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SEGA Talk Podcast: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

The infamous Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) celebrated its 10th year anniversary earlier this week so George and Barry of SEGAbits decided to sit down with Sonic Retro’s Bartman3010 and David the Lurker to recount our thoughts on the title. On this episode we go through the concept of Sonic the Hedgehog, talk about various gameplay elements, glitches, music, and some of us even have nice things to say (maybe). If you wanna go back a whole decade and relive the grand adventure that is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 just hit play below or subscribe to us via your favorite podcast network.

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If you like what you heard, check out our past episodes. If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add them as a comment below or send them directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

Fan Works, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Speed Demos Archive Hosts Charity Event Featuring Colors, 06, Shadow and More


While this is a week-long event, the folks behind the Speed Demos Archive are hosting a charity event and hours of video games “Done-quick” live….right now! Even if you’re waiting for Lebron’s film, you’ll recognize some participants such as Da1andonlysonic.

Also if you donate, not only will you be eligible for prizes, you’ll also be able to sway certain campaigns, such as which character you’d like to see played in Sonic 2006. Check out the prizes and schedule here.

They’re currently going through Sonic Colors and can watch the stream on their website or through their Twitch page.

Also, hey! It’s for charity! Show some love and fight for a cure for cancer.

Game News, Music

Sonic 2006 TGS 2005 Theme Discovered

As a research site on the good (and bad) of the Sonic series, we couldn’t possibly let this one slip past us.

Russian Sonic site Sonic Scene posted what appears to be the music used in the very first trailer of the later ill-regarded Sonic The Hedgehog (2006). What’s special about all of this is the track was never used in game or, more over, released in any sort of auditory form aside from a trailer with off-mic noise.

But thanks to the efforts of Russian Sonic fan Mefiresu, he found a song that is strikingly similar to the audio used in the video. You can grab the near-five minute clip and listen for yourself right here.