So it may not have years of drama behind it, but in the aftermath of the “Kuta Saga” I think we all need a nice, simple video of a guy animating Sonic the Hedgehog all on his own, and in a flipbook. Oh man, I love flipbooks!
YouTube user BloodyRenegadeX is on a one man quest to resurrect a lost art that entertained youths across the world back before the advent of the Internet. He has quite a few other animations on his channel that are video game related, so it doesn’t hurt to check them out. Hey, look at that. He even has another Sonic the Hedgehog one! And it’s got Eggman in it!
Now that’s fancy.
Man, I was gonna call inb4’s on Kuta.
I’d pay 300 bucks for that.
Never mind paying $500 for a plushy, it’s would go straight to that.
Now that is quality stuff. I loved part 2 of it especially the second half.
This… makes Sonic X look like the friggin’ CD-I Mario Hotel game.
Oh wow flipbooks are cool. xD
That’s worth more than $300.
I loved every bit of it.
Hey, that’s cool.
And how about my flipbooks?:
Sonic & Shadow Race:
(Now, with sound effects and music!):
Sonic & Shadow Race 2:
That’s actually kinda nifty!
You are freeking amazing.
The dimensions are really good.
I cant beleive you took the time to color is at all.
Dang, now that is some good quality stuff.
Keep the classic Sonic alive forever!!
That was amazing and exactly how sonic should look in a 2-d game.
Now that is good stuff. Can I buy those?
That was so amazing, and extremely entertaining, I hope he makes more! Part 2 was especially cool and my favorite, it looked so cool like i was watching an actual animation on the computer. Reminds me of the pencil test in Sonic CD. I wish I had the skills to make a flip book now. 😛
Heheh, I like.
Man, that’s so awesome.
This makes me super nostalgic, and respectful.
I used to make these all the time before i started animating on the computer, people used to beg me to see them, i got ripped on allot in middle school but people started respecting me more when they saw my flipbooks. They were not quite up to this quality though.
this looks fabulous, please scan the pics and make a pencil animation of it…
This is the creativity that should be on Devinart.
You sir are very talented. Man I wish I was that good…I’m too damn dislexic. Hope to see that in color some day down the road lol. That’s friggin awesome!
Thats it! Thats so it!
From now on, ALL sonic game video sequences should be made via flip books.
Also made by this guy. Atleast a fan game intro come on. xD
Reminds me of the Sonic CD intro, man I loved that into.
I só want to make a video out of those 4 flipbook-scenes and the Sonic Boom-song. It would fit perfectly.