on like stories in SHTH and STH06, in those cases, even been considered the worst Sonic games, they have complex stories that doesn’t become bad just because the game is bad. But maybe I am wrong and is just I wanting to Sonic series become something like a Marvel superhero, something that may never come, outside archie and past STH06 games! Or maybe the general audience deslike Sonic and cia killing aliens, demons, spirits and demi-gods!!!

        • Reply

          I just wanted too mention something you all seem to be forgetting, YOU WERE ALL MOANING ABOUT ALL THESE PLAYABLE CHARACTERS AND ONLY WANTING SONIC, MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND.

      • Reply

        But… there isn’t 3 DC levels… there’s two. Heroes was not a DC game >.< Then again if you call Modern all current generation games, it isn't one of those, but if Modern is as soon as he got the redesign, then Heroes fits in there. But that would just mean there's 3 Classic and 6 Modern, either way it is unbalanced :/

    • Reply

      They fear what would be said if they put a SHTH level in yet they’d gladly include 06 levels and Silver as a boss…and I agree about rooftop run.

    • Reply

      The pop art theme is based very highly off the japanese and european box arts:

  • Reply

    If half of the story is confirmed by another source, why would you redact the other half?

  • Reply

    I make this easy…
    3 .black eyes
    6 .green eyes.
    For me, dreamcast is “Modern” sonic already.
    We need 3 and K separetly, and CD.

    • Reply

      I totally agree, especially with the needing at least one Sonic CD level. Sure Sonic 3 was originally supposed to have the Sonic & Knuckles levels, but as it stands they released them separately and you can play them individually, so they should have one from each. I mean come on people are screaming for Ice Cap and Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD. Altho personally i would be happy with just the race against Metal Sonic as a boss level. At least it has been represented then, plus i always thought that was the most epic part when i was younger.

      • Reply

        Yea, is a curious fact.
        When SEGA decides make a game, they put 3&k in the same bag.
        When SEGA wanna you pay for the game at “Virtual console” or something like that, you must buy it separetly….

  • Reply

    C’mon guys, It takes a lot of manpower and hours to make these worlds and the list is as comprehensive as it can be. No doubt SEGA has been slave driving the developers on this since Colors, which isn’t enough time to do much. The list is fine, as long as they still have enough time to focus on the quality and make the most out of each level.

    • Reply

      this has been in development since 2008

  • Reply

    So since they are not the actual songs going to be used… And you told Sega employees / people about you ripping these…. that means it is legal to download it? (fingers crossed)

    • Reply

      harper these are the actual songs so stop being a damn troll.

  • Reply

    I wonder if they kept the elemental zones off for a reason. Like download packs or something. Like a download pack of ice zones or fire zones

    • Reply

      Sure as hell hope so. O.o

  • Reply

    No marble garden? Ice cap? We need more Genesis Era levels SEGA!
    What’s the whole point of an 20th anniversary if there are only 3 genesis levels?
    I’m a bit dissapointed, but hey. Hopefully we’ll get a Station Square HUB world. 
    But.. I’m happy that they have chosen for Seaside hill though, great level, great memories. I can hear the seagulls and see the breathtaking graphics already. 😀 But darn.. I was really hoping for Flying battery and Hydrocity. :/

    I can’t wait to see what Modern Sonic’s gameplay will look like in Chemical plant. :3

    • Reply

      Station Square Hub World=HELL YES

    • Reply

      Agree with all, but…Seaside Hill is a pretty stage and all that.
      But in this case, is just unnesesary, is a kind of “remade” greenhills, even the same orange/brown blocks. with the difference of red and white stones.
      The game needs diversity in stages, we have almost 5 city levels, and 2 “green” stages.
      Why sega didnt put “Casino highway” or “Haunted Mansion”, stages that make a difference.

      • Reply

        I completely agree. The levels aren’t colourful or different enough. Also Planet Wisp is pretty green too~

      • Reply

        Hmm, aside the fact that Seaside Hill is one of the most memorable levels in Sonic heroes, I have to admit that there’s little variety of stages. Of course we would like to see Casino Highway, Haunted Mansion and/or Grand Metropolis, I have to agree on that. Though SEGA said that the list itself is a work in progress. Maybe they’ll add a stage or 2, 5, 7 who knows. I’ll be glad if they did. ^^
        OT: Imagine Modern Sonic’s Flying Battery… Holy sh*t, i’d crap my pants…. TWICE. D:

      • Reply

        That seems to be the biggest beef for people, but maybe its just me? I really hated Heroes. I went back and played it again, still a bad game, but a lot more fun than I remember.

        That game was the first time I was massively let down by the Sonic series. We finally get to see the Chaotix again and…well…they are ridiculous. Metal Sonic is the main bad guy, and you don’t even really fight him, just this big blue mess of a last fight. 

        Seeing as every level in that game was based off of old level themes, I’m personally not all that upset about the Heroes choice. That’s just me though.

  • Reply

    Reading the list made me think…Sky Sanctuary in HD? Imagine if Sonic 1, 2, 3 & K were made like Sonic Generations? Please, SEGA, PLEASE???????!!!!!11!1

  • Reply

    It kinda bothered me that Classic Green Hill looped back all the way to the beginning instead of the loop point it used in early demos. Good thing I can fix this:

    • Reply

      I thought I was the only one!  Thank you for this. 🙂

  • Reply

    Perfect Chaos? FUCK YEAH

    I just hope the Metal Sonic boss is Sonic CD’s Metal Sonic “fight”.

    • Reply

      We can hope. If they do use it, I wonder what level music they’ll use? American or Japanese?

