Continuing the slow drip of information on Sonic Generations, a few nuggets of joy were dropped in an interview on G4 conducted by Morgan Webb.
While there’s no new information on other levels aside from the already confirmed (and naturally expected) Green Hill Zone remake, Patrick Riley, director of international production at Sega, confirmed that the poll recently conducted by Sega on what stages fans loved was used as feedback for the development team to gauge which stages to include. Sega has also been scouring the forums of popular video game and Sonic sites (COUGH) to see fan reactions on the game and discussions on the series.
Coffee’s behind the logo, Sega reps.
One new nugget comes in the confirmation that Sega is using the Hedgehog Engine from Sonic Unleashed in this game as well. The Hedgehog Engine was designed to offer dynamic global lighting effects to levels, giving levels a certain luminescence in how lighting angles and shadows are handled.
Gameplay wise, Classic Sonic looks not too far from how he played in Sonic 1, including easily bouncing off enemies one after another and his continued mid-air run.
“For the first time since Genesis-era Sonic, we’re trying to basically reproduce the Genesis experience,” said Riley. “Momentum-based gameplay, stop-and-go platforming, speed is a reward, the multiple levels of exploration and paths that players can take throughout the game.”
Sonic 4 was unavailable for comment.
Modern Sonic combines a hybrid of Sonic Unleashed‘s day time stages and Sonic Colors‘ 2D segments. In other words, the boost segments may be as long and fast as in Sonic Unleashed, but they will be broken up every so often by a 2.5D platforming segment to make sure the player didn’t fall asleep holding the X/Square button.
The last interesting hint came in the confirmation once again that “three” generations of Sonic will be represented in this game: the Classic Genesis era, the Dreamcast era, and the Modern era. No word if this flatout confirms that Sonic Adventure 2‘s City Escape will be a level in the game, especially with Tony Harnell, vocalist in Sonic series themes “We Can” and “It Doesn’t Matter”, confirming on his Facebook page that he’s working on a new version of the stage’s theme, “Escape From The City.”
Color us completely unsurprised if and when it’s revealed.
What levels would you guys be interested in seeing? Sign me up for Sonic 2‘s Chemical Plant Zone and, of all things, Flame Core from Sonic 2006. Lava-infested wastelands need more love.
Uh, so… wasn’t overhalf of this stuff already said? Awesome though, toobad DirectTV doesn’t get G4
Yeah, most of it was repeated info, which is why I just highlighted the new stuff.
I want Flying Battery Zone. That’s all I want. It’s all I ask for SEGA. Please include it.
And I’d also love to see Classic versions of Modern/Dreamcast era titles, like Classic Sonic running through Escape from the City will be very interesting.
To me, I always look forward to the second zone of a Sonic game. Like Marble Zone, Chemical Plant Zone, Hydrocity Zone, and Flying Battery Zone. They were so challenging and filled with different paths, not to mention, great music.
I am hoping some kinda level comparable to Starlight Zone from Sonic 1. It remains, to this day, my favorite zone. lol.
I wonder how Modern Sonic would run through Flying battery, would there be some kind of section (’cause remember the design of the levels!) in which he’d have to outrun something? If they bring that, they must bring in something able to crush Sonic in both ways. An outrun sequence would be ideal for the Modern Sonic segment (especially since it can be done in a style rotated 90 degrees from the platforming escape section to the boss in the actual Flying Battery)
That would be awesome, Sonic and Shadow’s stages from Adventure 2 were pretty fun, I bet they’d be even better in classic mode.
and kudos to SEGA for finally finding the right formula for modern Sonic games. No more catastrophes like Sonic 2006, please!
Well, does that mean that the Modern Sonic won’t be a “hold forward to win”? If so, that would be great.
It doesn’t look good from the looks of Green Hill Zone, but it’s also the first stage. It might become less and less so in later stages, but part of me says to not count on that too much.
True. SEGA is somewhat good at shittin’ in Sonic’s image and games. Unfortunately, we gotta be skeptical about them.
Did you play the first stage of Sonic Unleashed on the 360 and went “yeah I’m sure the final stage is just as easy and boring”? No, because hopefully you have something called common sense.
