I’d have to disagree with Shadow. While it definitely wasn’t an outstanding game, it has it’s charm – namely in the replay value and the fact that it’s one of the best attempts at a choice system I’ve seen – as in, most of the game gives you more than just good vs. evil. Maybe it doesn’t belong in the big number with the rest, but by no means does it deserve to be lumped together with Sonc 06.
As a game, it was okay. Given the hype they threw around it for it, it never lived up to any of that. Hell, the game didn’t even hit its stride until Mad Gear, technically the last level of the game.
They better come out swinging with Ep. 2 or just scrap whatever plans are left for the Sonic 4 line, especially with Generations looming.
Yeah, I really couldn’t be arsed to get my full collection out, plus I wouldn’t have had the space for it. That and I’m lazy. =P Kudos on the bin, though, that’s a nice touch.
Nice touch with Shadow and Sonic 06, Gene.
They’re right where they belong.
freaking LOL <3
I’d have to disagree with Shadow. While it definitely wasn’t an outstanding game, it has it’s charm – namely in the replay value and the fact that it’s one of the best attempts at a choice system I’ve seen – as in, most of the game gives you more than just good vs. evil. Maybe it doesn’t belong in the big number with the rest, but by no means does it deserve to be lumped together with Sonc 06.
You’re more than entitled to your opinion, but I thought it was just… ugh.
Then why do I still own it? Because I can’t make anything more than a dollar for it.
Haha, subtle! Sonic 4 should definitely be in there keeping them company though…
Sonic R isn’t pictured as I’m too lazy to dig it up from where I’m storing my PC games. But I got that too.
Ah, I was wondering why that game was missing.
just to let you know the sonic generation demo is out now on hong kong store
Perfect place for those two games.
Damn. Wish I was this dedicated to Sonic, but I will celebrate by playing a run through Sonic 1-4. Sonic OVA DVD FTW!
you are a laugh gene lol. but gasp you dont have all the games, and you put next gen in the garbage, you cant be a true fan loljk =p
that looks like my collection but I do not have any of the Game Gear, 32X, CD or saturn games
If Sonic 4: Episode 1 was on retail, would it be in the trash too? 😛
Actually, I kinda think Sonic 4 was a fine game. It was just too similar to Sonics 1 & 2 and physics were a little off, that’s all.
I wouldn’t be buying episode 2, though.
As a game, it was okay. Given the hype they threw around it for it, it never lived up to any of that. Hell, the game didn’t even hit its stride until Mad Gear, technically the last level of the game.
They better come out swinging with Ep. 2 or just scrap whatever plans are left for the Sonic 4 line, especially with Generations looming.
That trashcan should be filled to the brim, with the exception of:
Sonic 1 through SnK, Cd, and Adventure 1 and 2. All of which can stay on the bed.
I always get hate mail for this, but I can tell you right now that Sonic Adventure 2 wouldn’t be on the bed, IMO.
I’m SO glad there’s somebody else out there who thinks so
Oh yeah? Where’s your Genesis version of Sonic 3D blast? You pretender! 😛
Sitting on the shelf because I didn’t want to put two copies of 3D Blast on the 2. 😛
Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 06 in the trashcan. So feel cool. The “2” and “!” has good games, and the “0” is OK.
Yeah, I really couldn’t be arsed to get my full collection out, plus I wouldn’t have had the space for it. That and I’m lazy. =P Kudos on the bin, though, that’s a nice touch.