This is a neat one. Forum member Neo Hazard made this way past cool mosaic of the classic Sonic title screen after two hours of work and over 495 individual gameplay screenshots from the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive:
Check out the full-sized image in the forum topic.
Cool! Front page in less than twenty minutes! Thanks Tweaker!
Hell dude, it’s worth it though. You did an amazing job. ^_^
I concur. It is really that awesome.
Wow. That in indeed way past cool.
dude thats epic it is 1 of the coolest sonic things i ever saw
Nice dude! REALLY nice! Must’ve taken you a LONG time! Any repeats in those pictures?
Quite a few, actually. It’s roughly 2000 x 2000, so with 495 screenshots, there are some repeats. 😉
what if you took the original picture and replaced each pixel with a picture?
that would make it look less garbled and each picture wouldnt have to be a specific screen shot, it would just need to be the right colour.
That must have taken ages to put together OO;; Way past cool!
i just love this mosaic