So let’s wait until we play the game to see the final stage done.
Adabat did become one of my favorite levels, so maybe I should bite my tongue.
That’s a pretty cool Video
I’m probably in the minority here but I would be so completely happy if Mystic Cave Zone from Sonic 2 were in this. It was always my favorite stage of the genesis era, even above ones like Ice Cap zone, which would be next on my list. And something tells me that the Modern version of Mystic Cave Zone would kick a lot of ass, music and all.
There are certain levels like that I’d want to see in the game just for the sake of hearing an official remix of the music. Chemical Plant, Ice Cap, Mystic Cave, etc…
Wave. Fucking. Ocean.
Why? If they put the awesome music of The Inlet in Unleashed style that’ll make my day. Even if it’s just that one stage and even as a bonus unlockable; it needs to happen. :
I’d love Chemical Plant Zone but only if the music was very similar to the original. I’d point them to OCRemix’s take on Sonic Megadrive (Genesis) music.
Everything that I’ve heard from Patrick Riley’s mouth from 0:25 to 0:38 I facepalmed. How can they be so focused and dead on with what they want in an anniversary game, but not so much for a classic epic series that started Sonic and made him well known? Need to share the wealth of generations “Classic Sonic” style with Sonic 4.
Don’t blame Sega ENTIRELY, that’s only part of Sonic 4’s downfall. (See: physics)
(also see: Dimps)
Lava Reef. Modern Sonic’s not too much for caves: real massive, enclosed spaces with twists and turns don’t mesh so well with the high-speed boosting, but I bet they could make it work well from what I saw so far.
th-th-th-THIS YEAR!??!?!? =D
Anyone else notice the Sonic CD music in the background. (At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what it is.)
Eh, I’m kinda excited for this, but I’m still expecting them to fuck it up, again. It’s all the same sound bytes as Sonic 4.
I need me some Hydrocity. Especially if it has a remix similar to Walk On Water.
Think Chemical Plant Zone instead.
The remix should BE Walk on Water. Nothing else.
^ This.
We already know Chemical Plant is comin’ back. It just seems pretty obvious to me. I can’t explain it…
Me too, Sonic Generations was hinted to the public weeks before the game was actually confirmed. And I beleive that Chemical Plant Zone is naturally the first zone ANYONE would include if they attempt to include a Sonic 2 stage.
Oil Ocean.
Nnnnnaaaaa, when I think of Oil Ocean Zone, I think of sinking in oil and robot sea horses puking sh*t ball at you. But when I think of Scrap Brain Zone, I think of razor blades trying to slice you in half, giant spiny balls, and flame throwers. You’re wrong about Oil Ocean. Scrap Brain Zone is the way to go!!!
Good but how about a classic version of Eggmanland.
I don’t think many people would approve of it (despite it being long over) due to that damn oil spill. I know I wouldn’t, at the very least if it is included its inclusion remains questionable to me.
Spring Yard half-pipes plz.
I agree with Gene. Chemical Plant all the way!
Well yes, but aside Labyrinth Zone as well!
Labyrinth zone or gtfo.
I’m with you all the way. Labyrinth Zone is essential.
/ragequitguy voice
But really, as corny as the song was, I liked it.
I can’t wait for the OST… so much music to use for my remix channel.
Am I the only one realizing that Sonic Colours No Wisp Edition Feat. Claddic Sonic in Green Hil Zone probably plays quite similar to regular colours? I read somewhere the controls were rather crap and the physics only look marginally better than Sonic 4.
i’m all for Flame Core “and White Acropolis” from 2006, but i wonder if we’re gonna see some of the 8Bit levels too, Gigalopolos Zone?
“For the first time since Genesis-era Sonic we’re trying to reproduce the Genesis experience Momentum-based gameplay” <- i thought Sonic Advance 1 did that well!
Sonic Advance made no attempt whatsoever to recreate the Genesis style gameplay.
I’d like to see Egg Rocket zone. One of my favorites.
the first one did though, it even had the same exact momentum gameplay and jumping/spinning physics, even the one ring always goes to the left just like the genesis which is something that never happened in any other game!
