While covering the European Amusement and Gaming Expo, forum member NiktheGreek also managed to catch a few other Sonic related machines on display at the show.
First up is Sonic Quad Air, a four-player Sonic themed air hockey table. While not deviating much from normal air hockey, the addition of two players at least spells for a rather chaotic match.
The more interesting machine, and no doubt already getting soccer moms lined up to ban the machine in the United States, is a Sonic series slot machine. Much like the slots in casinos and games, you line up the reels to win a prize. In this case, the payout is done in redeemable prize tickets, with triple Chaos Emeralds promising a payout of about 100 tickets and a jackpot of an ever increasing amount of tickets included.
A special thanks to Nik for taking the photos, viewable in the gallery below.
Casino Night is real now. Or would it be Casino Street?
lol you beat me to that line! 😀
Fricking soccer moms going all “BAWWW” at the slightest impurities exposed to children. POKÉMON has slots in the games! Oh, that’s right, HG/SS got the slots removed from the english version. I bet soccer moms had something to do with that.
Anyway, pretty cool. I’d like it if they played Casino Night Zone in the area with the slots but that’s just me 😛
And the Quad-Air looks pretty fun. Certainly an interesting idea to make the game more competative and, possibly, more fun.
Except this time the Voltorb Flip game is fun this time. Thanks Soccer Moms!
What’s that!? It’s harder to gain coins on Voltorb flip? FUUUUUUUUUU-
Gee. Thanks Soccer Moms.
I don’t think it’s the soccer moms as much as its the developers or publishers pussing out in fear of soccer moms.
I kinda loled at the 4 Player Hockey Table. WTF were they thinking?
If you get 3 Eggmans in a row for the slot machine, will you get 100 spike balls launched at you?
i’ll be disappointed if it didn’t!
Please. This is old-school Sonic we’re talking about. He must be referred to as Dr. Robotnik. And I’d be disappointed too if it didn’t
Casino Night Zone Live.
I like the slots design. At least it doesn’t look like some cheap artwork reusing.
Anyone else find it deliciously evil that Dr. Eggman is running the slots?
So if I get 3 sonic faces do I get a 1-up LOL? Definitely casino street there. I wonder if they have a bank deposit there that will shake the living $%#$ out of ya for all your umm I guess its tickets here instead of rings LOL.
I need quarters. Stat.
By way of example, in case you stumbled upon a gamer who’s being annoying or disrespectful for you at the table in the
centre of a give more frequently than not this is a notify of strength.