Game News

Gamestop Wants You, And They’ll Give You “Casino Night”

So you’re busy playing Sonic Generations. You’ve only got twenty days before your demo runs out and you have to go back in time to today to play it all over again. But if you don’t put down that controller, you’re going to miss the other hidden hedgehog secrets that have been sneaking out. Gamestop, the game superstore that’s in nearly every mall in America, has put up yet another of their pre-order incentives, this time for Generations. And what is it? Why, Casino Night Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Though an earlier interview in Nintendo Power made it seem like the level was to be a 3DS exclusive, Gamestop has let the cat out of the bag, those willing to secure their order through the gaming emporium getting the level. Does this mean they get to play it early through some demo trickery? Does it mean the level is free DLC for players who buy the game through them? More then likely the latter, but if so that opens up a whole other can of worms, meaning that Xbox Live account you used to play through the Green Hill today could get you more then you were expecting. Who doesn’t love more Sonic? Well, more good Sonic, that is. Why, the possibilities are practically…not endless, but twenty years worth

Either way, the level looks to be quite enticing in the looks department. You even get “Miles” in big glowing letters, how can you not love that?


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  • Reply

    Don’t you mean gameSTOP?

  • Reply

    Sorry to bug you guys, but you said “gamespot” in the title and throughout most of the article instead of “gamestop”. An honest mistake I’m sure.

  • Reply

    I love the idea that they have here, but I HATE the way that they’re delivering it to the game. I don’t want to jump through hoops just to get content on a game I paid $49 for.

  • Reply

    Its seriously looks like its just a crappy pinball mini game, not the actual Casino Night zone Proper, and for them to leave out one of the most popular levels from the non-pre ordered game would be a huge mistake. I guess we will know when people start posting videos.

  • Reply

    I remember when I kept misspelling Gamestop as Gamespot.

    • Reply

      Oh man sure glad I never do that…^_^;;;

      (But really somehow I actually changed it from stop to spot when I wrote it)

  • Reply

    You might wanna fix this post. You keep calling Gamestop Gamespot. Two different people. Also, Casino Night=awesome.

  • Reply

    I really hope this isnt’ the start of every store having a different thing for preorder.

  • Reply

    It says “Get your hands on the all new PINBALL STAGE inspired by the iconic ‘Casino Night’…” This is NOT a Sonic Generations level, but something else entirely.

  • Reply

    It’ll be MILES of fun!

    (ugh i feel sick now)

    • Reply

      Woah, my head’s spinning

  • Reply

    In before Best Buy and Amazon get their own “exclusives.” I hate this age in gaming.

  • Reply

    Go to hell SEGA/Gamestop. Seriously, some of us can barely afford food, and we HAVE to preorder this game in order to get to play a level that everyone is buying mainly for nostalgia purposes? Seriously? This is bullshit.

    • Reply

      Sell some old games you don’t play anymore or find a part-time.
      Even then, there’s two indicators that this will come out later or even just be a full unlockable within the game and this is just a key to unlock it early. Settle down, no one’s forcing you to day one this thing.

      • Reply

        I have a part-time. The money I make from it is for food, gas, and paying for classes/books. I don’t own any games/console. I plan on buying the game and playing it on a friend’s console.

        SEGA’s forcing me to day one this if they’re not offering the DLC any other means.

        • Reply

          I’m sure they will. From the looks of it, it’ll likely go on sale later on for some amount (knowing Sega? About $2-5.) In my opinion, though, it should stay free when it’s released.
          But there’s also the possibility that it’s not just a key to unlock the level, but a key to unlock an unlockable early. It’s really too soon to say, but I wouldn’t be worried about missing out on it. I’d be more upset if they made people pay for the key to unlock Casino Night, as now we see that it will likely be on the disc.

  • Reply

    *Pre-Order Sonic Generations with GameStop and receive the exclusive DLC Pack!

    -Casino Night’ Pinball Stage: Play through this all-new mini-game inspired by Casino Night’ from Sonic The Hedgehog 2′, and relive some of your favorite gaming memories in stunning HD.

    As you see, no Casino Night Zone DLC stage has been announced by this mean :/

  • Reply

    Yay Gamestop DLC. I am either: (A) Indifferent because earning things through gameplay is better than having them cheated in. (B)Indifferent because I’m used to having to pay extra for my full game nowadays. Sad state of affairs. Thanks for doing the crap you do so well, Gamestop.

  • Reply

    For the DLC, it would amazing to see the stages “Green Forest,” Final Rush” from Sonic Adventure 2, “Egg Fleet” from Sonic Heroes, and “Hot Crater” from Sonic Advance 2. Green Forest and Final Rush utterly depicted as full of intensity and especially the music for those stages compacted it with a rush of adrenaline. Egg Fleet and Hot Crater have a good sense of speed and platforming, and they have some pretty awesome music that I’d love to here remixed for Sonic Generations. Just imagine these stages with the modern up-to-date graphics and re-modified stage sequences like the new “Green Hill Zone” that blew everyone’s mind at Sonic Boom. Bringing back these stages would definitely be an honor for Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. If there are any Sonic Fans that feel the same way as we do and think their voices can’t be heard please support this by expanding our opinions to more Sonic Fans as well as Sega and Sonic Team. Then eventually, Sonic Team and Sega will be able to hear us and hopefully make this idea into a reality in Sonic Generations. We appreciate and thank you for taking the time to read our recommendations and for listening to what we have to say.

  • Reply

    Remember the days when pre-order bonuses used to be things that WEREN’T part of the game you were pre-ordering, and when you bought something didn’t determine what you could do with it?

  • Reply

    I am very interested to see what Modern Sonic’s take on Casino Night Zone will be.

  • Reply

    Looks similar to that pinball GBA game.

  • Reply

    Maybe is DLC for ZEN Pinball.

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