The rings
and way too far as well, if you got hit! I remember well, it’s something that has only been applied to either Advance or Rush, both being Dimps!
Hmm… Crisis City & Final Egg to name a couple
“For the first time since Genesis-era Sonic, we’re trying to basically reproduce the Genesis experience,” said Riley. “Momentum-based gameplay, stop-and-go platforming, speed is a reward, the multiple levels of exploration and paths that players can take throughout the game.”
Sonic 4 was unavailable for comment.
-That, my good sir, is the kind of blogging that becomes the stuff of legend ;P
It also shows, quite evidently, the apparent* lack of involvement in the game by Sega themselves in the development of the title. Or I could be wrong here.
Someone tell me…?
(apparent because I may not be too sure)
I know I’ve said it a lot but the thought of having an HD remake of ice cap give me Gamgasms.
Although I wouldn’t mind Hydrocity, with it’s awesome music and act 2 crushing wall of death, either.
I’m pretty sure I played this already, it was called Holaska
Couldn’t watch the whole damn video without that pissing me off.
Before Sonic Generations was even announced, most Sonic fans (if not all) were hoping for a sequal to the Sonic Adventure series: “Sonic Adventure 3.” But now, because Sonic Generations is confirmed, there simply MUST be a dreamcast-era Sonic. It is absolutely essential. It’s as important as classic Sonic. In my opinion, I think that dreamcast-era Sonic is even more important than classic Sonic. But, the question that faces most Sonic fans about this topic is: If classic Sonic has the 2D-style gameplay, and modern Sonic has the Unleashed-style gameplay, what kind of gameplay style will the Dreamcast-era Sonic have? Well, one thing I’m dissapointed at is that Dreamcast-era Sonic made no appearance in the trailer. I think that the recently released trailer for Sonic Genearions is the Beta version. YES, the Beta version. Half of the objects in the video were discolored, and Dreamcast-era Sonic was missing. So there has to be another “official” trailer to be released to the public soon. Bottom line is, if Dreamcast-era Sonic is not included in Sonic Generations, that would be the biggest flaw that Sega could ever possibly make. Period.
“It’s as important as classic Sonic.”
Sorry, but no.
Aren’t Dreamcast-Era & Modern Era Sonic the same thing?
Indeed they are – it’s just that Modern Sonic changed himself over the years eventually becoming more and more about the rush of speed (not JUST speed).
And I have a theory, which I’ll make as a reply to I’mSonic#1, that counters his “Dreamcast-era” thing. (thanks for the basis btw)
Modern Sonic (despite the few changes to him up until his current design right now) has been the same character since Adventure – so Adventure-style Sonic is not plausible enough to make a seperate character.
PLUS, look at the story! There clearly wasn’t any indication that a third Sonic would join the other two (as it is Modern Sonic who gets sucked in the time portal or w/e in the first place!)
In my opinion, the most important stages that should be included in Sonic Generations aside from the already confirmed Green Hill Zone are: Labyrinth Zone (Sonic 1), Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2), Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure), and City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2).
Speed Highway would be awesome.
Honestly, I cannot wait for this game! 😀 I’m really curious to see what levels they remake. I think Marble Zone, Emerald Coast, Speed Highway, City Escape, Final Rush, and Wave Ocean need to be in this game. I’d love to be able to finally run through Wave Ocean with a fast Sonic.
2D Era: Chemical Plant, Ice Cap, Lava Reef, Stardust Speedway
Dreamcast Era: Emerald Coast, Red Mountain, City Escape, Metal Harbour, Green Forest, Final Rush
Modern Era: Crisis City
These are what I want/predict
THANK YOU SIR! I say the same. You named the ones I want to see remade. Launch Base Zone would be great too!! I think its available for reserve already at Gamestop. Gonna go do that soon!
Chemical Plant Zone for sure. I think that Stardust Speedway or another Sonic CD level would be nice to see again.
I think lava reef from S&K would be a better choice than Flame Core (it would also test them on how far they are willing to go with gameplay gimmicks). Flame Core had some spunk visually but it was a bit boring.
