Even though the focus of this site has been, first and foremost, the Sonic game franchise, it wouldn’t be fair to completely gloss over the other aspects of the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially one corner that has been continuously printed since 1993. Of course, I’m talking about the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series from Archie, which has been in production since 1993 and whose 225th issue is just around the corner. Coming out May 25th, the anniversary issue signals the end of the “Countdown to Genesis” arc, with Dr. Eggman finally making his big move after going crazy back in issue 200 and subsequently regaining his sanity only to go into hiding. With last issue showing the launch of the newly-rebuilt Death Egg, much speculation has gone on about how this will lead into the nostalgia-fueled “Genesis” arc. Though some spoilers have leaked in their respective corners of the Internet, issues #226-230 are more then certainly going to shake things up in the comic, if the hype can be believed.
Pop culture news site IGN has an exclusive five-page preview of the issue, so if you want to avoid any and all spoilers, it might be best to not click here and read them. Otherwise, go ahead and have a blast.
If you just can’t wait until the 25th for your monthly dose of Sonic the Hedgehog, tomorrow does mark the release of Sonic Universe #28, the final issue in the “Silver Saga” arc. Sure, maybe Silver the Hedgehog is not the most compelling character ever created, and the tale might be using elements from one of Ken Penders‘ unfulfilled plot devices, but…well, it’s not all that bad.
Both Sonic the Hedgehog #225 and Sonic Universe #28 are written by Ian Flynn and drawn by Tracy Yardley.
Bitch better be sipping tea with Uncle Ben in hell. Comic lost a ton of credibility with me with Endgame’s cop out end.
Always fucking hated Sally and the comic exclusives. I want Sonic and Tails, not dramatic soap opra furries, dammit.
“With last issue showing the launch of the newly-rebuilt Death Egg”
Because this plan worked so well every other time he’s done it.
Right on my birthday! 😀 :B
Gonna check this out!
You guys are all wrong.
It’s Sonic who dies, the Sonic you see being sad is actually Big the Cat in a Sonic costume.
Wow, I stopped reading the comics around the era of Ron Lim, because I’d given up any hope of improvement, but judging by this preview, they’ve really gone back to what I originally liked about them. I’m gonna have to pick a few issues up.
Dude. They totally jacked the X-Men’s jet on the fifth page.
But seriously, I don’t really know if I can be excited for this one. Mainly because, well, to be blunt, I hate Flynn’s writing. With him around, the Sonic comic became one of the most clichéd titles I’ve read. I mean, look, another character death? This is, like, the twentieth one under his run or something. I just hope that he can pull it around with this story, rather than having some massive cop-out that only serves to fuck this book up more.
Seriously, have u been reading this comic book? And for ur information, one character has died siince Flynn took over. If u want to blame anyone, blame those who wrote the book before him. If anything, Flynn’s brought the book back, with Yardley’s artwork.
One? Really? I don’t think you’ve been reading them very well yourself, either.
Alright, Tommy was one. Locke and the Brotherhood aren’t officially “dead”, just MIA (it’s assumed Locke is probably dead, so i will maybe say two). Sir Connery got killed before Flynn took over as the main writer. Hershey was confirmed killed. So that makes 2 or 3, depending on how u look at it. So please list the other 17 or 18 characters that have escaped my mind (besides the Bride of Rich Knights, because she was only mentioned after her death). And don’t say Kodos, Uma Arachnis, original Robotnik or Heavy and Bomb, becuase those were again, before Flynn.
The point still stands. Flynn is a cliche writer.
While I respect ur opinion, dont put the book down. If u cant think of any characters that Flynn killed off, then discussion is settled, unless u can give examples of how his writting is actually cliche
Examples? Okay:
Almost every single one of his stories have had a predictable outcome, to the point where I can just guess the whole story and pretty much be right. Especially the “Iron Dominion” storyline. The ending was incredibly bland, expected, and was a massive cop-out. The only story he wrote that I can honestly say I enjoyed was the whole “Brand New Moebius” thing, and even then Flynn pretty much pulled another cop-out. His stories always follow the same basic structure: Old enemy shows up, fight fight fight fight-y fight, final battle, someone dies, rinse and repeat.
On top of being cliche, there are also some notable inconsistencies with his writing. A recent example would be Hershey’s supposed death and how Geoffry laments that she’s been dead for “a while now” when she really hasn’t, assuming she is dead.
And for the record, I didn’t say I had dropped the book. I still check it out every once in a while. But Genesis is Flynn’s chance to turn things around, and stop playing it so safe.
Alright, alright, while I dont agree with you about that, I still respect your opinion. Let’s just hope after we both read the Genesis storyline that we will both be happy with the book. I will say there were a few twists and turns, like in 175 when Eggman actually beats Sonic and then Flynn ended on that note. Or, while I still havent read part 4 of the silver saga, I was shocked when Enerjak was revealed as the main villian of the story arc. But as I said, I can see your point and respect your opinion.
The character deaths were for cleaning house. He didn’t clean house WELL, but he still did and plenty of fans are thankful for that.
Flynn is the best Archie Sonic writer the comic has ever had.
I get what he was trying to do, but I’m pretty sure there was a better way he could do it. Flynn isn’t a terrible writer, but my main concern with him is that he plays it too safe.
I can’t think of anything more entertaining to do to Penders’s characters than kill them. Flynn did the right thing as far as I can tell.
I couldn’t care less about Penders’ characters, but just axing them? I’m pretty sure Flynn could’ve been less lazy and, I don’t know, change them for the better?
Okay, that’s fine. I guess we can agree to disagree.
Meh, it’s Archie. Whoever dies, good riddance.
“Sonic has a comic book? ”
“Yes, and it’s the longest video game based comic. Ever.
I have doubts on that video game part.
Actually, yeah, it is. It has a record in the Guinness Book and everything.
I hope that Sally’s not dead.