  • Reply

    Wait, what? All the stuff you found is work in progress and isn’t the final product? YES! 😀

    • Reply

      Problem is, if thats not the final list, it has to be close. November is not that far away, they would be pretty disorganized if they havent planned out the levels to make completely. This is probably the final list.

  • Reply

    Would sub out Crisis City (seriously, SEGA? I thought you’d disowned Sonic ’06 in the ending of it) for maybe Hydrocity or Icecap.

    Besides that, it’s fine. Although I hope they’re not too faithful to Chemical Plant’s rotating floor bottomless pits…

    Seems a fair balance of levels from across the Sonic continuity.

  • Reply
    METAL SONIC SCD CHASE YAY! Also, Classic Super Sonic :D, I wanna S3&K Doomsday!
    And (again) a packed-in Genesis Emulator.

  • Reply

    Haha, talking about hacking Generations, eh? Check out what this guy did:

    Be amazed.

  • Reply

    I have only been able to replicate it a few times, and only on the jumping fish baddies in the demo, but if you spam the jump button after you rebound from some of the enemies Sonic looks like he does trick poses. I got him to do some kind of jump kick motion and a weird finger pose in the air, but its kinda hard to do, it seemed to work best on the fish baddies on that first double bridge bit. Have the data mining guys found any weird animations or poses on the Classic Sonic model in the demo data?

  • Reply

    SEGA first blews up with gliches (06), then,,,swords (blck knight), werehogs (unleashed), pysics (4 episode 1) and now a bad decisions of stages (generations).

    • Reply

      This probably isn’t the final list. I don’t know what the big deal is. Yes there are some levels that I think are missing too, but have you played through all of them in this game? For all we know some of the “unexciting” levels might come out interesting in the final version of this game. Look at City Escape, it looked great in both modern and classic. You shouldn’t just to conclusions until at least there is more gameplay.

      • Reply

        I hope this isnt the final list.
        “For now” the games needs other stages.

        • Reply

          There probably will be more. But I think things are looking interesting so far.

        • Reply

          I hope…
          Im not interested so far.
          Im gonna buy the game anyway, i will enjoy it, but needs other stages,,,at least as DLC…
          casino night only a pinball minigame?, that was another O_O made by SEGA.

    • Reply

      While I’m less-than-pleased with the level list, remember that this IS an early list. For all we know they’re there to throw us off. I just hope they do DLC of more stages, like Emerald Coast, Marble Zone, Metal Harbor, Lava Reef Zone, etc.

  • Reply

    Needs more Mushroom Hill.

  • Reply

    It will be interesting to see how these levels will play and I don’t think this list is final. People need to stop jumping to conclusions before ACTUAL reveals.
    I think this game will have more than we think.

  • Reply

    Green Hill Zone AND Seaside Hill?! I’m not sure if anyone else remembers what Seaside Hill looked like, but it looked practically exactly like the remake of Green Hill in Sonic Generations.

    Why do we need both when there are currently no lava, ice or cave levels represented on the level list. No Ice Cap or Holoska? No Lava Reef or Red Mountain? There are also already FOUR city levels including Spagonia. Do we REALLY need that many? 

    Personally I think the stand-out stages in Heroes were Grand Metropolis, Hang Castle and Final Fleet (or whatever it was called); three far more unique levels. I have a sneaking suspicion SEGA might be trying to reuse level assets here…

    • Reply

      Agree with you….but Grand Metropolis is not another city stage?.

      • Reply

        I don’t really know. It’s been a long time, but I saw it more as a remake of the Metropolis Zone from Sonic 2. Besides, as far as city stages go it was different. There were giant glass corkscrews, everything was green and… hm, well ok there wasn’t that much different. Final Fortress would have been amazing though, if only for that music 😛

  • Reply

    I hope you guys get the rips for City Escape. The ones now are okay, BUT it is soooo unclear, the voices. SO MANY VOICES!

  • Reply

    Is it just me, or does anyone else want some sort of Boss Rush mode where you fight nothing but Super Sonic bosses? Obviously in both styles, it’s just a thought.

  • Reply

    Has anyone found a model of Modern Super Sonic?

  • Reply

    Didn’t Sega say that the stages shown in this list are works in progress?

    The only stages that can officially be confirmed to be in Generations are City Escape, Green Hill, Rooftop Run, and Seaside Hill.

    Even if the files and the list clearly states that stages like Sky Sanctuary and Speed Highway are in the game, it doesn’t exactly confirm it.

    Plus, I mean seriously, 3 Genesis levels? That should quickly give it away that this game’s level list isn’t complete. Sega has said countless times that they want to please both Retro and Modern fans equally with this game and adding just 3 Retro levels won’t do so.

    My guess is that there are 5 levels for each Era :3
    And I know Sega isn’t stupid, they wont make it seem like Sonic 3 & Knuckles is one game, if they do things right, the Games being recognized will be like this:

    Genesis Era: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic CD
    Dreamcast/Teenage Era: Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Maybe Even Sonic Riders if not, then all the Dreamcast/Teenage Era Levels will consist of levels from these 3 games
    Modern: Sonic 06, Sonic & The Secret Rings(Seriously, why not?), Sonic Unleashed, Sonic & The Black Knight, Sonic Colors

    I’m not gonna post my own level list cuz that will just ruin the excitement of the guessing game 😀

  • Reply

    What – nothing from Sonic 4?! I would like to have seen Casio street in the game at the very least!!

    Would also like to see Ice Cap pop up in there somewhere too!

    Would no “labrynth / hydrocity” style zones be down to the gameplay in 3d mode?

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