As far as levels, arbitrary levels I’d like to see recreated might be Toxic Caves, Mystic Mansion\Hang Castle, pretty much any level from Sonic CD, Sky Deck Zone, etc.
For some reason despite the fact that the allure of this game is classic sonic playing through redesigned classic levels in an unleashed style has got me more excited about this game than the other way around haha.
Personally, I think there will be just a level from each game: S1: Green Hill. S2: Chemical Plant. S3: Ice Cap. S&K: Death Egg. SCD: Stardust Speedway. Etc. Picking more than one from each canon game wouldn´t be possible in the timeframe they have.
I personally Hope Metropolis Zone, Aquatic Ruins Zone & Mystic Cave Zone (StH2), Star Light Zone (StH), maybe Collision Chaos or Stardust Speedway? (StHCD), Icecap Zone & Launch Base Zone (StH3), about most if not all of Sonic & Knuckles Zones, Final Chase, Radical Highway & City Escape (SA2). That’s about all I can think of at the moment.
“Hmm… A grass level. Interesting.”
It looks as if this Woman has never played Sonic before. XD
This could be the chance to push for lost levels… lets go Hidden Palace, Cyber City, Dust Hill, Wood Zone…. *shot*
Saint Maria, it’s so overwhelming! OK me, chill out, stick to your top 5 (Note: the order is random) :
1. Angel Island, because the last time we saw it, it was the size of a backyard
2. Death Egg, because all these space headquarters, cool as they may be, need to pay a bit of respect to the Big Daddy
3. Sky Deck, because I love SA1 (and the Sonic that it accompanies…) and Sky Deck keeps you excited & aware
4. Night Palace, because the theme is just so cool with palace, the flying carpet, and of course the spirit side of the level
5. Rail Canyon & Bullet Station, because you just do a lot in this pair, with all the trains to dodge and sometimes ride on, and the switch-rails are good material
Angel Island wasn’t the size of a back-yard! Everything from like, the inside of that cave / the jungle with the echidna temple and emerald shrine are on there and thats implied to only be a small part of the island
thats why you play ‘Ice Cap’ on there in the cave, it’s Ice Cap from Sonic 3&Knuckles
You seem to have misunderstood me, sir/ma’am. I’m aware of the large-ocity-ism of Angel Island. However, in Sonic Chronicles, the game with the most recent appearance of the island and a HUGE plot twist involving echidnas, the island was pitifully tiny.
Here’s a site with a picture of about 40-50% of this version:
OK, fine. It’s the size a public park. Anyhow, the vast and important Angel Island is one I wanna see return. Red Mountain for the win.
Actually, thinking it over in my head… can you guys who played Sonic R imagine a full proper Sonic level based off of Radiant Emerald?
Sonic Colors would be drab in comparison.
Seizure Zone then?
I’d love to see them do a whole Death Egg Zone tribute from S3&K, boss included. The Classic stages need no explanation but for the Modern, perhaps we could see Sonic running through the stage as the Kyodai Egg Robo destroys the entire zone in a fit of rage. As for the Dreamcast era, I’d love to see Egg Carrier’s stages make a comeback or the Radical Highway or even the Green Forest from SA2. This makes me think though, are we going to see a bunch of Sonic Heroes stages or Green Grove Zone be remade? If so, SEGA better add in Rail Canyon Zone or perhaps something completely new to suprise us.
I can’t believe Nintendo is getting a shitty minigame collection for Sonic’s birthday instead of this masterpiece.
Hedgehog Engine. It seems to be too advanced *despite being able to work on the Havok Engine* to work on the Wii, despite Sonic Colours proving that it can work without it. Maybe it’s the control scheme (It’d be hard to figure out how they’d fit in Unleashed-style play into the Wii unless you remove what Sonic Colours added after the PS2/Wii version of Unleashed, and that’s the option for Wii Remote alone).
Don’t speculate that the London 2012 game’s going to be shitty straight away, GAMEPLAY FIRST!
