Tomorrow is October, the month of Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Though it won’t be long before everyone and their avatar will have their own “HANDS-ON” opinion of the latest Sonic game, SEGA is priming the hype train with their latest trailer. Exclusive to Gamespot, the trailer showcases the penultimate level in the game, Mad Gear. Full of twists, turns, steam and (this is the craziest part) gears, it is sure to be the highlight of the game, even if takes more than a few cues from Metropolis Zone. But hey, who didn’t love every single badnik in that level? Right?
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: It’s potentially…
You would think they would actually break out the Mad Gear music for this trailer instead of Generic Filler Audio #47 + THX knockoff noise.
But then I wouldn’t get to laugh at how THX sings the Hallelujah chorus when they see the logo for Sonic 4. D=
I don’t see anything new at all from this trailer. Doesn’t look like SEGA touched this level, but then again when I watched the leak I thought it was pretty good. Hopefully it can live to it’s expectations.
I bet he’s about to fall into a bottomless pit at 0:31.
Nah, the game has those, but usually at the end of an act with a Homing Chain kind of deal above it. =P
(Un)fortunatelly, falling at 0:31 will lead to the path at 0:27 (the transportation tube).
Sounds like whoever writes the music for these trailers was rushed by the sudden creation of this trailer. Still, it’s a good trailer.
Is there going to be anything original in this game, or at least a new concept for a level design, all I’ve seen so far is crap lifted from the original games, I mean at least between Casino Night in S2 there is Carnival Night in S3, so we got Mad Gear, Casino Street and who wants to bet Circus Avenue or some crap.
Hi, I’m Spike Connor, and I’m missing the point of the game.
Yeah well I thought the point was getting back to the fundamental game play that was created in the original Genesis series and away from what they have been doing for the past decade. I mean of course every game borrowed from level themes as said, Casino Nights, Carnival Nights, they were similiar but yet unique in their own way. From what I saw of Mad Gear, its just a modern version of Metro Zone down to the gears, warp tubes and bounce walls. Don’t know, was expecting something a little different, that is all.
Hi, I’m Spike Connor, and I missed all those times where we were told Episode I would be a reintroduction to the original games, and Episode II would be more original.
Umm, if I wanted a “reintroduction” to the original games why wouldn’t I just play the original games??? Are you saying that you were actually told there was nothing to see here and you’re still excited? You bunch of sheep. You bunch of … dummies.
Hi, I’m Spike Connor, I’m not some basement dwelling Sega Fanboys who had gobbled up, read and breathed every single word SoA has dished out and indeed didn’t hear them say it was a reintroduction of the original game, otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered voicing my opinion on what I’ve seen so far as a third person party. Sorry but I live in the real world, you guys enjoy your Sega Gloryhole and if you’re in college, enjoy it while it lasts, real life is one harsh bitch.
That’s pretty harsh Spike. Kids, once you experience the inevitable dissappointment please do refrain from grabbing the nearest rope … and hanging yourself.
College? Funny, I could have swore I got made redundant from my Job of 5 years yesterday.
Anyway, my point is, they have said Episode 1 will contain throwbacks and the future Episodes will be more original. You’re basing an entire game based on the first four levels, when there’s so much more to come. Those are just the facts, it’s not my fault if you’re too ignorant to understand that and want to lash out at everyone who ever watched an E3 video as a fanboy. Get over yourself, fool.
What an ass.
Redundant turns to homicidal around 7 years. I wouldn’t call it lashing out, more like kicking the bee hive and see what kind of response I can get from people, indeed a little ticked cause I feel people are targeting my crappy name, invented in 1994 by a pre-teen kid who drew crappy sonic based comics. Its not ignorance of understanding but more ignorance of not paying full on attention to the news and announcements that Sega has released and said, I’ve checked Retro multiple times a week for updates but didn’t really go too deep below the surface. When they said Reintroduction I assumed they meant the general game play of the original Genesis games and not the actual levels of the original series. With that I was expecting something different, but if its a reintroduction of both, then they’re doing a fine job at it. But you have per say Balough claiming that “Casino Streets Zone isn’t inspired by any of the previous ones” when obviously the level was lifted from Casino Nights over any other casino themed zone in the series. Same with Mad Gear. I’d rather go with a touch confused and unclear over ignorant. Either way, bonus point to you FileTrekker for coming back with an intelligent answer, and interesting result of kicking the hedgehog bee hive.
And the winner of the dork-off is … FileTrekker!!! He made Spike do almost a complete 180 which is kinda sad since Spike’s original comment was about the only valid one here.
Holy cow. I can’t wait for this to come out! Looks like a marathon playthrough of Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Knuckles’ Sonic&K story are needed!
This level is just gorgeous.
Slicers can get fucked. Especially that one in Sonic Pocket Adventure. You know the one.