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Fan Works

Big’s Big Fishing Adventure 3 Delayed Until Early 2017

Big the Cat’s starring debut is going to be taking a bit longer to fish out. In an announcement released by Tails’ Channel, Big’s debut game has been delayed from it’s initial December release date.

For those not aware of the game, Big’s Big Fishing Adventure 3 re-tells the story of Sonic Adventure 2. This time from the perspective of that fat cat based on his numerous cameos in the game. Further details were released through the panel hosted at the 2016 Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam. You can catch up on the going’s on for Big’s big debut by watching the panel here, starting at 46:00. The game’s developed by members of the Sonic community in order to raise efforts for Child’s Play.
We at Sonic Retro share involvement in the project and are just as passionate for Big the Cat as everyone else is working on it. You can expect to keep an eye on us or the other teams involved with the game’s development when the game finally releases in early 2017.

Community, Miscellaneous

FTCR to Stream Sonic Boom for Young Girl with Cancer

This Saturday at 1pm EST/6pm GMT, the guys at Find the Computer Room will stream Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric to help raise money for Emily Monroe, a 3-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with cancer. Special guests lined up for the event include Mike Pollock and Cindy Robinson, among others.
FTCR member FTA has provided a video detailing everything that will go down:
The stream will take place on the FTCR Twitch page. If you would like to donate immediately, you can visit Emily’s GoFundMe page.

Comics, Community, Fan Works, Miscellaneous

Tracy Yardley Charity Stream this Saturday

The following is a guest post from community member FTA.packrat_trio_COLOR
On Saturday April 19th, Find The Computer Room will be teaming up with Packrat Comics in Dublin, Ohio to host a special charity stream for the one and only Tracy Yardley! We aim to start around 3pm EST, and it will be a fun filled event for people of all ages. We plan to spend time playing several Sonic games, talking about the Archie series and Tracy’s influential work on them over the years, and we’ll be airing an exclusive interview with the man himself!
In order to explain, let me pass over to the man himself:
To My Wonderful Fans,
Having worked with Archie Comics on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics has been a great privilege. Unlooked for, the good people of the Packrat Sonic Club of Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio had  a divine revelation that I could use some help and decided to run a benefit on my behalf. As some may know, I am the father of 5 children. My wife and I adopted 3 and had 2 of our own as well. By many standards I am a very rich man, but this last year has been trying in the money department. I know there are many out there who are in a much worse position that I am, but I’m very grateful for the help offered to me. I am continually awed by the love and encouragement I receive from my fans and I hope to help with future charity efforts to share the amazing goodwill that my fans have shown me.
With gratitude,
Tracy Yardley!
Tracy has been kind enough to offer up some personal signed material for the stream, we have signed issues, trade paperbacks, toys and original art to give away for donators!
We hope to see you at 3pm EST on Saturday April 19th at the FTCR Twitch channel for what promises to be an afternoon of fun no Sonic fan will want to miss!

Game News

Yogscast DLC Revealed for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed


S0L has been teasing a new controversial character to be added to the roster of the PC version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Nothing has been set in stone as of yet, but according to a recent stream from the Yogscast, one of UK’s top Youtube channels. Recently Yogscast revealed that they’re pushing for a new Humble Bundle that is currently not active, but reportedly has the racer as part of the deal, in addition to their livestream that they revealed not only the bundle, but that there is charity DLC on the way for the PC version. They didn’t reveal what exactly it is, but given S0L’s comments, and what they mentioned and showed on the stream, which isn’t much, is that you get to play as Yogscast’s own Simon.

Now before you throw your rocks, keep in mind it is entirely for charity and not a deal of a Lets Play “celebrity” taking away a spot of a potential SEGA character. S0L also mentioned that there is more stuff on the way that would be bigger. But for now, this is whats set for December 6th, and they’re also giving away free copies of the game and putting the game as part of the Humble Bundle.

Do it for the children.


Community, Humor, Miscellaneous

UPDATED: PSA: Sonic Lost World “First Play” Charity Marathon This Saturday

Watch live video from Nyteworks on

The stream is live right now, be sure to hit play in the player above and donate often!

Usually, we don’t really cover goings-on with other sites in the community, much less those outside of it. However, when a charity marathon pops up that is not only centered around the as-of-yet-unreleased-in-the-U.S. Sonic Lost World on Wii U but also features Archie Comics’ own Ian Flynn (the man behind the current line of Archie Sonic comics and Mega Man comics), exceptions can be made.

Mega Man Network site staffer LBD Nytetrayn will be streaming the game while chatting with Flynn about all things Sonic and Mega Man, and viewers will be able to grill the man behind the panels about all things comics. On top of donating to the Sick Kids Foundation, raffles will be open to donors for prizes such as Sonic Boom 2013 lanyards, the History of Sonic book from Udon, and even a Deluxe Wii U with a copy of Lost World.

For the Americans that can’t wait until Tuesday or don’t have a Wii U, here’s one more chance to see the game in action live. The activities kick off at noon Eastern time and will be available for viewing on Nyte’s own page, through, and on YouTube.

Fan Works, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Speed Demos Archive Hosts Charity Event Featuring Colors, 06, Shadow and More


While this is a week-long event, the folks behind the Speed Demos Archive are hosting a charity event and hours of video games “Done-quick” live….right now! Even if you’re waiting for Lebron’s film, you’ll recognize some participants such as Da1andonlysonic.

Also if you donate, not only will you be eligible for prizes, you’ll also be able to sway certain campaigns, such as which character you’d like to see played in Sonic 2006. Check out the prizes and schedule here.

They’re currently going through Sonic Colors and can watch the stream on their website or through their Twitch page.

Also, hey! It’s for charity! Show some love and fight for a cure for cancer.