And what does it matter to me? I recently had my Wii’s disc reader inside being busted due to my copy of Brawl (I racked up over 600 hours on that thing!) so I don’t have a console that can play ANY of those games!
One thing that can support why Nintendo should have this game as well is the fact that the 360’s discs are the same space as a Dual-Layer (I think) Wii Optical Disc.
…I don’t trust those things anymore, as I said, Brawl ruined my Wii
What Nintendo needs isn’t HD, it doesn’t need fancy sound. It needs a real game and not a rehash of the same minigames that we get in every other wii game.
Does it really matter what we say? ‘Cause HD for Wii (seems to be) coming anyway. Search up the latest on “Project Cafe” which was recently 100% confirmed to be the successor to the Wii and rumoured to be more powerful than the 360 or PS3 and will be playable at E3 2011.
Also, we GOT a real game just previously. I guess Sega’s trying to repay PS3/360 fans for not making Sonic Colours multiplatform.
So what? This isn’t just any Sonic game. This is supposed to be THE Sonic game. THE return of classic Sonic. What does Nintendo get? A gimped Sonic that doesn’t run fast, a gimped Mario that can’t jump and the same “swing the wii remote this way” and “thrust the wii remote like a damn sword” minigames that I’ve seen in almost all the wii games I own. I only have like 3 or 4 real games, and the rest were lame party games that I bought, thinking that they were going to be halfway decent.
Little boy, let me tell you why Sega is not relaeasing this game on the Wii. When Sega releases an anniversary game, they don’t release it on a Nintendo console because that would just be a disgrace for Sonic’s namesake. If you look at all the Sonic games that were released in the past 6 years, not a single title was exclusive to PS3 and Xbox 360 except Sonic ’06 (15th anniversary) and Sonic Generations (20th anniversary). Why? Because, they’re anniversary games.
Good point! I’d say you’ve got the stronger point there.
I guess with these anniversary games they’re keeping with the classic “Genesis does what Nintendon’t”
Then there’s the Wii-exclusive games. I wonder what the case is with them? (reply to my other comment above if you want to reply as I want to respond if you do)
Sonic 2’s Chemical Plant
Sonic 3’s Ice Cap
S&K’s Sandopolis
Sonic Adventure’s Windy Valley
SA2’s City Escape
Sonic Heroes’s Egg Castle or whatever it’s called
Sonic 06’s Emerald Coast or whatever it’s called
Hang Castle and Wave Ocean on your last two.
Chemical Plant is a must. And Hydrocity. And Lava Reef. Oh, can Lost World be in this one, too?
Chemical Plant and Hydrocity are a must to me too, but I’m afraid to say that Lava Reef and Lost World don’t stand out of the bunch. I’d say Sky Sanctuary Zone and Speed Highway would do.
flying battery would be pretty interesting to see in ‘modern mode’, as would eggmanland in ‘classic mode’. i’d personally perfer metallic madness over scrap brain. the crazy-ass saws, shrink ray, and all.
I’d love to see Aquatic Ruin Zone, especially an enhancement of that amazing music.
sonic 2: chemical plant
sonic 3: hydrocity,ice cap
sonic & knuckles : flying battery,lava reef
adventure : windy valley
Speed highway and city escape could be both in an metropolitan themed zone,
plus we need something like death egg or the ark.
About modern levels they can pick whatever even from 06, as long as they are playable and they aren’t clones of other levels.
Sonic 1: Labyrinth Zone, Starlight Zone
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant, Mystic Cave, Hidden Palace
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Hidrocity, Ice Cap, Flying Battery, Lava Reef
Sonic 3D: Gene Gadget (The soundtrack of this zone is very epic for me)
Adventure: Emerald Coast, Lost World
Adventure 2: City Escape, Green Forest
Heroes: Hang Castle / Mystic Mansion
2006: Crisis City, Kingdom Valley
Unleashed: Spagonia, Adabat (Imagine both playing with classic Sonic)
If I were the programmer, I would add all Genesis levels 😛
Scrap Brain Zone
Here’s a better, more specific list in my opinion:
Sonic 1: Labyrinth Zone
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Zone
Sonic 3: Hydrocity Zone
Sonic Adventure: Speed Highway
Sonic Adventure 2: City Escape.
