So E3 is over, everyone’s packed up and gone home and sorted through their swag and figured out what to sell for exuberant prices on eBay. But in the explosion that was City Escape on the console version of Sonic Generations, as well as the fangasm that was Sonic Boom, it was easy to look over the other version of Generations coming our way, the version exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS. Luckily, gaming site Nintendo World Report recorded the entire experience, including a direct feed of the audio. So if you’re curious to see how the Green Hill Zone sounds in the palm of your hand, then don’t stop yourself. Watch the video below:
It isn’t hard to tell that the “Act 1” demo is pretty much exactly how Act 1 in the original Sonic the Hedgehog was, but with a new coat of paint. And while NWR’s own report says the controls try to stay faithful, others have gone on record saying it feels more like Sonic 4 than Sonic 1. Regardless, the Modern Sonic demo available does what was promised, recreating the Sonic Rush experience with boosts and dashpads galore.
The demo also contained one of the bosses from the game, which had been previously revealed in Nintendo Power – a recreation of the final boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Purists may shout that the music is wrong, but really…the Doomsday Zone music was always awesome.
Also, if you can’t resist, Sega has put up clear screens of the demo on their official website for Generations. Yes indeed, the hype train is in full gear! Hopefully it won’t end up chasing us and cause us to run into a wall…or fall into a bottomless pit.
[Source: Nintendo World Report]
Didn’t look much like Sonic 4 to me.
I played it. I can tell you, Classic Sonic played like Sonic 4. The only thing that seemed to be different was that I couldn’t get stuck on the slopes. For example, if you spindash and jump without moving the control stick or directional pad, Sonic halts all momentum. Same if you spindash off of a cliff.
The PS3/360 version is an entirely different story.
eww, uncurling. I though Sega and Dimps learned their lesson.
Jesus Christ, this looks awful
I see lots of slowdown
They just remade Green Hill? WTF?
Sonic 4 looking physics
Way to fuck up again Dimps.
I am a little disappointed that the classic level is a carbon copy of the original, but I don’t mind that much since it will be taking advantage of the 3D and graphics of the 3DS, plus the levels are so great; who doesn’t like playing them again? And the ranking system will also add to the classics. The physics of Sonic 4 don’t bother me too much, it’s just a matter of adjusting. What I’m bothered with is the uncurling at the end of act 1. What makes the part at 0:38 so great is how you can bounce off of the enemies to collect more and more rings, and that is simply impossible to do here. Hopefully it gets fixed. Modern Sonic reminds me more of Sonic Colors’s gameplay than Rush, honestly. But that may just be because of the different camera angles and the homing attack. The boss looks like a typical classic boss. Unlike Sonic 4, the reuse here actually has a new moveset. Looks like fun to me. I love Rush, and I love Colors, so I look forward to playing classic and modern in both this and the console version!
This looks good and all, but holy shit this guy can NOT play Sonic at all.
Slow-down? Bad. Physics? Not looking so hot. Level? Okay in my book. I guess I’m the only fan of this particular Green Hill Zone, even if it is straight from Sonic 1.
Just my two cents.
…Rats. I said that only after I noticed that there was more than just the first video. How I missed the rest of that is beyond me.
Everything’s looking nice so far. Minus the slowdown, that is.
This is a hard one. Classic Sonic’s physics seem odd. Acceleration needs to be capped at some point while running on flat ground. In fact, the acceleration physics remind me of the debug mode’s acceleration, where it would speed up infinitely until you ran off the screen.
Also, the falling speed is too slow. But that may be due to the fact that the whole world looks stretched. It’s like level itself is being played in Sonic 2’s 2P split screen mode. Actually, that would account for the acceleration issues as well.
Modern looks very… empty. It looks like a mashup of Rush’s gameplay with Sonic 4’s homing attack physics. The 3D world doesn’t work at all for Rush’s level designs.
Please tell me that classic Sonic’s Green Hill is just a tech demo, and that all the levels that have been in previous games with their cooresponding Sonic aren’t really going to be like that…
Hey: It’s modern Sonic. You have persmission to homing attack! Seriously, he didn’t do it except for one occassion.
The environments just look empty and boring to me. If Dimps are making it then it will just be a rehashed Sonic 4 engine.
Which was just a rehashed Rush engine. Somebody stop dimps please.
i am little sad how easy big arms is to beat, he was a real pain in sonic 3, but in this he just too easy. as for the uncurling uh dont get me started. point is they need to do something about difficulty of the boss levels atleast for the ones that are supposed to bring a challenge
he is easier because he is now the first boss
if that is true then my statement is void
The “new” sonic looked really fun.
Framelags on Old Sonic… just like the ol’ genesis days!
While the main game looks to be what we’ve been wanting for a while, this looks and sounds like pure unadulterated shit. The 3DS is capable of so much more than this crap.
Well at least the music is going to be the same as it is on the console this time 😛
Unfortunately this game looks horribly watered down. I’ll enjoy playing Sonic Generations on my 360 more than portably.
i don’t see the bad physics people are talking about, i really think the 3DS version looks nicer than the HD version and if i get a 3DS it’ll be for this game, but i don’t like the sound effect played while Sonic is in a tube, that’s awful they better change it!
All of this music is so awesome. Now I can’t wait to hear Escape from the City. FFFFFFFFFFF I WANT THE DEMO SO BAD
The biggest crime here is Classic Sonic in Sonic 4 physics AND uncurling at the spot where the uncurling shows its worst: the jump into a bunch of rings where badniks are at.
Fuck you Dimps.
Am I the only one who shed a tear watching Green Hill Zone? It is awesome to see Sonic how it was again. The original bgm, music… Just awesome.
Remember those day in Sonic Advance when dimps knew how to make a sonic game?
Dimps did not develop the Sonic Advance Series. Sega and Sonic Team did.
I can overlook the boring scenery for the classic section because it looks like it plays alright…but modern sonic looks like one of those fangames you see on youtube with boring scenery, no obsticles and enemies that do nothing except provide a homing attack bridge. If dimps thought the 3DS couldn’t handle fast gameplay with great graphics they didn’t try out the mario kart 3Ds demo. as for big arm, it looks alright
It’s nice to see the two ‘hogs run to 3DS. Personally, I expected more done with the Doomsday Zone music, but that’s probably because I listen to the OCRemix version waaaaay too often. As for the boss, Big Arm was, like, THE only reason for the Insta-Shield to be in Sonic 3. But, even without a move that to my knowledge was only used in that game, Sonic managed to at least get a D. Yeah, did anybody think he sucked a bit at playing?
i think the 3ds version looks alright
alot of people overestimate what the 3ds is capable of..
stop complainig about this
why do people overestimate the 3ds
It’s not overestimation that’s the problem; it’s problems with the developers, which just made the game more of what people have complained about.
They got till November so I hope they improve the graphics like putting a mouth on Sonic and making the background more interesting
I see Sonic 1 for the GBA got a 3D port. I mean, that’s the only excuse I have for that green hill zone footage, because holy god what
I hope they improve the graphics, Seriously it looks boring and Sonic has no expression