Daily Archives

June 7, 2011

Game News, Humor

Easter Eggs Litter The Streets of Sonic Generations’ City Escape

Several eagle-eyed fans watching the new trailer for the console version of Sonic Generations managed to catch a ton of little references to characters and other materials from the series. Turns out there’s quite a few of them and then some… and that’s just on this stage, with plenty of other nods in bound.

At least, that’s what ArchangelUK over at Sonic Wrecks says. He would know: some of these easter eggs were his suggestions from when he worked as community relations for the Sonic City Blognik. Go over there and give it a read, if you want. For the rest of you who just want pictures, just look down!

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Community, Site News

Follow Sonic Boom Shenanigans with Retro!

So, while here at Sonic Retro World Headquarters™ we’re prepping to head out to Los Angeles for the next few days, the fact is, dear Internet, that not everyone is going to be able to make the trip to be with the coolest folks in the community. Some of you will be off to Summer of Sonic in London in a couple of weeks–as someone with a peek behind the curtain, let’s just say if you’re going that you will be far from disappointed. Unfortunately, though, there will be a good number of people unable to attend either event.

Good thing Retro has your backs.

The Retro crew will be doing live Tweeting and picture shots throughout the day and evening to keep the rest of the Internet in the loop on all the action. Fellow staffers Gene, Slingerland and I plan to feed back as much information as we get it to you all, but we’ll probably rope in a few more people before it’s all said and done. We may try a few more…ambitious things as well, but we’ll see how those pan out. 😉 If you don’t already follow us on Twitter, we have the oh-so-creative handle of @sonicretro; likewise, you can like us on Facebook and keep up on everything there. Also keep in mind that if you’re in the area and are over 21, we’re hosting a pre-Boom party at Blipsy Barcade. You can also come up and say hi to us at Boom; I’ll be the lady wearing the Retro donor pins–if you’ve got ’em, flaunt ’em.

Bx glMT o GpuIjKIT