I were the programmer, I would add new, enhanced levels because I’m sick and tierd of fans like you saying that the genesis Sonic games are better. We’re in the year 2011, we want innovation, NOT renovation!
Where did I say that genesis games are better than the new ones?
This game is to celebrate Sonic’s 20th Anniversary, and as we have seen Green Hill Zone in a new 3D HD style, all I would like to see is just how the genesis levels would look like using the technology nowadays, wouldn’t you like to see that?
By the way, I love SA, daytime levels in Unleashed (I’m hooked on them), and Colors. Innovation and renovation can fit together.
And if you don’t want renovation, then why did you make a list? I don’t understand.
Innovation is very relative, just think on the werehog, and princess Elise. I hope we never see something like that.
Finally, don’t talk like you are representing all Sonic fans, there are lots of opinion. If you want renovation, that’s fine for me, others want renovation, and others both. Please don’t use “we”.
PD: I’m adding a new line to my list:
Colors: Sweet Mountain, Asteroid Coaster (imagine them both in HD)
Sonic 1: Marble Zone
Sonic 2: Chemical Plant Zone, Casino Night, Wing Fortress
Sonic 3 and knuckles: Ice Cap Zone, Flying Battery Zone, Lava Reef Zone, Death Egg Zone
Sonic Adventure: Ice Cap, Speed Highway, Sky Deck
SA2: Metal Harbor, Green Forest/White Jungle (They are both about the same to me), Crazy Gadget
Heroes: Hang Castle, Casino Park, Ocean Palace
2006: Crisis City
Unleashed: Rooftop Run (Daytime, obviously. Any of the daytime stages will work for me)
And no-one mentioned sandopolis zone?? not really on the speed side but Act 2 of that zone was quite the challenge first time round, and a more powerful egyptian boss
Sonic 1:
Marble Garden
(Scrap Brain would be insane in 3D)
(I just named all the sonic 1 levels didn’t I heh)
Sonic 2:
Chemical Plant
Mystic Cave
Aquatic Ruin
(Oil Ocean would be interesting to see in a modern level)
Sonic 3&K:
Hydro City
Flying Battery
Sky Sanctuary
Launch Base
Lava Reef
(Marble Garden might be interesting to see)
Those would be my favorites I’d love any of those remade.
Preferably all heh xD
I hope the special stages make a proper return in both classic and modern.
I’d go for the Sonic 2 stages over Sonic 1 but I miss Sonic 3
I mix of Sonic 1 and 2 for special stages in Classic and a mix of Sonic 2 and 3 for Modern special stages.
That would be rather interesting to see.
This game really looks promising. I admit. It looks like it has the potential of being called the “true” remake of 16-bit Sonic in HD.
what i want to know is will the dreamcast era games play like the dreamcast…or will it play like unleashed? i’m thinking some how they are going to adapt them to unleashed because they said all levels will be playable by modern and classic sonic, so why would modern sonic not boost like crazy in the adventure levels?
although sega did say they have a lot more game play surprises for us, so i guess we’ll just have to wait and see :).
Wait a minute…. I know everyone’s been mentioning levels from Sonic 1 – 3, but what about a remake of one of the levels from Sonic CD? Like, that music zone where you had to save Amy in a race against Metal Sonic? (sorry, can’t remember the name for some reason)
But, THAT would be awesome to see in today’s graphics in HD.
That would be Stardust Speedway. It’s certainly a possibility, especially with Robotnik’s instant-kill death beam following behind you. Modern Sonic would make a mockery of that race, though.
True. But then again, Metal did boost at times and if done right, he could probably speed up as fast as Modern; giving a sense of challenge if that Sonic had to race him. Still, I would love to see one of those levels from that game revamped for this anniversary. I think it had one of the most creative sceneries in any Sonic game from the classic era. And, thanks for reminding me of the level’s name. 🙂
I’d like to see a different version of Classic Sonic on the box art depending on the region. Seeing Modern and Classic Sonic wagging their fingers in front of Green Hill Zone would really make my day.